(13) ¿Por qué no vienen?
Hablar/\&icniber Diana va al cine, pero sus amigos no van. Ella explica por qué, (llitt
Jlio no viene conmigo porque vo o procticar deportes.
1. tú & hacer la tarea \\
2. Ignacio & leer el periódico
3. mis primos & preparar la cena
cuidar a su hermano
4. Emiliana & andar en biddeta
5. Ana & ver la televisión
6. Jorge & practicar deportes
7. Marta y Rosa & escribir una carta
8. Soffa &

9. Angelina
10. Ricardo

(13) Por Qu No Vienen?Hablar/\&icniber Diana Va Al Cine, Pero Sus Amigos No Van. Ella Explica Por


Answer 1


&   ir a la playa \\


Angelina no viene conmigo porque quiere ir a la playa. Ricardo no viene conmigo porque quiere hacer la tarea.


Related Questions

Listen to the audio and then answer the following question. Feel free to listen to the audio as many times as necessary before answering the question.

How many siblings does Ricardo have?



Ricardo have 2 siblings
He has tres siblings in the audio

Which indigenous group lived in Honduras?


Question: Which indigenous group lived in Honduras?

Answer: Mayans


This culture lived in Honduras, it had two periods, between the IV and IX centuries, they also enabled areas between Honduras and Guatemala.

Today, in the Department of Copán, in the place known as Copán Ruinas, there are great pyramids left by the Mayans.

¿Qué nota se obtuvo en un quinto examen, si en los cuatro anteriores se obtuvo: 12; 14, 16 y 18 respectivamente; y su promedio final fue de 14?​


El promedio, también conocido como la media, es un valor que representa a un conjunto de valores. En este ejemplo, la nota del quinto examen es 10.

Qué es un promedio?

El promedio es un valor representativo de un conjunto de datos que se obtiene al sumar todos los valores y dividirlos por el número total de datos sumados.

En este ejemplo hay 5 valores (notas) y su promedio es de 14. Uno de dichos valores es desconocido y debemos obtenerlo.

Para calcularlo, podemos realizar un simple despeje como se muestra a continuación, donde X representa la nota desconocida:

(12 + 14 + 16 + 18 + X ) / 5 = 14

12 + 14 +16 + 18 + X = 14 x 5

60 + X = 70

X = 70 - 10

X = 10

La nota del quinto examen es entonces 10.

Puedes aprender mas a cerca de un promedio en



formula 4 consejos de salud a 2 chicos utilizando la Segundo personna Del plural y las esctruturas Del consejos que exigen el subjonctivo présente



salud persona del taco pural es bontio

Ella quiere contarnos bien todos los detalles de su estancia (stay) en España, y por eso me habló sobre su rutina diaria. Ella todos los días en su diario. Todos los días ella muy temprano porque a clases en la universidad por la mañana. con una familia española muy simpática. En la universidad ella y sus amigos tienen clases con los españoles y así (and so) pueden mucho español. A mediodía sus amigos y ella normalmente en la cafetería de la universidad, pero después de clase a tomar algo en un café. Por la tarde ella a casa para estudiar o escribir cartas. Toda la familia tiene que temprano durante la semana porque los padres mucho durante el día y los hijos en un colegio (high school). Sin embargo (however), los fines de semana ellos van al cine, bailan en las discotecas y, en general, mucho.


I don’t speak Spanish so I cannot help I am sorry

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate conjugation of ser or estar in the present tense.

