Do you believe the government should decide on whether or not to require vaccine passports?


Answer 1


I believe it is against the constitution to require a vacciene passport


Fifth Amendment:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Although the popular term right to d ie has been used to describe the debate over end-of-life decisions, the underlying issues include a variety of legal concepts, some distinct and some overlapping. For instance, right to di e could include issues of sui cide, passive euthanasia (allowing a person to die by refusal or withdrawal of medical intervention), assisted sui cide (providing a person the means of committing suicid e), active euthanasia (killin g another), and palliative care (providing comfort care which accelerates the dea th process). Recently, a new category has been suggested—physician-assisted sui cide—that appears to be an uncertain blend of assisted suicid e or active euthanasia undertaken by a licensed physician.

There has been little litigation of constitutional issues surrounding sui cide generally, although Supreme Court dicta seems to favor the notion that the state has a constitutionally defensible interest in preserving the lives of healthy citizens.1 On the other hand, the right of a seriously ill person to terminate life-sustaining medical treatment has been addressed, but not squarely faced. In Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health,2 the Court, rather than directly addressing the issue, assume[d] that a competent person [has] a constitutionally protected right to refuse lifesaving hydration and nutrition.3 More importantly, however, a majority of the Justices separately declared that such a liberty interest exists.4 Yet, it is not clear how actively the Court would seek to protect this right from state regulation.

In Cruzan, which involved a patient in a persistent vegetative state, the Court upheld a state requirement that there must be clear and convincing evidence of a patient’s previously manifested wishes before nutrition and hydration could be withdrawn. Despite the existence of a presumed due process right, the Court held that a state is not required to follow the judgment of the family, the guardian, or anyone but the patient herself in making this decision.5 Thus, in the absence of clear and convincing evidence that the patient had expressed an interest not to be sustained in a persistent vegetative state, or that she had expressed a desire to have a surrogate make such a decision for her, the state may refuse to allow withdrawal of nutrition and hydration.6

Despite the Court’s acceptance of such state requirements, the implications of the case are significant. First, the Court appears, without extensive analysis, to have adopted the position that refusing nutrition and hydration is the same as refusing other forms of medical treatment. Also, the Court seems ready to extend such right not only to terminally ill patients, but also to severely incapacitated patients whose condition has stabilized.

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HELP ME What was the most famous and successful of America's early canals?
Schuylkill and Susquehanna Canal
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Erie Canal


I did this in class.

which of the theoretical perspectives considered throughout the text might explore the ways in which laws regarding drug use tend to be created by the powerful in society so that they benefit some while harming other


Conflict theory is the theoretical perspectives considered throughout the text might explore the ways in which laws regarding drug use tend to be created by the powerful in society so that they benefit some while harming other.

What is theoretical perspectives?An concept is not the same as a theoretical standpoint, or simply a "theory." Instead, it's a proven structural framework, rationale, or technique that has been scrutinised and tested through time. Scholarship, investigation, discussion, and debate are used to create and apply theories. These three theoretical perspectives are Conflict Perspective, Symbolic Interactionism, and Structural Functionalism. It is essential to comprehend what is indicated by the term theory in order to comprehend a theoretical focus in any profession.The four primary theoretical stances are feminist theory, structural-functional theory, social conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism theory.

The complete question is Which of the theoretical perspectives considered throughout the text might explore the ways in which laws regarding drug use tend to be created by the powerful in society so that they benefit some while harming others?

structural functionalism

labeling theory

symbolic interactionism

conflict theory

To learn more about theoretical perspectives refer to:


There are two ways that a group can become a minority group. Both involve, in one way or another, _______.
a. race
b. ethnic work
c. climate
d. location



A). Race


In most cases, minority refers to the race of people.

There are two ways that a group can become a minority group. Both involve, in one way or another, Race. Thus the correct option is A.

A minority group is recognized by particular attributes that aid in dividing the population-based mistreatment, less control over their life, physical or cultural qualities, and other factors.

Any subgroup of people who are separated from and treated less favorably by society due to their physical characteristics or cultural differences is considered a minority group.

The  institutions are required by law to use racial and ethnic information for program evaluation, policy creation, and the enforcement of civil rights

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Race, here:


What was the purpose of the TVA New Deal?


