What are the two types of deductibles?


Answer 1

Individual and family deductibles are the two different categories of health insurance deductibles. A health insurance plan may include both of them or only one of them. The family deductible is more complicated than the individual deductible.

What is a Health Insurance deductible?

A health insurance deductible is the sum of money you are responsible for paying out-of-pocket before your insurance provider begins to cover some of your medical costs.

Deductibles are often adjusted at the start of each year because they are normally established annually. Depending on the health plan, if you have family coverage, you can have family deductibles or both individual and family deductibles.

A health plan's coinsurance typically kicks in once you've met your deductible, and the insurance provider begins to contribute to a percentage of your medical expenses.

Learn more about a Health Insurance deductible, from:



Related Questions

Mary Marshall committed a shoplifting offense which is a crime punishable by less than one year in jail. The judge sentenced her to probation. Mary Marshall committed a


aggravated felony


capital crime


Mary Marshall committed a misdemeanor.

Define misdemeanor.

A misdemeanor is a category of crime that is penalized by law. A misdemeanor is often a crime that carries a sentence of less than one year in prison. Misdemeanors are typically punished by community service, probation, fines, and jail for less than a year.

As opposed to a misdemeanor, which is merely punishable by detention in a county or municipal jail and/or a fine, a felony is a crime that is serious enough to be punished by death or a sentence in state or federal prison.

The difference between a crime and a misdemeanor is only quantitative, offenses are minor social dangerous offenses .

To know more about misdemeanor, visit:



What impacted the US Supreme Court case Griswold v. Connecticut have on women's rights?


Nine Justices make up the bench of the US Supreme Court. In this capacity, it also serves as the Constitution's protector and interpreter.

What is the impact of the Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court serves as the final arbiter of law and is responsible for assuring that the American people receive the promise of equal justice under the law. In this capacity, it also serves as the Constitution's protector and interpreter.

Roe v. Wade and safe and legal abortion were made possible by the Connecticut case, which for the first time established a constitutional right to privacy surrounding reproductive decisions. It also prepared the way for the legalization of birth control for unmarried couples.

The general public's perception and societal ideals have an impact on the Supreme Court's decisions. The president must appoint judges, and the Senate must ratify their nominations, according to the Constitution.

To learn more about Supreme Court refer to:



What is indirect primary election?


Other articles that touch on indirect primary include: primary election: In an indirect primary, voters choose the party's candidates by electing the delegates.

What does "indirect election" mean?

In an indirect election, also known as hierarchical voting, instead of choosing candidates or parties for a position directly (as in a direct voting system), voters elect representatives who then select candidates or parties.

Why is the primary caucus procedure called the indirect caucus process?

The primary or caucus in a state is typically an indirect election; rather than choosing a specific candidate for president, voters decide how many delegates each party's national convention will get from their state.

To know more about indirect primary election visit:-



Why does the executive office of the president include press and communications staff The president uses mass media to speak to Congress?


The right answer is b The president uses the media to promote his agenda.

What does the government's Congress do?

The congressional of the federal government, known as Congress, is responsible for enacting laws on behalf of the American people. It shares authority with the president-led executive branch and the United States Supreme Court States, the branch's highest court.

What does the Congress do?

In the American Congress, congressional members represent the citizens of their district by holding hearings, crafting legislation, and casting votes. Every bills must be passed by Congress before being delivered to the Presidency for his approval as a law.

To know more about congress visit:



The complete question is-

Why does the executive office of the president include press and communications staff?

a)The president uses mass media to speak to Congress.

b)The president uses mass media to gain support for policies.

c)The president uses mass media to issue executive orders.

d)The president uses mass media to speak to other countries.

What is one difference between open and closed primary election?


An open primary allows any voter to participate, while a closed primary is only open to party members. This is the primary difference between the two.

The process by which voters choose their preference for a party's candidate or a candidate in general in an upcoming election is known as a primary election, or primaries.

This could also be referred to as a primary election where a candidate to represent a political party is chosen before the general election.

The reason closed primaries are preferred by parties is because they guarantee that the nominee will be chosen by voters who genuinely support the party. Any voter may cast a ballot in an open primary.

To learn more about primary election refer here



What are left leaning political parties?


Left-wing politics are often characterized by concern for people in society who are seen as being less advantaged than others and a conviction that unfair inequities need to be lessened or eliminated.

What are political parties example?

A coalition government is made up of people who band together to run the government, win elections, and shape public policy. Currently, the two major parties in Congress are the Democratic and Republican.

What define political parties' primary traits?

Establishing a government, promoting an ideology, having a common agenda, and acting as a link between the general public and the executive branches of government are all objectives of parties. A major party is a collection of people who unite in order to seek for office and exercise control.

To know more about Political parties visit:



What are the different ways that executive orders are used by presidents ?


To "command or instruct the operations of executive agencies and government personnel, or to create policies for executive branch to follow," the President may issue an executive order in writing.

Can a president hold office for three terms?

No one may be elected to a office of president more than again, and no one who has served in that capacity for longer than two years during a period for which another people was elected President may be elected to the position again.

How is the President chosen?

Commission on Elections. Candidate selection in other American elections is done through popular voting. Nevertheless, its vice-president and president are not chosen by the general public.

To know more about president visit:



What is a open primary election ?


An open primary is a primary election in which partisan candidates may be chosen without party affiliation.

 What Does an Open Primary Mean?

Any registered voter may cast a ballot in any party's primary during an open primary. Only those who have registered to vote for the party holding the primary may do so in a closed primary. Majority versus plurality. runoff elections for the presidential election. Voters select two candidates from the top vote-getters in the previous election.

