Reading Strategy: Previewing
When previewing pictures from the text such as the one pictured above, what kind of questions did you have before
began reading?


Answer 1


answer the photo I could attach it

Answer 2

Answer: how was this built in the middle of the water?


Related Questions

Did Twain use satire?


The unparalleled The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is Twain's most well-known satirical work. It is told from the viewpoint of a little kid and exposes the hypocrisies of the grownups in his life.

Which satirical style did Mark Twain employ?

With his Horatian satire and works like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain established himself as a popular American comedian. These novels exposed hypocrisy and ignorance using the mildly sarcastic style of Horatian satire.

In Huck Finn, how does Twain employ satire?

Satire is a tool used by Mark Twain to ridicule society, religion, and superstition. He accomplishes this by adding Huck's amusing and foolish views to highlight how silly the beliefs of the time were.

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How did Napoleon get rid of Snowball in Animal farm?


Snowball is finally forced to flee the property as Napoleon attacks him with his guard dogs. Following that, he is blamed for farm difficulties.

Snowball is a leader who considers his nation's future, whereas Napoleon just concerns the present, because his vision of the future is one in which he has complete control over animals that have little time for leisure activities. (This is highlighted again when Snowball argues for spreading word of the revolt so that ultimately all animals would rise up against injustice, but Napoleon wants to build a stockpile of weaponry that he can subsequently use against his own inhabitants if necessary.) In a nutshell, Snowball's picture of life with the windmill is akin to Moses' Sugarcandy Mountain: a very attractive and magnificent location.

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What is the main source of evil in Hamlet?


The earliest and most significant instance of corruption comes when Hamlet is killed by Claudius, leading to the latter's eventual ascension to the throne. Additionally, he marries Gertude, once King Hamlet's wife. Such a union would have been viewed as infidelity during the reign of Elizabeth.

At the start of the play, Hamlet is seen as having moral character and integrity. Because he never pardons Claudius for killing his father and his own mother for marrying Claudius, he becomes a victim of wickedness and dishonesty. A fictional figure and the principal foe of William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, King Claudius. He is Prince Hamlet's uncle and later stepfather. He is also King Hamlet's brother, Gertrude's second husband, and the King's brother.

Hamlet's antagonism to Claudius appears to be the primary source of corruption. Early on in the play, it is made obvious that Hamlet neither accept Claudius as his father or as king, before the ghost exposes the details of his demise.

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What are 4 types of storage devices?


There are four categories of storage devices:

Cloud storage is the first choice for computer data storage.Cloud backup is the second-best method of storing computer data.Third type of computer data storage is the USB flash storage on fourth-generation optical media.

1. Computer data storage of choice: online storage:

Recently, "cloud storage," a type of computer data storage, has grown in popularity. In fact, the vast majority of people use the top cloud storage services today to swiftly and easily secure their important computer files, folders, and data by uploading everything to the cloud.

2. Cloud backup, the second-best method for storing computer data:

Cloud backup is a different approach to computer data storage that you should investigate. Cloud backup is a type of internet backup solution that works relatively similarly to a cloud storage service.

3. Third type of computer data storage: the USB flash drive:

A USB flash drive is one of the most widely used computer data storage gadgets nowadays. Computer data is kept locally on the actual storage medium of a USB flash drive.

4. Data storage on fourth-generation optical medium:

Optical media storage is one of the most frequently utilized types of computer data storage to date. Before USB flash drives were developed, optical media storage has long been the primary means of data storage.

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What happened to the institution of slavery after the American Revolution?


Slavery saw a number of unfavorable changes after the Revolution. In the northerners, the institution was completely dissolved or preparations for a full independence were put in place.

When did the practice of slavery come to an end?

The 13th amendment, which was passed by Congress on Jan 31, 1865, and adopted on December 6, 1865, said that "Neither either slavery or involuntary servitude, save as a punishment for a crime hodge the party will have been duly condemned, shall be in place within the U.s,

Was slavery a declining practice?

