Are mayors elected or appointed?


Answer 1
They are appointed by a civil council or elected by the voters.

Related Questions

How do you choose the most candidate?


The second strategy is to speak about your unique abilities. Mention any traits that make you stand out from the crowd, specifically if they are unusual.

Who are the candidates?

A candidate, or nominee, is a person who is competing for an honor, prize, or position, such as being nominated to an office, and for whom a selection process is being conducted. being allowed entry into a group.

What happens if a write-in candidate wins?

Start writing candidates may still run in the primary for positions that receive public nomination. However, a write-in candidate can only make it to the election should they garner more support in the primary than the following two candidates combined.

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What do local governments regulate through zoning?


The goal of rezoning is to give local and federal authorities the ability to govern and regulate the land and real estate markets in order to ensure compatible uses. Zoning may also present the chance.

What are the top 7 property types?

The seven primary real estate types—residential, office, industrial-warehouse, hotel, retail, agricultural, and the remaining, catch-all category of "special"—are quickly understood by investors of all sizes.

What do you mean by property?

Anything over which an individual or a corporation has legal ownership is considered property. Property can refer to both real objects, like homes, automobiles, or appliances, as well as intangible items with the potential for future value, like equity and debt certificates.

To know more about property visit:


What are the steps or stages of the trial process?


The Stages of trial process is :

First stage: submitting motions to the court.

Second stage :Choosing the jury

What is meant by trial process ?

The trial is a planned procedure where the jury hears the facts of the case and determines whether or not the defendant is guilty of the charge brought against him. The prosecution calls witnesses and presents evidence at the trial to convince the jury that the defendant committed the crime (s).

The jury trial is a crucial component of America's checks and balances system. With "checks and balances," the courts have the power to invalidate legislation or other actions of the government that violate constitutional rights since they are on an equal footing with the executive and legislative branches.

The Stages of trial process is :

First stage: submitting motions to the court.

Second stage :Choosing the jury

Third Stage: Opening Remarks.

Four stage : The prosecution makes its case

Fifth Stage: Defense's Case

Sixth Stage : Rebuttal by the Prosecution (If Necessary)

Seventh Stage: Concluding Arguments.

Eighth stage : Jury deliberation

To learn more about trial process refer to :


In what year does the Department of Tourism recognized under Exec Order No 120 and 120 A?


The 2015 New Tourism Policy will be unveiled on May 15th: Travel Minister.

What categories of departments exist?

There are many things that fall under the umbrella of "departments." an administrative division of a country, a ministry in the government, or a division of an institution. In this definition, the word "department" is used to describe a variety of organizational divisions..

What does department mean in a sentence?

Our sales staff has received your letter and will respond soon. Head straight for the X-ray department when you arrive at the hospital. The science and math departments at the university the contemporary languages division She became a member of the local police force.

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How does the U.S. Supreme Court decide to hear an appeal?


Only when a case involves an extremely significant legal concept or when two or more federal appellate courts have disagreed on how to interpret law will the Court typically consent to consider it.

Which appeals the Supreme Court will hear is determined by?

Justices who sit on the United States Supreme Court have lifetime appointments, much like all federal judges. The primary duty of the court is to hear appeals. Which appeals cases the courts will hear are decided by the courts. A minimum of four of the nine justices must vote in favor of this.

What is the role of the Supreme Court?

Despite the fact that it has the authority to hear appeals on any legal matter, the Supreme Court frequently declines to conduct trials. Rather, it is the Court's responsibility to decide what legislation means, whether it applies to a particular set of facts, and how it should be interpreted.

To know more about the supreme court visit:


What did Connecticut argue in Griswold v. Connecticut?


The Supreme Court found in Connecticut (1965) that a state's prohibition on the use of contraceptives violated a person's right to marital privacy. The lawsuit involved a Connecticut legislation that made encouraging or using birth control illegal.