Raising the standard of living in the poor Tennessee Valley is the goal of the TVA New Deal, which was founded to help.

What is TVA New Deal?

As one of President Roosevelt's Depression-era New Deal initiatives, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was founded in 1933 to provide energy and jobs to the rural Tennessee River Valley, which encompasses seven Southern states.

In an effort to aid America in overcoming the Great Depression, President Roosevelt developed the "New Deal."

The mission of the Tennessee Valley Authority, which was established to assist the struggling Tennessee Valley, is to raise the standard of living there.

The Tennessee Valley Authority was established by this act of May 18, 1933, to supervise the construction of dams in the Tennessee Valley basin that would regulate flooding, enhance navigation, and provide affordable electricity.

Therefore, raising the standard of living in the poor Tennessee Valley is the goal of the Tennessee Valley Authority New Deal, which was founded to help.

Know more about TVA New Deal here:


given the history of the family, what sort of changes do you think would be most likely to make the extended family more relevant again?


I think changes in the economy that make people less likely to away from their hometowns to get a job make the extended family more relevant. Better financial stability, the creation of strong child support networks, and consistency in child rearing due to established daily routines are all benefits of the nuclear family.

A nuclear family is more prone to become

apart from its larger family. It is more difficult

for them to form close bonds with their

extended family because they do not see

their grandparents, aunts, or uncles as

much. A nuclear family, elementary family, cereal-packet family or conjugal family is a family group consisting of parents and their children (one or more), typically living in one home residence. It is in contrast to a single-parent family, the larger extended family, or a family with more than two parents.

Nuclear families typically center on a heterosexual married couple which may have any number of children. There are differences in definition among observers. Some definitions allow only biological children that are full-blood siblings and consider adopted or half and step siblings a part of the immediate family, but others allow for a step-parent and any mix of dependent children, including stepchildren and adopted children.

To know more about Nuclear family visit:


Canada to become her own federation in _____.



the answer is
July 1, 1867
July 1 1867 is when Canada began to become its own federation
Pleaseee I need the brainliest

What does a negative political advertisement do?


Spreading maliciously unfavorable information about someone or something in an effort to harm the specified subject's reputation is known as negative campaigning.

What does political advertising serve to accomplish?Political advertising is described as displays, newspaper ads, billboards, signs, brochures, articles, tabloids, flyers, letters, radio or TV appearances, or other mass communication mediums that are used to solicit votes, money, other support, or other forms of support, directly or indirectly.Spreading maliciously unfavorable information about someone or something in an effort to harm the specified subject's reputation is known as negative campaigning. Mudslinging is a more commonplace, but still rather disparaging, word for the behavior.Political advertising is described as displays, newspaper ads, billboards, signs, brochures, articles, tabloids, flyers, letters, radio or TV appearances, or other mass communication mediums that are used to solicit votes, money, other support, or other forms of support, directly or indirectly.          

To learn more about Negative campaigning refer to:


What is the process of reapportionment and redistricting?


Reapportionment is the process of allocating seats in the House of Representatives. Redistricting refers to the actual division of divisions within a state. Additionally, because a state's population grows over time, more lawmakers may be elected to the United States House, which requires redistributing seats every ten years.

Purpose of Reapportionment and Redistricting

The main goal of redistricting is to ensure that each congressional district's delegate represents the same number of people and that all citizens have an equal opportunity to participate in the democratic process.

By using census data to build each parliamentary district evenly, reapportionment achieves this. Following the census, reapportionment is done every ten (10) years. To guarantee that all citizens are equally represented, the Commission will analyse the demographic distribution and redraft the political districts.

To learn more about Reapportionment and Redistricting here:


The idea of a "hidden observer" part of the mind was suggested by ________.
A) Watson B) Hilgard C) Freud D) Kirsch



B) Hilgard


The concept of the "hidden observer" was first proposed by the psychologist Ernest Hilgard in the 1970s as a way to explain the phenomenon of dissociation, or the separation of different aspects of consciousness. He suggested that the "hidden observer" is a part of the mind that is aware of and can observe the activity of other parts of the mind, even when those parts are not aware of their own activity.

What are the two important American ideals?