Since the early 17th century, African Americans had already been held as slaves in what would eventually become the United States. But after the American Revolution as well as the final adoption of a new Constitutional in 1787,

To know more about slavery visit:


What is the most credible theory of the origin of the Philippines?


Wave Migration of Beyer H. Otley Beyer, who established the University of the Philippines' Anthropology Department, is credited with developing the prehistoric Philippine population theory.

What is the most accepted theory about the origin of the Philippines?

Pacific Theory.

The Philippine islands were created as the result of volcanic eruptions that occurred beneath the Pacific Ocean near the eastern part of Asia, claims renowned geologist Bailey Willis.

What are the theories regarding the origins of the Philippines?

The "Migration Theory" of Beyer and the "Evolution Theory" of Jocano are the two main hypotheses on the origins of the occupants (the first Filipinos). Popular social scientist Henry Otley Beyer thinks that several waves of migrants from Southeast Asia brought various ethnicities to the Philippines.

What is the true origin of the Philippines?

The earliest settlers migrated from the Asian mainland some 30,000 years ago, perhaps via land bridges built during the glacial ages.

To know more about theory of origin visit:


How satire has been used in Gulliver's Travel?


In Gulliver’s Travels, Swift uses satire to critique various aspects of 18th century European culture and politics.

Jonathan Swift published his satirical book Gulliver's Travels in 1726. In the book, a guy named Gulliver travels to various nations and encounters their civilizations. Gulliver's Travels is a satire that exploits Gulliver's adventures to make statements about the politics and society of the period; it is not merely a travelogue. For instance, Gulliver travels to Lilliput, a nation with exceedingly tiny people, and finds that he can easily manage them due to their size. This enables Swift to make observations about the limited and tightly controlled British government of the time. This kind of sarcasm is prevalent throughout Gulliver's Travels, which is a really engaging book to read. The Reformation Era was a time frame.

To know more about instance refer :


What was the reason Squealer give for Napoleon's initial opposition?


There was a little pile of lump sugar and several bunches of ribbon of different colors.

What reasons did Squealer give for Napoleon making all decisions?Squealer explains to them that by taking on the leadership tasks, Napoleon is making a significant sacrifice and that, as the smartest animal, he serves the best interests of all by making the decisions. The other animals would become ill from such meal. The animals need to understand the importance of sacrifice. In Animal Farm, Squealer claims that Napoleon initially rejected the windmill due to tactical reasons. In reality, this is only a ploy to trick the animals into thinking they don't remember or don't comprehend. Napoleon had always been the one with the idea for the windmill, according to Squealer, and Snowball had stolen his designs.

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What is meaning of Bayan in English?


The meaning of Bayan in English is country; town; citizens; nation; home town; homeland.

The Bagong Alyansang Makabayan ( lit. '"New Patriotic Alliance"') or Bayan is an alliance of left-wing Philippine organizations. It turned into based on International Workers' Day, May 1, 1985 as a part of the competition in the course of the Marcos dictatorship.

In Arabic, Bayan is a residential location and district inside Kuwait City withinside the Hawalli Governorate of Kuwait, together with thirteen blocks, and located about 15 kilometers far from the middle regions of Kuwait City.

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How do the rhyme and rhythm affect or enhance the meaning of the poem?


Rhythm can be said to be pulse of poetry, and rhyme is like its echo. These two working together in a poem help make poetry an emotional and musical experience.

Rhythm in English poetry arises because of the variation between stressed and unstressed syllables. The normal beat of English can have a clear time interval between accents or stressed syllables.

A regular rhythms that set a pattern in poetry making it easier to remember for recitation is called rhythms. These rhythms reflect the natural movement of the human body.  poems with regular rhythms are often set to music to be enjoyed while marching and dancing.

