please help, thanks in advance :))

Please Help, Thanks In Advance :))


Answer 1


I believe the answer would be the first choice

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Studies conducted in the united states have indicated that from early to late adolescence, the percentage of teens involved in romantic relationships?


Younger people typically place a higher emphasis on the trust, intimacy, and support they feel and experience in romantic relationships than adults do.

However, conflict or problems within romantic relationships get worse as people get older. Teenagers experience more disputes and problems with their parents and peers than with their love partners. Social abilities and knowledge can both be increased in a happy relationship. Sullivan emphasized the close friendships that children develop between the ages of 8 and 10 that are marked by affection, intimacy, and cooperation. Later studies have demonstrated that close friendships have both a good dimension, with qualities like intimacy, and a bad dimension, with features like rivalry.

To learn more on romantic relationships



Identify any Marginalised Community and prepare a poster


Dalits in our community are severely marginalized by society. The Dalits in our society do not enjoy equal rights and opportunities.

What is a Marginalised Community?

Groups and communities that experience social, political, and economic marginalization as a result of unequal power dynamics in the fields of economy, politics, society, and culture are referred to as populations on the margins.

Due to their marginalization, they face significant challenges. Slogans advocating equality may be included in the poems written for them. People will understand that everyone is equal before God and is entitled to equal opportunity.

Thus, Dalits in our community are severely marginalized by society.

For more information about Marginalised Community click here:


What were the 8 goals of the Populist party?


The Populist party established a program that advocated for free silver coinage, the elimination of national banks, a subtreasury scheme or other comparable system, a progressive income tax.

Simply put, what was the Populist movement?

The People's Party, commonly referred to as the Populist Movement, was a political movement in late 19th-century America. It evolved from organizations like the Grange Movement.

What benefited farmers did the populist party do?

Agrarian reformers redirected their efforts by the 1890s and established the new Populist, or People's Party. The Party urged the federal government to control banks and companies, avert economic depressions, and assist struggling farmers.

To learn more about populist party here:


California licensing laws define which of the following:

A. Real Estate Brokerage
B. Handling Trust Funds
C. Managing Escrow Accounts
D. All of the Above


California licensing laws define- Real Estate Brokerage, Handling Trust Funds, and Managing Escrow Accounts. Thus, the correct answer is option D.

What are Escrow Accounts?

Escrow is a legal arrangement in which a third party accepts and disburses funds or property on behalf of the principal parties to a transaction, with the disbursement subject to terms established by those parties.

A trust fund is a mechanism for estate planning that enables one to set money and/or other assets aside for distribution to the trust's beneficiaries in the future. They are created with the guidance of an estate planning lawyer to hold assets for another person.

The licensing laws for real estate in California include a real estate brokers who needs to be paid brokerage, have to handle trust funds and manage escrow accounts.

Therefore, all the options define California licensing laws.

To learn more about escrow account, click here:


In the court system, laws either fall into the __________ or __________ (territories).


In the court system, laws either fall into the state or federal jurisdiction.

How did life for enslaved people in Mississippi change during the 1800s?

The number of enslaved workers grew dramatically.
The treatment that enslaved people received improved.
More enslaved people worked for businesses than on farms.
More enslaved workers performed skilled labor than physical labor.



The treatment of enslaved people in Mississippi changed as a direct result of the economic changes that took place in the 1800s. For example, as the cotton industry became more profitable, enslaved people were forced to work longer hours and were subjected to harsher punishments for failing to meet productivity standards. As a result, enslaved people began to resist the system of enslavement more actively, and many even escaped from their masters' plantations in search of freedom. This increased resistance played an important role in the eventual demise of slavery in the United States.


How does Wollstonecraft use these two central ideas together?


She starts by addressing a common misperception about women's education before expanding on it to show how it benefits everyone.