Two fundamental American ideals that guarantee citizens' involvement in politics are voter enfranchisement and political participation.

What are the democratic ideals?

Democratic ideals are terms used to describe traits in people or norms of government conduct that are deemed necessary for the upkeep of democratic policies. This expression is used to try to persuade people for causes across the political spectrum, especially by contrasting a situation that has been allowed to continue for practical or social reasons but that they believe violates... this needs editing: those advocating an opportunity and that equality is a democratic ideal.

Sometimes, even knowing that their political opponents use the exact same phrase to accomplish the same goal, supporters of one political viewpoint or another will utilize the statement to energise support among their constituencies.

To know more about Democratic ideals visit:                           


national differences in the timing of menarche are due to:


Menarche onset dates vary across the world for genetic and dietary causes. Menarche is seen as a turning point in a woman's ability to procreate.

The majority of previously conducted studies on the variables influencing Menarche age used cross-sectional designs, and their conclusions were debatable. Girls who consumed more fat and animal protein went through menarche earlier than those who consumed more dietary fiber rich in isoflavones and vegetable protein. Menarche is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, race, environment, nutrition, physical activity, geography, urban vs. rural living, health status, psychological Girls, body mass index (BMI), family size, socioeconomic status, parental education level, parental occupation, loss of parental control, and loss of ovarian function. Menarche is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, race, the environment, nutrition, physical activity, geography, body mass index (BMI), psychological factors, blindness, parental occupation, parent loss,  Girls abuse, physical stress, tea drinking, and passive smoking. There has been a secular (time-related) trend towards an earlier onset of menarche in most developed countries, with a decrease of two to three months per decade in Europe and the United States.

Learn more about Menarche here:


What is the price current of an honest man and patriot today?


They take their time, they feel bad, and sometimes they ask for help; However, they do nothing serious and effective.

In good will, they will wait for others to fix the problem so they won't have to think about it anymore.

They only give the right a cheap vote, a weak smile, and may God speed it as it passes by them. One virtuous man has nine hundred and ninety-nine supporters of virtue. However, dealing with a thing's actual owner is easier than dealing with its temporary guardian.

All voting is a game with a moral undertone, similar to checkers or backgammon; it's a game of right and wrong and moral questions; and betting is a natural extension of it.

To learn more about cheap vote here:


Can you compel a person under investigation to testify against himself?


The privilege against self-incrimination is established by the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution. This stops the government from compelling someone to give a testimony.

Can you force someone who is being investigated to testify against him or herself?

People are protected from being forced to implicate themselves by the Fifth Amendment. Individuals are protected from self-incrimination under this constitutional protection.

Can someone be forced to testify in court?

In general, the court has the power to compel your testimony. You will receive a subpoena when this is ordered via email, direct communication, or hand delivery. The exact nature of your testimony will be specified in the subpoena. You are required by law to comply with the subpoena once it has been issued.

To know more about compel person visit:-


What are super pacs not allowed to do quizlet?


Super PACs are not allowed to straightforwardly team up with applicants or ideological groups, as per FEC suggestions.

This disallowance is intended to keep them from running efforts that are corresponding to or lined up with those of the competitors they back or from partaking in conversations that could prompt a compensation plan between PAC donors and the applicant or officeholder. In any case, it is adequate for up-and-comers and Super PAC chiefs to discuss their arrangements and techniques in the media.

Super PACS can make a limitless number of monetary commitments to go against or support an up-and-comer, however, they can't effectively facilitate with or support their favored competitor. They have no limitations on tolerating gifts from people, associations, or organizations, in contrast to standard PACS.

Learn more about super pacs:


What country has a hierarchical, relationship-based corporate culture?


South Korea has a hierarchical, relationship-based corporate culture.

Usually, larger companies and organizations have hierarchical structures. It is built on many tiers of authority and a chain of command that links various organizational management levels. The decision-making process is typically formal and top-down.

A hierarchical system or organization is one in which people are assigned different ranks or positions based on their importance. The structure provides clear authority for work and departments. Managers have authority based on their management level and can allocate resources, reward and punish behavior, and issue orders to their subordinates.

To know more about hierarchical, click here.


What is a statement symbol?



The answer is A


What are political action committees and interest groups?