What is meant by Connecticut?The name Connecticut is derived from an Algonquian phrase that refers to "country on the long tidal river." Connecticut has been given the nicknames "Nutmeg State," "Constitution State," and "Land of Steady Habits," among others. a Connecticut state flag The Mohegan-Pequot term for Connecticut, which can be rendered as "long tidal river" and "upon the long river" and both of which pertain to the Connecticut River, is the source of the name. There is evidence of human habitation in the Connecticut region as far back as 10,000 years. The northeastern region of the United States is home to Connecticut, one of the six New England states. The tiny state shares borders with the State of New York in the west, Massachusetts in the north, and Rhode Island in the east.

To learn more about Connecticut, refer to:


What are 3 non-governmental organizations?


Alertnet, Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA), and CARE humanitarian organization fighting against global poverty are three NGOs.

What is an NGO and how does it function?

Nonprofit organizations that are not affiliated with the government are known as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). They can work on a local, national, or even global scale and achieve a variety of social, political, or developmental goals.

How are staff paid at an NGO?

Employees of nonprofits are compensated in the same ways as other workers. They are paid a salary that is dependent on their position, and they may also be eligible for bonuses depending on how well they perform or how much effort they put in above and beyond what is required.

To know more about NGOs visit:


Where does the power to tax come from?


In the United States, Congress has the authority to "lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States".

Why does the Constitution grant the ability to tax to Congress?

The first clause of Article I, Section 8, gives Congress the authority "to lay and collect Taxes" not only to pay back the Revolutionary War debts, which was the nation's immediate concern at the time, but also more broadly and in the future to "provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States."

The Congress shall have the authority to impose and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises in order to settle debts, fund the nation's general welfare, and provide for the common defense. However, all duties, imposts, and excises must be applied uniformly across the country.

To know more about Constitution, refer:


What was one purpose of the Civil Works Administration which was a part of Franklin Roosevelt's first New Deal?


As part of Franklin Roosevelt's first New Deal, laborers were engaged to build public projects in order to give the unemployed jobs.

What was one of the goals of Franklin Roosevelt's first New Deal's Civil Works Administration?

The CWA was created to bring unemployed Americans back to work and to use them on advantageous public projects, just like previous New Deal emergency employment programs. More specifically, the CWA was intended to be a temporary solution to help unemployed Americans survive the brutal winter of 1933–1934 [2].

What was the New Deal's purpose?

To support the nation's recovery, offer urgent relief to Americans who are most in need, and change institutions so that future depressions are less likely.

To know more about Franklin Roosevelt's first visit:-


What type of tax is corporate tax?


A tax called corporate tax is imposed on the earnings of businesses or corporations. It is a form of income tax since it is based on the earnings or income of a firm. Corporate taxes are normally levied at the federal or national level, however, in certain nations, they may also be levied at the state or municipal level.

Instead of the shareholders or owners of the business, the corporation normally pays the corporate tax. The cost of the corporation tax, however, may occasionally be transferred to shareholders in the form of decreased dividends or to consumers in the form of increased pricing for products and services.

Corporate tax rates may be progressive, which means that they rise as the amount of income or profits due to the tax rises, and they may differ dramatically from one jurisdiction to another. To entice firms to make investments or conduct business within their boundaries, certain nations may also provide tax advantages or incentives.

To learn more about corporate tax


What should be the relationship between two classes so that inheritance relationship exists between them?


An inheritance relationship is the relationship that exists between a general class and its specializations.

What is an inheritance?Inheritance refers to the process by which one class inherits the attributes and methods of another class. The Parent class is the one from which the inherited properties and methods are derived. The properties of the parent class are passed down to the child class. An inheritance relationship is a key feature that distinguishes object-oriented languages from traditional languages. An inheritance relationship, from the domain's perspective, organizes classes into hierarchical structures. This enables us to model a term hierarchy using generalizations and specializations.An inheritance relationship is a key feature that distinguishes object-oriented languages from traditional languages. An inheritance relationship, from the domain's perspective, organizes classes into hierarchical structures. This enables us to model a term hierarchy using generalizations and specializations.

To learn more about inheritance refer to :


How do you secure a candidate?


Businesses may attract the best candidates on the market by reducing the hiring cycle, making offers quickly, not underpaying, and being clear about their USPs and distinctions.