Rhyme can be stated as repetition of the final sound or sounds of a word. For example, "say" rhymes with words like "may," and "sake" rhymes with the word "make." When words rhyme within the same line, it is internal rhyme. When they rhyme at the ends of two lines, it is external rhyme.

Rhyme together with meter make a poem musical. A regular rhyme has the effect of adding the memory for recitation gives pleasure.

To know more about Rhythm here


What is summary of the story?


A summary is a condensed essay that sums up the entire narrative or book. All the essential ideas of the essay or tale will be summed up in this succinct presentation.

What is an example of a summary of a story?

A summary is a condensed essay that sums up the entire narrative or book. All the essential ideas of the essay or tale will be summed up in this succinct presentation.

The reader will be made aware of all the key details and the major idea of the longer work by the summary.

Summarizing is similar to outlining the storyline of a play. For example, if someone asked you to sum up the plot of Shakespeare's "Hamlet," you might respond, "It's the tale of a young prince of Denmark who discovers that his uncle and his mother had assassinated his father, the former king."

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What is the meaning of connotation *?


A word's connotation is an additional concept or emotion it conjures up in addition to its primary meaning. Connotation is a sensation you have when you see a word.

In addition to the explicit or denotative meaning of any given word or phrase in a language, a connotation is a subjective cultural and/or emotional coloring.

Connotation is the use of a word to suggest a different association from its denotative, or literal, meaning. When someone says, "She's feeling blue," they are referring to both the color blue and the sense of grief. Connotations can be neutral, negative, or any combination of the three.

To learn more about connotation here:


Why does the neighbor believe that good fences make good neighbors do you agree with him?


The adage "Good fences make good neighbors" succinctly captures the requirement for both distinct property lines and for neighbors to uphold these lines in order to maintain friendly and "good" neighborly interactions.

A fence makes it impossible for someone to enter into a space that is privately owned by you. This holds true for all aspects of life, including relationships, neighboring nations, coworkers, and everything else.

Instead of erecting a high wall that prevents communication, one should construct a modest fence to keep one's distance.

He doesn't think in building walls only for their own sake. The neighbor turns to the proverb "Nice fences make good neighbors" to support his claim.

Learn more about to  good neighbors visit here;


What is St Francis of Assisi the patron saint of?


St. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals, the environment, ecology, and merchants.

He was born in 1181 and was the founder of the Franciscan Order. St. Francis was a devout Catholic and was known for his love for animals and nature. He believed that all creatures were gifts from God and should be respected and cared for.

St. Francis was known for his kindness and compassion for all living creatures. He had a special bond with animals and is often depicted with birds, rabbits, or lambs.

He was also known for his care for the environment and his efforts to protect it from destruction. He was often seen preaching sermons to animals, birds, and even the sun and moon.

For more questions like St. Francis click the link below:


What is the purpose of using assessments?


To test students skills and see what areas they need to be improved in. (Sorry if you meant something else, just let me know if you did)

A poor Woodman was cutting down a tree near the edge of a deep pool in the forest. It was late in the day and the Woodman was tired. He had been working since sunrise and his strokes were not so sure as they had been early that morning. Thus it happened that the axe slipped and flew out of his hands into the pool.

The Woodman was in despair. The axe was all he possessed with which to make a living, and he had not money enough to buy a new one. As he stood wringing his hands and weeping, the god Mercury suddenly appeared and asked what the trouble was. The Woodman told what had happened, and straightway the kind Mercury dived into the pool. When he came up again he held a wonderful golden axe.

"Is this your axe?" Mercury asked the Woodman.

"No," answered the honest Woodman, "that is not my axe."

Mercury laid the golden axe on the bank and sprang back into the pool. This time he brought up an axe of silver, but the Woodman declared again that his axe was just an ordinary one with a wooden handle.

Mercury dived down for the third time, and when he came up again he had the very axe that had been lost.

The poor Woodman was very glad that his axe had been found and could not thank the kind god enough. Mercury was greatly pleased with the Woodman's honesty.