An interests group is a structured collection of people who support and openly encourage the government should adopt specific policies.

Policy is a determined set of principles designed to influence actions and produce rational outcomes. A policy is a declaration of purpose that is executed as a process or protocol. Policies are typically adopted by a government body inside a company. Policies can help with both objective and subjective decision making. Policies in use in subjective choice typically aid upper leadership with choices that must be made on the relative importance of a variety of factors and as a result, were frequently difficult to objectively verify, such as work-life balance policies... Furthermore, governments as well as other institutions establish policies in the shape of laws, rules, procedures, and administrative acts. Frequently, resource allocations reflect policy decisions. Policy is a guideline for repetitive/routine organizational tasks.

Learn more about organizational here


The graph shows the number of whites and free and enslaved blacks in Mississippi from 1790 to 1860.

A line graph showing the number of whites and free and enslaved blacks in Mississippi from 1790 to 1860 with Population (in millions) 0 to 9 on the y-axis and Year 1790 to 1860 in increments of tens on the x-axis. Whites grew steadily from 1 million in 1790 to 8 million in 1860. Free Blacks grew minimally through all of the years. Enslaved Blacks grew steadily from 0 in 1790 to 4 million in 1860.

Which segment of Mississippi's population grew the least between 1790 and 1860?

free blacks
enslaved people
slaveholding whites
non-slaveholding whites


Answer: Free Blacks grew the least between 1790 and 1860.


Psychologists use the term ________ to refer to the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that occur during life.


Psychologists use the term development to refer to the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that occur during life.

Growth, advancement, good change, or the inclusion of physical, economic, environmental, social, and demographic components are all examples of development.

The discipline of psychology associated with the changes in cognitive, motivational, psychophysiological, and social functioning that emerge across the human life span is known as developmental psychology.

Development may be defined as qualitative and quantitative changes that occur throughout time.

Developmental Psychology is the study of the physical, social, and psychological changes that occur at various ages and stages of a person's life, from conception to old age.

For more information on developmental psychology, visit :


What are the rules of a penalty kick?


Penalty kicks are associated with football. The rules of the penalty kick are as follows.

Ball must be in place before kick.

The ball must move forward.

No other player can enter the penalty area until the ball has been kicked.

The kicker cannot kick the ball again unless another player has touched it.

Only players designated by the referee may take penalty kicks.

Kicker must not faint at the end of the run-up.

Penalty kicks are free kicks, in the football, where a player is allowed to take a one single shot at the goal with the goalkeeper from the opponent team defending.

To learn more about penalty kick, here:


Which of the following will happen if a country's government reduces business taxes?

a. The short-run Phillips curve will shift to the right
b. The short-run aggregate supply curve will shift to the right
c. The long-run aggregate supply curve will shift to the left
d. The aggregate demand curve will shift to the left
e. The demand curve for loanable funds will shift to the left


The short run aggregate supply curve shifts to the right. Option B is correct because this happens when a country's government cuts corporate taxes.

The short run aggregate supply curve is an upward curve that shows the total output being produced at each price level in the short term. Wage and price stability explain the upward trend of the short-run aggregate supply curve. The short-run aggregate supply curve shows near-term supply, or supply over a period of time when capital is constrained. The long-run aggregate supply curve shows long-run supply with all inputs fluctuating. Total supply is a function of total production and price levels within the economy. In the short term, aggregate supply responds to increased demand (and higher prices) by increasing the use of current inputs in the production process. In the short term, capital levels are fixed and firms cannot, for example, build new factories or introduce new technologies to increase production efficiency.

To know more about short run aggregate visit:


One of the principles stated in the declaration of independence is that government should?


The Declaration of Independence states that "governments are instituted among men, driving their just power from the consent of the governed."

The Second Continental Congress, which met in Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4, 1776, adopted a proclamation and foundational text known as The United States Declaration of Independence, officially The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America.On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which the 13 American colonies used to dissolve their political ties to Great Britain. The Declaration enumerated the reasons why the colonies wanted independence.

To know more about Declaration of Independence here


If a player breaks a rule and is given a penalty, they must sit out of the game for a given amount of time.


If a player breaks a rule and is given a penalty, they must sit out of the game for a given amount of time.  This is a True statement.