How ought an applicant to be handled?It takes active self-engagement to maintain prospects' interest. Respect their time, make the application process easier for them, and get better at interviewing. About 65% of applicants claim that a bad interview experience is enough to make them lose interest in the job. Businesses may attract the best candidates on the market by reducing the hiring cycle, making offers quickly, not underpaying, and being clear about their USPs and distinctions.Businesses may attract the best candidates on the market by reducing the hiring cycle, making offers quickly, not underpaying, and being clear about their USPs and distinctions.

To learn more about Reducing the hiring cycle refer to:


FILL IN THE BLANK. through ___ policy, the federal government is capable of counterbalancing recession or inflation to some extent through changing tax rates and spending, but there will be some uncertainties and risks.


Through Fiscal policy, the federal government is capable of counterbalancing recession or inflation to some extent through changing tax rates and spending, but there will be some uncertainties and risks.

What is the main power of the federal government?

The authority to levy taxes, control commerce, adopt a uniform naturalization law, establish judicial branch (subordinate towards the Supreme Court), create and maintain a military, & declare war are only a few of the enumerated powers.

What services does the federal government provide?

The government collects taxes to fund the services it offers to its constituents. Helping young elderly and the impoverished obtain healthcare and housing, sending mail via the Postal Service, providing aid to places affected by disasters, and supporting the military are some of the services the national government offers.

To know more about  Federal government visit:


What is a US executive order?


President Franklin D. Roosevelt took office on February 19, 1942, or about two months after Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

What are the two main powers of the executive?

Treaties may be negotiated and signed by the President; the Senate must then ratify them. The Executive Branch maintains diplomatic relations with various nations. The president may issue executive orders to guide executive departments or to clarify and promote existing legislation.

Who is in charge of the executive?

Executive control over the Union is granted to the President, and in pursuance of the Constitution, it may use it directly or through employees who answer to him. Additionally, he is in charge of all the Union's military forces.

To know more about Executive visit:


What is the most important part of the Patriot Act?


The most significant aspect of the Patriot Act is the expanded access to personal information maintained by third parties.

What does the Patriot Act mean in plain English?

The Patriot Act, a US law, grants law enforcement more power to thwart terrorist attacks. The acronym USA PATRIOT stands for "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism."

What does the Patriot Act really do?

The Act made it possible for investigators to gather data when looking into a variety of terrorist-related crimes, including the use of chemical weapons, WMD usage, executing Americans abroad, and terrorism financing.

To know more about Patriot Act visit:


examine lines 101-104 and then explain what hamlet means here and why these lines are appropriate for hamlet's consideration of a skull that he imagines may be that of a lawyer.


"Who's there?" is the play's first line. (Hamlet 1. 1. 1) is not only a query spoken by a blind guard; rather, it foreshadows a significant portion of the play in which the characters are repeatedly asked, "Who is this person truly, who is actually there?"

"To Be, or Not to Be, That Is the Question" in its entirety Act 3, Scene 1 of William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, in which the title Prince Hamlet speaks the famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy, was composed about 1601. It contains 35 lines. In his brief final address, Hamlet sets plans for the future of Denmark, whose dying monarch he is. He then abruptly ends. Which have requested - The rest is quiet is his last phrase in the piece. "To be or not to be" in modern use The whims of irrational luck, or to take up arms against a sea of problems and put a stop to them via opposition.

To learn more about Hamlet click the link below:


What are types of inheritance?


There are many types of inheritance.

Explain the types of inheritance?

1. Intestate Inheritance: This type of inheritance occurs when a person dies without having made a will. In this case, the assets of the deceased are distributed according to the laws of the state in which the deceased resided.

2. Testate Inheritance: This type of inheritance occurs when a person dies leaving behind a valid will. In this case, the assets are distributed according to the wishes of the deceased as stated in his/her will.

3. Joint Tenancy: This type of inheritance occurs when property is owned jointly by two or more persons. In this case, when one of the joint tenants dies, the surviving tenant automatically becomes the owner of the entire property.

4. Tenancy in Common: This type of inheritance occurs when two or more people own a property with each having separate and distinct rights. In this case, when one of the tenants dies, his/her share of the property passes on to his/her heirs.

5. Community Property: This type of inheritance occurs when two spouses own a property together. In this case, when one spouse dies, the surviving spouse becomes the owner of the entire property.