"I admire your honesty," he said, "and as a reward you may have all three axes, the gold and the silver as well as your own."

The happy Woodman returned to his home with his treasures, and soon the story of his good fortune was known to everybody in the village. Now there were several Woodmen in the village who believed that they could easily win the same good fortune. They hurried out into the woods, one here, one there, and hiding their axes in the bushes, pretended they had lost them. Then they wept and wailed and called on Mercury to help them.

And indeed, Mercury did appear, first to this one, then to that. To each one he showed an axe of gold, and each one eagerly claimed it to be the one he had lost. But Mercury did not give them the golden axe. Oh no! Instead he gave them each a hard whack over the head with it and sent them home. And when they returned next day to look for their own axes, they were nowhere to be found.

Select the perspective from which this story is told.


The story is told from a third-person perspective.

What is the third-person perspective?The third-person perspective is the same as the third-person point of view.The third-person perspective occurs when the story is told by a narrator who is just observing the story.

The third-person perspective has very specific characteristics. The first features a narrator who is not a character in the story and tells the story as if he were watching it from afar.

This narrator has access to all the characters' thoughts and all the places where the story takes place.

The other characteristic is the presence of third-person pronouns like "he," "she," "it" and "They."

This narrator also does not expose his feelings and ideas, but impartially narrates the story.

Learn more about the third-person perspective:


What distractions are bothering you in your life?


Answer: I live ina toxic house hold


Thoughts about "Using Technology for Multilingual learning: Challenges and opportunities"


Challenges for using technology for Multilingual learning include auto correction while using the wrong language and opportunity being that they can be adapted for making more languages accessible.

What is Multilingual learning?

Multilingual education is commonly used to refer to "first-language-first" education, or schooling that begins in the mother tongue and progresses to additional languages. The term refers to the use of at least three languages in education, such as the mother tongue, a regional or national language, and an international language.

By making language education more accessible, technology promotes rich linguistic diversity. Learning a language virtually could address the perceived barriers of distance, time, and cost. The only challenge might be in auto correction for unrecognized languages.

Find out more on multilingual learning here:


How do the passages themes compare on Seeing the Elgin Marbles?


The passage compares as per theme time erases everything.

The verse from Ozymandias illustrates how a great leader's wealth, grandeur, and magnificence eventually fade away. It can be observed how special experiences fade into recollections of the past in On Seeing the Elgin Marbles even if it appears to go on forever.

The two passages from another poetry from the romantic period by Ozymandias and on seeing the Elgin Marbles share a common topic that everything is lost to time. A term that says everything is healed by time is time erasing everything. Time can ease aches, memories, and emotions. As time passes, memories deteriorate. As a result, time erases everything is the topic of both texts.

Complete Question:

Read the passage from "On Seeing the Elgin Marbles."

So do these wonders a most dizzy pain,

That mingles Grecian grandeur with the rude

Wasting of old Time-with a billowy main-

A sun—a shadow of a magnitude.

Now, read the passage from "Ozymandias," another

poem from the romantic period.

And on the pedestal these words appear:

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.

O Both passages have the theme "time erases


O "Elgin Marbles" has the theme "art outlasts even

death," while "Ozymandias" has the theme "death

comes to everything."

O Both passages have the theme "nature is cruel."

O "Elgin Marbles" has the theme "decay is inevitable,"

while "Ozymandias" has the theme "fame survives


Read more about the passage on:


What is the worst thing that a person can put on their bio on a dating app?


Married but still ready to mingle”

What is considered Gothic literature?


Gothic literature is a literature that makes use of ominous and scenic settings, stunning and dramatic storytelling techniques, and a general atmosphere of dread and fear.

The setting is typically a castle or estate in a remote area, far from any cities or civilization. Dark, ominous, and enigmatic, this genre frequently incorporates themes of terror, horror, the macabre, and the odd. Power, captivity, and isolation are typical Gothic themes and concepts. The Harry Potter books are not typically categorized as gothic. The majority of the time, the series is categorized as fiction, young adult, or fantasy. Harry Potter does, however, include aspects of gothic literature.