A false belief, idea, or interpretation about anything is what is meant by the term "misperception." A misunderstanding would be when you believe someone has insulted you when in fact they were joking. an untrue impression They result from difficulties with the brain or another area of the visual system, as well as injury to the eyes. Both factors contribute to them in certain persons. When someone sees one thing as another, they have a misperception. For instance, mistaken water for blue floor tiles. We always view other people through a lens that is coloured by our desires, requirements, and experiences. Conflict can undoubtedly arise from such a misunderstanding because, since our actions are a direct result of our perceptions, if we believe that others are wicked and act in accordance with that belief, we will elicit responses in such.

Learn more about misperception here


Emphasized spreading christian beliefs through preaching, television, and radio:.


The religious movement intends for religious reforms. Religious movements like Social Gospel focused on solving problems like poverty in society.

Christian Belief:

Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

There are many beliefs which define christianity as a relgion. Some of them include the desire and wish to be good to your fellow human beings.

Christians believe in one God that created heaven, earth and the universe. The belief in one God originated with the Jewish religion. Christians believe Jesus is the “Messiah” or savior of the world. They also believe that he is the son of God.

Social Awareness played a great role in spreading the christian. And leads to the spread at higher level in various countries.

Learn more about Christian beliefs on:

The goal of the religious movement is to reform religion. Religious movements like the Social Gospel aimed to address social issues like poverty.

Faith in Jesus of Nazareth: Jesus of Nazareth is the central figure in the life and teachings of Christianity, which is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion. There are numerous religions that define Christianity. Some of them include the desire and wish to treat others well.

Christians think there is just one God who made the heavens, the earth, and everything else. Jewish faith is where the concept of a single God first emerged. Christians consider Jesus to be the world's "Messiah" or Savior. They also consider him to be God's son. Social awareness was very important in the growth of Christianity. This causes the spread to increase in level in various countries.

Learn more about Christian beliefs Visit:


What is a reserved power in government?


A political power reserved by a constitution for the sole use of a specific political authority.

List some Reserved power Examples?

Election administration, marriage lawmaking, and school administration are examples of reserved powers.

What makes reserved powers significant?

Maintaining a balance of power between the federal government and the states is made easier by reserving authority for state governments. States are referred to as "laboratories of democracy" because they give them the freedom to experiment with various ideologies and policies.

Define the US Tenth Amendment Act?

Although the Tenth Amendment has been called a "truism" because it just states that "everything is kept which has not been relinquishe, it is nonetheless significant. The Amendment explicitly states the constitutional principle that Congress may not exert authority in federal system

To know more about Reserved power visit:


What were the accomplishments of the Tennessee Valley Authority?


By building dams and reservoirs for energy generation and flood control, improving farming practices and forest restoration, and fostering trade along the Tennessee River, FDR's ambitious plan transformed the Tennessee Valley.

Why is it vital to have the Tennessee Valley Authority?

The biggest public power company in the US is TVA. In order to prevent flooding, facilitate river navigation, promote recreation, and preserve water quality, the organization also oversees the fifth-largest river system in the country.

The TVA, a federal public power corporation, provides electricity to about 80,000 square miles in the Southeast. In addition to coal-fired, combustion-turbine, natural gas, and nuclear plants, as well as diesel and solar energy sites, TVA's facilities for generating electricity include 29 hydroelectric dams, a pumped-storage plant, and 3 nuclear units.

More than 27,000 megawatts of dependable generating power are offered by these plants. Over 16,000 miles of transmission lines are used by TVA to supply electricity to local, municipal, and cooperative power distributors.

Learn more about the Tennessee Valley Authority with the help of the given link:


the radio and newspaper industries are typically structured as



The radio and newspaper industries are typically structured as businesses that operate for profit. This means that they are owned and managed by individuals or companies who aim to generate revenue by selling advertising space or subscriptions, and who use the proceeds from these sales to pay for the costs of operating the business. The specific ownership and management structures of radio and newspaper companies can vary, but they are generally organized as either privately-held companies, publicly-traded companies, or non-profit organizations.


The radio and newspaper industries are typically structured as businesses that operate for profit.

What is a radio?

The use of radio waves for signaling and communication is known as radio technology. Electromagnetic waves with a frequency of between 30 hertz and 300 gigahertz are known as radio waves.