1. Carolina _________________ de vacaciones en Cuzco

2. Tú __________________ bailarín profesional

3. Carlos y Andres ______________________ compañeros de trabajo

4. Emma y yo ____________________ en el restaurante italiano

5. Yo ___________________ chef en un restaurante en Nueva York

6. Camilo y Felipe __________________ mejores amigos.

7. La pirámide Chichén Itzá __________________ en México.

Verbos reflexivos
Describe your family’s daily routine with the following verbs.

maquillarse – levantarse – irse – afeitarse– bañarse

1. A las 6:30 a.m. yo y mi hermana ______________.

2. A las 7:30 mi padre ________________.

3. A las 8:00 a.m. tú _____________ antes de vestirte.

4. A las 8:30 mi hermana __________________ frente al espejo.

5. A las 9:00 mi hermana y mi padre _________________ al trabajo.

6. Escribe una pregunta para mí usando el reflexivo. Use the pronoun “tú”.

Saber and conocer
Fill in the blanks with the present tense form of saber or conocer

1. Yo no __________________ dónde queda el edificio de tecnología en mi universidad.

2. Tú________________________ un supermercado donde venden productos argentinos

3. Natalia_______________________ bailar muy bien

4. Nosotros __________________________ al bibliotecario de la universidad

5. Felipe y Joanna_________________________ conducir muy bien


Answer: 1. esta

2. eres

3. son

4. estamos




1.nos levantamos

2.se baña

3.te bañas

4.se maquilla

5.se van

6. Tu te has afeitado hoy?







Answers in bold and underlined.

PART 1 - Complete the following sentences with the appropriate conjugation of ser or estar in the present tense.

Answer 1: Carolina está de vacaciones en Cuzco.

Translation 1: Carolina will go on vacation in Cuzco.

Answer 2: eres un bailarín profesional.

Translation 2: You are a professional dancer.

Answer 3: Carlos y Andrés son compañeros de trabajo.

Translation 3: Carlos and Andrés are co-workers.

Answer 4: Emma y yo estamos en el restaurante italiano.

Translation 4: Emma and I are at the Italian restaurant.

Answer 5: Yo soy chef en un restaurante en Nueva York

Translation 5: I am a chef in a restaurant in New York.

Answer 6: Camilo y Felipe son mejores amigos.

Translation 6: Camilo and Felipe are best friends.

Answer 7: La pirámide Chichén Itzá está en México.

Translation 7: The Chichén Itzá pyramid is in Mexico.

Answer 6: Escribe una pregunta para mí usando el reflexivo. Use the pronoun “tú”.

¿Usted vive solo, aquí en su casa? <=> Do you live alone, here at home?

PART 2 - Saber and conocerFill in the blanks with the present tense form of saber or conocer.

Answer 1: Yo nodónde queda el edificio de tecnología en mi universidad.

Translation 1: I don't know where the technology building is at my university.

Answer 2: conoces un supermercado donde venden productos argentinos.

Translation 2: You know a supermarket where they sell Argentine products.

Answer 3: Natalia sabe bailar muy bien.

Translation 3: Natalia knows how to dance very well.

Answer 4: Nosotros conocemos al bibliotecario de la universidad.

Translation 4: We know the librarian at the university.

Answer 5: Felipe y Joanna saben conducir muy bien.

Translation 5: Felipe and Joanna know how to drive very well.

answers to these (using the word bank at the top)








86-te gustaría

87-voy a ir














Look at the store catalog and read the questions below. Then, record your answers in Spanish using any audio recording software. Submit the audio file to your teacher.


Lack Of Information.

Hello user_name. It seems that your questions is lacking critical information!

Please provide the questions and store catalog.

How do u say “I want to use the bathroom”? In Spanish



quiero usar el baño this is what you say


- Quiero usar el baño.


I want to use the bathroom = Quiero usar el baño.


Conjugate each verb in parentheses into the imperfect tense
Cuando mis padres 1. ______________ (ser) niños, ellos 2. ______________ (jugar) con muñecas y bloques y 3. ______________ (leer) muchos libros. Mi mamá 4. ____________ (bailar) mucho y mi papá 5. ____________ (ir) al patio de recreo porque 6. ____________ (gustar) jugar con sus amigas allí.


Answers in bold and underlined.

Answer: Cuando mis padres eran niños, ellos jugaban con muñecas y bloques y leían muchos libros. Mi mamá bailaba mucho y mi papá iba al patio de recreo porque le gustaba jugar con sus amigas allí.