6. Gift: This type of inheritance occurs when a person makes a gift of property to another person while they are still alive.

To learn more about inheritance refer to:


which of the following is the name of the oldest and most authoritative hindu religious texts? a. vedas b. trefoil c. sarnath d. ashoka


Vedas is the name of the oldest and most authoritative hindu religious texts.

How and why are the Vedas significant?

One of the most revered texts in Hinduism is the Veda, or collection of Vedic scriptures. Some of the oldest scriptures in the world are said to be included in them. According to legend, the Veda contains the keys to knowledge and wisdom. The Vedas are said to be immortal and to vibrate in the realm of Brahmans' extraterrestrials.

by the Vedas, who is God?

The Cosmic Principle is described as Brahman in the Vedas. It has been variably identified in the Upanishads as the highest reality and as Sat-cit-nanda (truth-consciousness-bliss).

To know more about vedas visit:


What was happening in the US during 1932?


13 million Americans do not have jobs. a group of 43,000 marchers On May 29, 17,000 World War I veterans set up camp in Washington, DC, and demanded early monetary bonuses to assist them.

Why did 1932 hold special significance?

But in 1932, when the nation was in the throes of the Great Depression and there were almost 15 million unemployed people, Democrat Franklin The election was easily won by D. Roosevelt.

In 1932, what happened to the economy?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached its lowest point during the Great Depression on this day in 1932, closing at 41.22. The Dow has decreased by over 90% since 1929 when it reached its peak. Following the 1929 crash, there was a significant stock market downturn that had an impact beyond Wall Street.

To know more about D. Roosevelt visit:


Is the federal government responsible for national defense?


The Defense Department is in charge of providing the armed forces required to prevent conflict and protect national security.

What does "national defense" mean?

Programs for military and energy production or construction, support for vital infrastructure in foreign countries, homeland security, stockpiling, space exploration, and any directly connected activity are all included under the umbrella term "national defense."

Describe military security:

The duty to provide the military forces necessary to maintain national security and prevent violence falls on the Department of Defense. The Army, Navy, U.s. Marine, and Air Force make up the majority of the these forces, each having over 1.3 million men and women on active service.

To know more about national defence visit:


believe that judges should decide cases on the basis of (1) the original intent of the framers or those who enacted the statute(s) involved in a case


The Supreme Court was initially authorized by the Judiciary Act of 1789 to issue writs of mandamus, which are legal orders requiring government officials to act in accordance with the law.

What was the purpose of the Constitution's creators?

The people who wrote the Constitution, the Founding Fathers, wanted a government where no one person had too much power or control.

What kind of judicial philosophy are those judges who strive to abide by the intent of the framers to the letter?

The term unique plan alludes to the idea that the legal executive ought to decipher the Constitution (counting its alterations) as per the comprehension of its designers.

To learn more about Supreme Court here:


What are the benefits of national security?


It defends us by keeping up strong armed forces, employing secret police or counterintelligence services to safeguard the country from internal threats.

How important is the national security in our daily lives?It protects us by maintaining robust armed forces, using secret police, or utilizing counterintelligence services to protect the nation from internal dangers. putting civil defense and disaster readiness measures in place. It is quite effective because, based on our current circumstances, I can claim that it enhances the security of our nation.In addition to citizens, national institutions' financial stability is protected by national security. National defense has been a pillar of American policy at least since 1947, when President Harry S. Truman signed the National Security Act into law.

To learn more about  National security refer,


What are the three types of votes in Congress?


Excluding the yeas and nays, all of the above voting methods are available when the House is in House on the Whole.

What precisely is a committee?

a team of individuals tasked with considering, investigating, handling, or reporting on a certain topic. an advice group. To be more precise: a group of lawmakers chosen by a parliamentary assembly to discuss legislative matters. The measure has once more been given to the committee.

What exactly is a committee in Pakistan?

Each party assigns its own membership to the committees, and each committee distributes its participants among its subcommittees. Only a set number and kind of committees can have one senator as a member. Questioning executive organizations on issues of public interest is a committee's main goal.