They are produced by a radio transmitter, an electrical device that emits waves when attached to an antenna, and are picked up by a radio receiver, which is connected to a different antenna.

Radio has several applications in modern technology, including radio communication, radar, radio navigation, remote control, and remote sensing.

Radio waves are used in radio communication to carry information across space from a transmitter to a receiver by modulating the radio signal in the transmitter.

This technology is used in radio and television broadcasting, cell phones, two-way radios, wireless networking, and satellite communication, among many other applications.

Learn more about radio, here


What happened during Louis XIV reign?


During Louis XIV's reign, he oversaw the administrative and financial restructuring of his realm, as well as the establishment of factories and efforts to promote trade.

He established a monarchy with a single point of authority and ruled during a time of exceptional affluence, which saw France rise to prominence in Europe and becomes a leader in the humanities. Louis XIV shocked his court by announcing that he would reign without a chief minister, breaking with precedent. He was a strong-willed monarch who was determined to make his subjects obey him and to make his country the dominating force in Europe, therefore his reign was significant in French history for more reasons than just the length of time it lasted.

To learn more about Louis XIV, click at:


What are the four types of interdependence?


Pooled interdependence, sequential interdependence, reciprocal interdependence, and comprehensive interdependence are the four main types of processes that task interdependence can be divided into.

What is interdependence and how is it defined?

Mutual reliance among objects is interdependence. There is a lot of dependency between plants and animals, as you will find out if you study biology. The prefix inter- denotes "between," hence interdependence is the dependence of two or more objects.

The degree to which team members collaborate, have an impact on one another, and are themselves influenced by one another is known as interdependence (Campion et al. 1993; Johnson and Johnson 1989; Stewart and Barrick 2000; Wageman 2001). Task interdependence, goal interdependence, and outcome interdependence are the three fundamental elements of team interdependence.

To know more about interdependence visit:


In Economics the term ___________ refers to the formation of productive capitol within an economy.


The development of productive capital within an economy is referred to as investment in economics.

Economics is indeed the social science which analyzes the creation, distribution, & use of goods and services. Economics studies the behavior and interactions among economic agents, as well as how economies function. Microeconomics examines what are considered basic parts of the economy, such as individual agents in markets, their relationships, and also the effects of such interactions. Agents could include, for example, homeowners and sellers. Employment of labor, capital, and land resources, currency hyperinflation, economic growth, & public policies affecting these aspects are all factors. Economics is the study of man in his everyday life. It asks where he receives his money and how he spends it. Economics is indeed the science that analyses human behavior as a relationship among ends.

Learn more about  behavior here


What are 7 elements of teamwork?


A positive workplace culture, communication, commitment, mutual respect, accountable, delegating, support, action steps

What is Cugoano's approach to the topic of slavery in this passage he lists?


Cugoano's is requesting that regulations regarding slavery alter drastically and immediately. This text was written with the intention of demonstrating how detrimental slavery is to society.

The material that follows is an excerpt from Quobna Ottobah Cugoano's book Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species. The article includes a description of Cugoano and the negative aspects of slavery. The strategy Cugoano utilized in the paragraph is to contrast the horrors of slavery with well-known atrocities like the cruel decrees of Popish Massacres and the chronicles of the Inquisition. The author is equating the depravity of slavery with Stalin's Post-War Inquisition of the Jewish People.

learn more about Cugoano here :


what are some experiments for which you might want a lower alpha level (e.g., 0.01)?


Some experi-ments for which you might want a lower alpha level (e.g., 0.01) is when you want to carry out multiple tests at the same time.

With an alpha level of 0.01, the-re will be only a 1% chance of reject-ing a true H-o. The cha-nge in alpha will al-so effect the Type II error, in the opp-osite direction. Decr-easing alpha from 0.05 to 0.01 incre-ases the chance of a Type II error (makes it hard-er to reject the null hypo-thesis).

In statistical tests, stati-stical significance is deter-mined by cit-ing an alpha level, or the probability of reject-ing the null hypothesis when the null hypo-thesis is true.