Gothic architecture differs from other architectural styles in a number of distinctive ways. It is distinguished most significantly by long pointed arches, flying external buttresses, longer stained-glass windows, ribbed vaults, and spires. Traditional Elements. The five main architectural features of the Gothic style—large stained glass windows, pointed arches, rib vaults, flying buttresses, and rich decoration—can vary depending on the location, age, and type of building.

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What are the benefits of joining the Peace Corps?


The Peace Corps offers its employees standard federal employment benefits, including competitive salaries, time off, insurance, and retirement.

What is insurance? An agreement with a corporation in which you make regular payments and they agree to cover the costs if, for instance, you pass away or become ill, or if you misplace or harm anything.A way to control your risk is through insurance. When you obtain insurance, you safeguard yourself against unforeseen financial losses. If something unfavorable occurs to you, the insurance company pays you or a person of your choice. If an accident occurs and you don't have insurance, you can be liable for all expenses.Risk, as it relates to insurance, is the possibility that something negative or unexpected could occur. This may involve the disappearance, theft, or destruction of priceless items, as well as the loss or injury of someone.

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Which type of paragraph uses sensory details to appeal to the reader's 5 senses and create the mood of the paragraph?


The reader must be accurately and passionately described in descriptive paragraphs. The writer must employ language that draws attention to the audience's sensory receptors—in order to offer this rich information.

What type of paragraph uses vivid description and appeals to five senses in giving details about a topic?

The main goal of descriptive writing is to paint a picture in the reader's process of identity formation, place, or thing that is being described. Using all of your sensory experience, you must pay great attention to the small details in order to accurately describe an event.

What kind of writing refers to details appealing to one or more of the five senses?

Sensory details enhance depth of detail by utilising the five senses (sight, touch, sound, taste, and smell). Although sensory details are typically employed in narratives, you may use them in a variety of writing styles to make your writing stand out.

To know more about descriptive writing visit:


What time are cops out the most?


Cops out the most in between 9:30 am to 2 pm.During shift changes, police are not very actively enforcingtraffic  laws. Usually between 6:30 and 7:30 AM, 3:30 and 5:00 PM, and 10:30 and 11:30 PM .

Traffic halts for minor periods are more frequent between 9:30 AM and 2:00 PM as the majority of police officers want to allow the working population to be at work on time. Officers will be too busy rushing from call to call from around 7 PM till midnight during the busy months of summer to worry about traffic enforcement.

Most police officers are very alert, highly aware of when bars close, and actively on the hunt for intoxicated drivers, so if bars close at 2:00 AM, plan on this type of enforcement taking place between 2:00 to 3:00 AM.

To know more about police officers:


What is the main conflict between Jing Mei and her mother in two kinds?


The mother's desire for her daughter to become a child prodigy and the girl's inability to realise her mother's goal constitute the story's main conflict.

What Is The Central Conflict In The Story "two Kinds" By Amy Tan?

Since Mrs. Woo wants to be able to boast about her daughter's "natural pride," she doesn't actually give Jing-Mei an option. Jing-Mei, however, feels that because she is not a particularly brilliant pianist, her mother's desire of having the ideal daughter should be abandoned.

When she is compared to her cousin Waverly and all of her accomplishments, she feels pressure from her family. As her mother continues to put her through daily academic assessments, the tension soon turns into animosity, and Jing-Mei eventually gives up as her mother tries to encourage her to pay attention and cooperate.

Internal struggle: Jing-mei wants to be her own person but finds it difficult to live up to her mother's standards. C) Static personality: The mother's views on the function of a child remain constant. She still holds on to the views that her daughter ought to be submissive and that she isn't trying hard enough.