The player who will serve the bench minor penalty must have been penalized, barring the goaltender who was nearby on the ice at the time of the infraction. Any player who hasn't been penalized may be selected by the club.If a player breaks a rule and is given a penalty, they must sit out of the game for a given amount of time

When a minor penalty is called and no other players are on the ice, the goalkeeper will serve it from the bench (e.g., prior to the start of the game, during the intermissions, during the penalty shoot, etc.)

To know more about penalty visit:


What is institution in your own words?


Institution is an extensive, reliable social organization that was built and kept in order to meet societal demands.

What is main purpose of institution?The foundation for creating frameworks of more precise laws that regulate human behavior is the broad and shared understandings that people and communities have established through time, or what is known as culture. They are referred to as institutions. Different people and organizations create various institutions.A location where individuals of all ages may receive an education is referred to as an educational institution. This includes preschools, child care facilities, primary and elementary schools, secondary and high schools, and universities. They provide a wide range of learning settings and workspaces.An institution is a particular collection of interconnected structures and regulations that are used to direct and control the actions of many people. The particular characteristics of the institution have frequently been honed to produce certain outcomes: optimization of tax revenues and the application of the legislation.

Learn more about institution refer to :


Why was Louis XIV's reign important?


Louis XIV successfully extended the dominance of the crown and its authority over the church and nobility, thus strengthening absolute monarchy in France at a time when France was the dominant power in Europe and most wars revolved around its aggressiveness.

Louis the Great, sometimes referred to as the Sun King, ruled France from May 14, 1643, until his passing in 1715. The longest reign in history with a date that can be verified is his, which lasted 72 years and 110 days. He still serves as a representation of the absolute monarchy of the ancient era. His reign was important as by the time Louis took charge on his own, the foundation for success had already been established.

To learn more about Louis XIV's reign, click at:


melissa and brian are going to marriage counseling, as they have had a difficult time getting along and supporting each other since their daughter was born. which therapeutic method is likely used for their treatment?


In a case whereby melissa and brian are going to marriage counseling, as they have had a difficult time getting along and supporting each other since their daughter was born the  therapeutic method is likely used for their treatment is Cognitive behavioural therapy.

What is cognitive behavioral therapy ?

Cognitive behavioural therapy  can be described as the talking therapy  which can be used by the expert to manage  the problems by changing the way you think and behave.

It should nbe noted that  It's most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems, however thi shas been recoreded as the form of psychological treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective for a range of problems  such as the relqationship problem.

Learn more about Cognitive behavioural therapy at:


In 1949, Lucky Lady II was the first airplane to go around the world non-stop. The pilots started their flight from a place called Texas in America and flew towards the East. They kept going in the East direction till they reached the same place from where they had started in America. The journey took around 4 days. Answer the following question based on this. People in America would have seen the plane travelling from West to East. In which direction would people in India have seen the plane travelling?

A. coming from the West and going to the East
B. coming from the East and going to the West
C. coming from the East and going back to the East
D. in any direction


The  direction that people in India have seen the plane travelling is option C. coming from the East and going back to the East.

What is the direction about?

Since the plane started its journey in Texas, which is located in the Western part of the United States, and flew towards the East, people in the United States would have seen the plane travelling from West to East.

However, since the plane was flying around the world, people in India would have seen the plane coming from the East and going back to the East, as it would have passed over India while flying in an easterly direction.

Learn more about Lucky Lady II from


How do you solve an equation with slope and fraction?


The slope of a line is defined as a fraction: rise over run; or (y2-y1)/(x2-x1). So slope is always a fraction.

How do you find the equation of a line with a fraction and slope?To achieve this, first give your two points the names point 1 and point 2, respectively, with the coordinates x1, y1. After that, change the numbers in the slope's equation, slope m = (y2 - y1) /. (x2 - x1). Now that the point values have been substituted, all you have to do is simplify the fraction.These two values must be presented in slope-intercept form with the variable y being separated. This implies that y must be the sole coefficient, including any fractional coefficients, on one side of the equation. The whole equation can be multiplied by the reciprocal of the fraction to eliminate it from the variable y.Slope, sometimes referred to as rise over run, can represent a ratio, a rate of change, or both. In equations, it is frequently represented by the letter "m." Although it can be a decimal number, fractions are more common than mixed numbers in writing.