Translation: When my parents were children, they played with dolls and blocks and read a lot of books. My mom danced a lot and my dad went to the playground because he liked to play with his friends there.

Write the correct definite (el/la) article below.
1. _____ chica
2. _____ mano
3. ___ casa
4. ____ problema
5. ___mapa
6. _____ chico
7. ____ libro
8. ____ universidad
9. _____ computadora
10. ______ taco


Answers in bold and underlined.

La chica ⇔ The girlLa mano ⇔ The handLa casa ⇔ The homeEl problema ⇔ The problemEl mapa ⇔ The mapEl chico ⇔ The boyEl libro ⇔ The bookLa universidad ⇔ The universityLa computadora ⇔ The ComputerEl taco ⇔ The taco



La chicaLa manoLa casaEl problemaEl mapa.El chicoEl libroLa universidadLa computadoraEl taco.

Highlight the correct translation.

1. Yo tomo

I drink You drink

2. Nosotros comemos

We eat She eats

3. Ella hace

She makes They make

4. Ellos beben

I drink They drink


1. i drink
2. we eat
3. she makes
4. they drink



I drinkWe eatShe makesThey drnk.
Other Questions
chromium deficiency is characterized by a. hypoglycemia. b. hyperparathyroidism. c. hyperglycemia. d. hypertension. e. weight loss. stephanie knows that a correlation between the number of bars and the number of churches in her city does not, in itself, mean that more bars will lead to a higher number of churches. which of the following would not be a lurking variable in the above scenario? a.) the city's budget b.) stephanie's proximity to the center of the city c.) the day of the week that stephanie attends service d.) population density Mary want to buy a bookcae to hold all of her 138 book. Bookcae A ha 4 helve and can hold 35 book on each helf. Bookcae B ha 5 helve and can hold 26 book on each helf. Which bookcae hould he buy?Bookcae A or bookcae B? A patient with high blood pressure would be expected to have skin that is? Solve angle ABC by using the measurements angle ABC = 90, angle BAC = 35, and a = 10. Round measures of sides to the nearest tenth and measures of angles to the nearest degree. How many buses do you need for 500 people if each bus holds 40 people? ____ refers to the oil-producing countries have no right to lower production in order to raise profits, since our standard of living depends upon that oil. Question 8To authenticate user accounts on a computer against AD, what must be done to the computer first? what is simplify 4^-4 What are the 3 C's of team players? Types of weather.how to change weather? which of the following is true of stakeholders? creditors are examples of internal stakeholders. stakeholders do not engage in an exchange relationship with their company. stockholders are internal stakeholders that provide an enterprise with risk capital. the goals of different stakeholder groups within a company are the same and therefore do not lead to any conflicts. it is mandatory for a company to satisfy the claims of all stakeholders. How do you write more than 50? A right triangle has side lengths of 15 in, 12 in, and 9 in. it is dilated by a scale factor and has new side lengths on 5 in, 4in, and 3 in. what was the scale factor? What is the longest word in Tagalog? consider a two-stage turbine operating at steady state with reheat at constant pressure between the stages. show that the maximum work is developed when the pressure ratio is the same across each stage. use a cold air-standard analysis, assuming the inlet state and the exit pressure are specified, each expansion process is isentropic, and the temperature at the inlet to each turbine stage is the same. kinetic and potential energy effects can be ignored. Why is 2 root 2 equal to root 2? Develop the tree table from the minimum tree for node 1 shown below. 10 Question 2 Sketch the network described by the accompanying link table. Find by observation the 'minimum tree' from node 1 and 2, respectively. Make a Tree Table for the 'minimum tree' for node1 7) Decision making begins with ________.A) selecting alternativesB) identifying decision criteriaC) identifying a problemD) eliminating false alternatives How do you write an equation in slope intercept form of the line that passes through the given point and is parallel to the graph of the given equation?