The mother's desire for her daughter to become a child prodigy and the girl's inability to realise her mother's goal constitute the story's main conflict. Tan also emphasizes the idea that dreams can be dashed by using the piano as a symbol of both hope and disappointment for the daughter and mother.

To know more about Central Conflict In The Story "Two Kinds"refer to :


What poetic technique does Whitman illustrate in the passage from "Song of Myself"?

I see something of God each hour of the twenty-four, and each moment then,

In the faces of men and women I see God, and in my own face in the glass. (lines 1281 – 1282)

end-stopped lines
rhyming lines
regular meter
regular rhythm


The poetic technique used in "I see something of God each hour of the twenty-four, and each moment then, In the faces of men and women I see God, and in my own face in the glass" is free verse. The Option E is correct.

What is the Poem "Song of Myself" about?

The poem titled 'Song of Myself' is one of the most influential poems ever written by an American. The poem takes the reader on an epic journey through many settings, time periods, viewpoints and personas.

In this poem, Whitman had some radical ideas about America, democracy, spirituality, sexuality, nature and identity. He used poem 'Song of Myself' to explore these ideas while preaching self-knowledge, liberty and acceptance for all.

Read more about Song of Myself


What is the main theme of A Modest Proposal?


The main themes of A Modest Proposal are the humanity of the poor, the narrowness of reason, suffering and greed.

Swift's central satirical strategy is to present the poor in Ireland as mere economic data, and the purpose of the essay is to show that the poor are actually human.

In Swift's satirical essay A Modest Proposal of 1729, the narrator is a conceited and ignorant economist who proposes solving the famine in Ireland by eating infants. Swift's reprehensible narrator serves an important rhetorical purpose. The narrator's eponymous "Humble Proposal" -- solving poverty through cannibalism -- is intended to terrify the reader. In creating this narrator and suggestions, Swift uses exaggeration and sarcasm to get your message across. It is to push the reader in the opposite direction of the narrator's thesis and, by extension, to appreciate human life.

Know more about Modest Proposal here:


What are the basics of an essay?


The emergence, topic, and argument are the three main sections of a standard essay. You will be able to compose and structure an essay following this format.

How do I begin writing an essay?

Prepare by deciding on a topic, gathering data, and writing an essay outline. When writing, state your position in the prologue, support everything with information in the body, and then summarize it in the conclusion. Revision: Review your essay's content, structure, punctuation, spelling, and presentation.

Can a paragraph serve as an essay?

A one-paragraph essay is incredibly succinct, a condensed form of a lengthy academic essay. Despite this, a writer should nevertheless include specific examples and analysis.

To know more about essay visit:


How can we encourage people to drink responsibly?


In the workplace, promote regular drink sizes and drink driving advisories. On times when alcohol will be served, provide plenty of non-alcoholic beverages and food, and promote the word that you want people to behave responsibly.

Know your limit and plan ahead of time. Eat before and during alcohol consumption. When you drink on an empty stomach, your body absorbs alcohol more quickly. Always remember to eat something before you start drinking.

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans propose that individuals of legal drinking age refrain from drinking to decrease the risk of alcohol-related harms.

Learn more about to  Drink responsibly visit here;


Is it true that if you are left-handed you had a twin?


The "vanishing twin" theory postulates that left-handers were once twins, but the right-handed fetus did not survive.

What occurs to the identical left-handed twin?

The left-handed twin also passed away, although he wasn't actually dead when he did. 2. "And the twin with the deep mind in the right hand lied to his sibling, while the twin with the deep mind in the left hand uttered the truth.

Brain dominance appears to be another factor. The majority of right-handed persons use their left hemisphere to regulate their language, whereas the majority of left-handed people do the opposite. Some left-handed people, though, process language in either the left hemisphere or both. In fact, one of the more unusual theories to explain the rarity of left-handedness holds that a genetic mutation in the distant past caused the language centers of the human brain to shift to the left hemisphere, effectively causing right-handedness to predominate, Alasdair Wilkins explains for io9 back in 2011.

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