To know more about alpha level click below:


Does AAS prove similarity?


No, AAS does not prove similarity.

AAS is one of the many ways to check congruence in triangles.

AAS stands for angle angle side. In this way to determine the congruence of two triangles we check if the corresponding angles, angles and sides are same or not.

This means that the angle included between one angle and one side are all same to the corresponding parts.

The AAS Theorem says: If two angles and the non-included side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts of another triangle, the triangles are congruent.

The other types of theorem are SSS, SAS, ASA for the congruence of triangles.

To know more about congruence of triangles, click here:


Which of the following is a characteristic of a variable annuity?


Variable annuities involve underlying equity investments in a separate account.

A variable annuity is a type of annuity contract in which the value varies depending on the performance of an underlying portfolio of sub accounts. Subaccounts and mutual funds are conceptually equivalent, but subaccounts lack ticker symbols that investors can easily enter into a fund tracker for research purposes. Variable annuities differ from fixed annuities in that they provide a specific and guaranteed return.

The performance of an underlying portfolio of sub accounts chosen by the annuity owner determines the value of a variable annuity.Fixed annuities, on the other hand, guarantee a fixed return.Variable annuities have the potential for higher returns and income than fixed annuities, but there is also the risk that the account will lose value.

Learn more about  variable annuity to visit this link


is a stickler for following the rules because he is sure he will be caught and punished if he doesn't. what is norman's level of moral development?


Option (a) is correct. Norman is a stickler for following the rules because he is sure he will be caught and punished if he doesn't. Preconventional is Norman's level of moral development.

Moral Development focuses on the emergence, change and understanding of morality from infancy through adulthood. Morality develops across a life span in a variety of ways and is influenced by an individual's experiences and behavior when faced with moral issues through different periods of physical and cognitive development.

Morality concerns an individual's reforming sense of what is right and wrong; it is for this reason that young children have different moral judgment and character than that of a grown adult. Morality in itself is often a synonym for "rightness" or "goodness." It also refers to a specific code of conduct that is derived from one's culture, religion or personal philosophy that guides one's actions, behaviors and thoughts.

To know more about Moral development visit:


Complete question: Norman is a stickler for following the rules because he is sure he will be caught and punished if he doesn't. What is Norman's level of moral development?

A) preconventional

B) conventional

C) principled

D) post-conventional


Is yelling fire protected speech?


The "yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater" is unprotected speech as addressed by the US Supreme Court in the application of the first amendment to Schenck’s prosecution.

Explain "Shouting fire in a crowded theater".

A common metaphor for speech or acts that are primarily intended to cause panic is "Yelling fire in a crowded theater" and is particularly applicable to speech or actions that may be construed as falling outside the ambit of free speech protections as a result.

The phrase is a paraphrase of a dictum, or non-binding statement, made by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. in the 1919 United States Supreme Court decision Schenck v. United States, which held that the defendant's speech opposing the draft during World War I was not protected free speech under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

To learn more about Yelling fire, visit:


What two arguments did Mary Wollstonecraft?



Wollstonecraft pointed out that the power of men over women was equally wrong. She further argued that the Enlightenment was based on an ideal of reason in all human beings. Because women have reason, then they are entitled to the same rights as men.


What is the main social psychological mechanism that makes the jigsaw classroom effective?


The main social psychological mechanism that makes the jigsaw classroom effective is the requirement for cooperation in the pursuit of common goals.

The study of your mind and behavior in relation to other people is known as social psychology. Personality, interpersonal relationships, and group behavior are all examined by social psychology. Humans have always been social creatures, but particular interest in social psychology popped up in the 18th-century.

The Socio-Psychological Theory asserts that individual and society are interlinked. This means that an individual strives to meet the needs of society, and society assists him in accomplishing his goals. An individual's personality is formed as a result of this interaction.

To know more about Socio-Psychological, click here.


As defined in the hipaa privacy rule, the right to patient privacy dictates and enforces the manner in which personal health records may or may not be shared among organizations or other third parties.
a. True
b. False


Answer: True
hoped this helped!
the statement is true

A taboo against pork is a characteristic of?