Learn more about slope and fraction refer to ;


What are the rights in Article 3?


The rights that are in article three are the ones that have to do with the torture as well as the degradation of human beings. It also has to do with deportation and extradition of persons.

What is article 3 of the declaration of rights?

You wouldn't expect public officials to subject you to this kind of abuse, though. If someone else is abusing you in this way, they must also defend you. If they become aware that this right is being violated, they must step in to stop it. The authorities must also look into any valid complaints of such treatment.

If there is a genuine risk that you will be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in the target country, Article 3 protects you from all of the aforementioned. It also protects you from deportation or extradition (being taken to another country to answer to criminal charges).

Read more on human rights here:


How can I get e1 E4 in SSS?


You can get the E-4 form from the website of under the forms section.

The simple steps to obtain a copy of SSS E-4 Form online are mentioned below:

1. Visit from the browser

2. Login to your account with the set credentials to avail the services.

3. The forms link can be accessed at the footer part of the website.

4. Click on Member Data Change Request Link on the page that occurs.

5. Download the E4 form.

You can then print the downloaded copy of E4 form to avail SSS benefits.

To know more about social security service, click here:


Other Questions
In an ionic or covalent substance, electrons are shared or transferred between no more than two atoms at a time. however, in a metallic substance, electrons are shared among all of the metal atoms in the sample. how does this explain why metals are more malleable and ductile than ionic and covalent compounds? As new students begin to arrive at college, each receives a unique ID number, 1 ton. Initially, the students do not know one another, and each has a different circle of friends. As the semester progresses, other groups of friends begin to form randomly. There will be three arrays, each aligned by an index. The first array will contain a queryType which will be either Friend or Total. The next two arrays, students1 and students2, will each contain a student ID. If the query type is Friend, the two students become friends. If the query type is Total, report the sum of the sizes of each group of friends for the two students. Examplen=4queryType = ['Friend', 'Friend', 'Total'] student1=[1,2,1]student2=[2,3,4]The queries are assembled, aligned by index: Input from stdin will be processed and passed to the function as follows: The first line contains an integern, the number of students. The next line contains an integerq, the number of queries. Each of the nextqlines contains a string queryType[i] where1iq. The next line contains an integerq, the number of queries. Each of the nextqlines contains a string students1[i] where1iq. The next line contains an integerq, the number of queries. Each of the nextqlines contains a string students2[i] where1iq. Sample Case 0 Sample Input 0 STDIN 032 Friend query = [Friend, Tota Total 21222 Function 0.0n=3 queryType [ ] size q=2 students 1[] size q=2 students 1=[1,2] students 2[] size q=2 students2 =[2,3] Sample Output 0 3 Fynlanation 0 Choose from the conversion factors given to complete the following diagram of amount-mass-number relationships for a compound molar mass (g/mol) of substance MASS (9) of substance Avogadro's number (entities/mole) MASS (9) of one element in substance molar mass (g/mol) of substance molar ratio from balanced equation density (g/mL) of substance molar mass (g/mol) of substance AMOUNT (mol) of one element in substance AMOUNT (mol) of substance atomic mass (g/mol) of element Avogadro's number (entities/mole) chemical formula of substance Avogadro's number (entities/mole) ATOMS of one element in substance ENTITIES of substance molar ratio from balanced equation Reset NEED HELP ASAP you have identified ways that the historical figure you selected was a great leader in the past. And youve examined some characteristics of great leaders today. Now you will write another three-paragraph essay. Your essay should express your opinion about whether this leader would still be an effective leader today. Reflect on your answer from Part A before you begin. Use these tips to write your opinion essay.Your response should include these parts:a clear thesis statement in the introductory paragraph that sets out the main idea of the essaya paragraph to support the thesis that includes supporting facts from the tutorial or outside researcha concluding paragraph that restates the main idea and summarizes the main points of the essaylanguage that is clear and easy to understandan engaging writing style, with clear and grammatically correct writing and well-reasoned argument (I wrote about ceaser) Organelle in plants that uses light energy to make glucose in a process called photosynthesis Why does the square root of 16 have two answers? 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