To know more about committee visit:


Who is higher than Supreme Court?


The Supreme Court of India (SC of India), is at the pinnacle of the judicial hierarchy and the last court docket of appeal set up with the aid of the Indian Constitution. It followed by way of the High Court (HC), which is the apex judicial discussion board at the state and union territory level.

Can the High Court overrule the Supreme Court?

A choice of the Supreme Court is binding on all the High Courts. By Article 141 of the Constitution of India it is laid down that the law declared, by means of the Supreme Court shall be binding on all courts Within the territory of India. A choice of one High Court is no longer binding on some other High Court.

The federal court system has three principal levels: district courts (the trial court), circuit courts which are the first level of appeal, and the Supreme Court of the United States, the last degree of appeal in the federal system.

Learn more about  Supreme Court here:

What is the purpose of precedent?


A case that has been determined and serves as a guide for deciding subsequent cases with like facts or concerns. The Court may also rely on the opinions of judges and academics who have studied these cases.

Which legal precedents exist?

Precedents are used when the circumstances and legal requirements of a case are similar to those of a contemporary legal dispute. The ruling in a subsequent case that is identical to this one will normally be influenced by the precedent unless a party can show that it was wrongly decided or that it differed fundamentally from the precedent.

What function does the precedent serve?

Precedent is a legal term that refers to a court decision that serves as a precedent for cases with similar legal issues or facts in the future. Incorporating precedent, the principle of stare decisis directs courts to apply the law consistently when the facts are the same.

Learn more about Precedents:


What are 3 positives benefits of the US trading with other countries?



fueling economic growth, supporting good jobs at home, raising living standards and helping Americans provide for their families with affordable goods and services.


because trade is critical to americas posterity

What does commission all the officers of the United States mean?


In the closing lines of Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, the President is required to fee all officers of the United States: “. . . he shall take care that the Laws be faithfully completed and shall commission all the officers of the United States.”

Why are officers referred to as commissioned?

A commissioned officer is a navy officer who has carried out a rank before officially assuming their role. These officers' Presidential commissions enable them to command both officers and enlisted personnel underneath them.

How long is an officer commission?

Military participants need 20 years of energetic obligation service and 10 years as a commissioned officer to retire as an officer, with a few exceptions for individuals of he Reserve Component.

Learn more about  commission here:

What is an example of an outcome of a Supreme Court decision that was quickly overturned by a constitutional amendment?


Brown is renowned for overturning the Plessy v. Ferguson case from 1896, in which a completely different Supreme Court upheld the segregationist principle of "separate but equal" as constitutional.

What has the Supreme Court overturned recently?

Roe v. Wade, a landmark ruling from the 1980s that guaranteed abortion rights nationwide, was overruled by the Supreme Court on Friday, June 24. Never in its history has the Supreme Court struck down a fundamental constitutional guarantee. Certainly, the Supreme Court limited its reach in Planned Parenthood v. Casey after its landmark 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, which recognized abortion as a fundamental right.

124 Supreme Court and 220 lower court rulings interpreting Federal law were reversed by Congress between 1967 and 1990, according to a study by Professor Eskridge. Nine Supreme Court rulings that had limited earlier legal interpretations were reversed by the Civil Rights Act of 1991 alone. In overturning Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that state laws requiring or permitting racial segregation in schools are unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause.

To learn more about Supreme court refer to :


How does the president exercise his executive power?


ANSWER : The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress and, to that end, appoints the heads of the federal agencies, including the Cabinet. The Vice President is also part of the Executive Branch, ready to assume the Presidency should the need arise.

to establish the of a crime, the state must show that a criminal law was violated and that someone violated it.


In other words, to establish the corpus delicti of a crime, the kingdom has to display that a crook law has been violated and that anybody violated it.

Causation in Fact = An genuine link between an actor's habits and a result.

What is corpus delicti?

Corpus delicti is a common regulation Latin phrase that translates to “body of the crime.” The phrase typically refers to the precept that no one ought to be convicted of a crime besides sufficient proof that the crime in reality occurred.

For example, a individual cannot be convicted of Shoplifting unless the prosecutor can exhibit the property was stolen.

Learn more about corpus delicti here:
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