A) Judaism and Islam.B) Judaism and Buddhism.C) Christianity and Buddhism.D) Christianity and Hinduism.


A taboo against pork is a characteristic of Judaism and Islam.

Hence, Option A is correct.

Judaism, which dates back nearly 4,000 years, is the world's oldest monotheistic religion. Judaism adherents believe in a single God who revealed himself through ancient prophets. Understanding the Jewish faith, which has a rich heritage of law, culture, and tradition, requires an understanding of its history.Islam is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion centered primarily on the Quran, which Muslims regard as the direct word of God as revealed to Muhammad, the main and final Islamic prophet.

To know more about Religion here


Can I start singing at 12?


The best time to start singing is always now! Students of the any age can benefit from singing classes because the audio develops over life. Additionally, singing might be a useful approach to maintain mental and physical acuity.

What is a singing?

The act of producing musical sounds using the voice is known as singing. An artist, song, or vocalist is someone who sounds. Music which can be heard with or without background music is performed by singers. In an ensemble of musicians, like a choirs, screaming is common.

Your larynx is smallish and your sounds are somewhat thin and little once you reach adolescence. Your voice gets fuller than an adult's because of this. The larynx changes as you move trough puberty.

Learn more about singing, Here:


The investigator must report adverse events to the:


Adverse occurrences must be reported to the Sponsor by the investigator. The research sponsor or monitoring agency may impose additional reporting requirements on investigators.

Monitoring and evaluation refer to the methods established by organizations such as businesses, government agencies, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to improve their management of outputs, outcomes, and effect. Monitoring entails the constant evaluation of programs based on early comprehensive information just on progress or delay of ongoing assessed operations. The assessment of the relevancy, effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of actions in light of defined objectives is known as evaluation. Monitoring and evaluation methods can be managed by donors funding the examined activities, an autonomous branch of the period . it helps, the project managers the implementation team itself, and/or a commercial company.

Learn more about managers here


What are the factors that shape our political orientation?


Numerous factors influence political participation. Family, gender, gender, and level of education are a few of these. Since his birth, the man has been greatly influenced by his family.

What does "family" actually mean?

a group of people who live as a single household as members of the same family and interact with one another in their individual social roles, typically that of spouse, parent, children, and siblings.

What purpose does family serve?

Family is crucial because they can provide unconditional love, support, and stability. They constantly strive to recognize and bring the best in you, even when you are unable to do so for yourself.

To learn more about Family visit:


in a conversation, john has a tendency to not allow other people to finish what they were saying. john is afraid that he will forget something important that he wants to say. he tends to barrage other people with words rather than offering them an understanding ear. in the context of the styles of poor listening, john is most likely a(n) .


In the context of the styles of poor listening, john is most likely an interrupter.

What is listening?

Giving your entire attention to one sight or action is listening. A person listens to what other people talking while attempting to decipher what they mean.

Instead of lending them a sympathetic ear, he frequently bombards others with remarks. John is more than possibly the interrupter in the perspective of the poor attentive techniques. The act of interjecting communicates to the speaker your disinterest in what they've to say.

You don't even have time to actually listen to them because you believe your input is more essential. It might even give the impression that your were not paying attention at all and had simply waiting for an opportunity to speak.

Learn more about listening, Here:


The professor asks his class for three volunteers to help him box up books. everyone is silent, and katcha looks around the room to see if anyone is going to volunteer first. then maybe she'll raise her hand. which term describes what katcha was doing?
a. conformity
b. bystander effect
c. diffusion of responsibility
d. social facilitation


The term describes which describes katcha was doing was   diffusion of responsibility occurs..

Hence, option C is correct

When those who need to decide wait for someone else to take action in their place, responsibility is diffused. The more people participating, the more likely it is that no one will take action because they assume someone else in the group will probably take the initiative.Diffusion of responsibility, often known as the "bystander effect," is a psychological phenomena whereby individuals are less likely to assume accountability or take action when there are more people around.

To know more about diffusion of responsibility here


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