What makes open primary so crucial?

First off, the open primary enables independent or nonpartisan voters to take part in the nomination process. These voters may be more inclined to cast a ballot in the main election if they are given the opportunity to choose the nominees.

To know more about open primary election visit:-



What leadership qualities must a president have in order to make the best use of his cabinet of advisors?


A clear vision for the nation's future, the ability to inspire others, and a willingness to take risks are some traits that excellent leadership qualities that presidents frequently exhibit.

What makes leadership so crucial?

Provides direction and propels the team forward. A leader gives the team direction by outlining goals and objectives in detail so that everyone on the team is aware of the ultimate target they are working toward. enables team members to perform at their highest level. A strong leader is able to give his or her team members duties that play to their strengths since they are aware of their abilities and skills. assumes accountability for decisions. To prevent work from being delayed when the team is unable to decide between several options, a leader steps up and makes a decision on behalf of the group. Offer to help with new tasks. When your manager or supervisor requests more assistance, offer to take on more jobs.

To know more about leadership visit:



What is the purpose of the national security policy?


To retain that independence of the United States, including its values, institutions, and territory unaltered; to defend the safety and lives of Americans; and to secure the security of our country's fundamental and permanent needs.

Who is in charge of maintaining national security?

The President consults with his or her her senior national safety advisers and cabinet members in the National Security Council, which also serves as the president's main vehicle for organizing these policies among government departments.

National security risks include what?

A threat to national security is anything that endangers the population's physical safety or undermines the institutions or economy of a country.

To know more about national security visit:



Who are likely voters?


People aged 65 and up are more likely to vote, while those aged 18 to 24 are less likely called as the voters in voting.

What is voting?

Voting is a method in which a group, such as a meeting or an electorate, can participate in order to make a collective decision or express an opinion, typically after discussions, debates, or election campaigns.

Voting is used in democracies to elect high-level officials. Voting is a method in which a group, such as a meeting or an electorate, can participate in order to make a collective decision or express an opinion, typically after discussions, debates, or election campaigns.

Therefore, people aged 65 and up are more likely to vote, whereas those aged 18 to 24 are less likely to vote.

Learn more about the voting, refer to:



How many types of cast are there?


Over 1 billion people worldwide are impacted by the oppressive framework known as caste.

What is Caste sysytem ?

A system of regulated exclusion based on religion was developed in Hindu literature. Every newborn inherits the caste of his or her ancestors, which determines social rank and bestows "spiritual purity."

There are four primary Caste divisions. Brahmins, who have historically been priests, custodians of scriptural knowledge, and legislators, are at the very top. The Kshatriyas, who were rulers and warriors, are lower class than them. Vaishyas, or the mercantile classes, come after them. These three Caste divisions are frequently referred to as the Savarnas or "upper" Castes.

Learn more about Caste here



What is an example of pathos appeal?



Persuading one by using a factor that will evoke an emotion from others. *etc. cause one to emphasize (family related, safety, health)

Do interest groups create PACs?


In order to finance independent expenditures and other independent political action, super PACs (independent expenditure only political committees) are groups.

that may accept an unlimited amount of contributions from people, businesses, labor organizations, and other PACs. In order to finance independent expenditures, other advertisements that mention a federal candidate, and generic voter drives in federal elections, hybrid PACs (political committees with non-contribution accounts) must maintain a separate bank account and can accept unlimited contributions from individuals, corporations, labor groups, and other political committees. However, they are subject to all statutory amount limitations and source prohibitions.

learn more about PACs  here:



What does Article 3 say about jurisdiction?


The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.

What are the 3 main forms of government?


The U.S. Federal Government is divided into three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial. This arrangement promotes the separation of powers.

What three main categories of government exist?

Democracy, monarchy, and dictatorship are three different styles of government.

Which four primary forms of government are there?

In this lesson, the five primary types of authority or government that have been used in both historical and contemporary countries will be discussed and contrasted: monarchy, democracy, oligarchy, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism.

To know more about Government visit:



kenneth lived in his home for the entire year except for when he rented his home (near a very nice ski resort) to a married couple for 14 days in december. the couple paid kenneth $14,000 in rent for the two weeks. kenneth incurred $1,000 in direct expenses relating to the home for the 14 days. which of the following statements accurately describes the manner in which kenneth should report his rental receipts and expenses for tax purposes?


In addition to not deducting the rental costs, Kenneth would exclude the rental receipts.

My rent receipts: Should I retain them?

It is imperative to have a receipt for every single payment, especially if you pay your rent in cash. Rental payment receipts provide proof that your payments were completed on schedule, which can help you avoid problems. In example, if you run a home-based business, receipts for rent are essential for tax purposes.

Can you use your rental receipts to file taxes?

In general, I'd say no. It is not possible to receive a tax credit for 2021 rental expenses. As usual, there are a few exceptions to this general rule. If you qualify for one of the following benefits or credits, you may deduct the rent you paid in 2021 from your taxable income.

Exactly how is rent determined?

According to this fundamental suggestion, you should set your rent at 1% (or between 0.8 and 1.1%) of the total market value of your house. For example, a house worth $200,000 might rent for $2,000 per month, somewhere between $1,600 and $2,200.

Learn more about rental receipts: https://brainly.com/question/15351136


What is the authority to hear cases for the first time called?


Original Jurisdiction: the authority of a courtroom to hear and figure out a case in the first occasion over the authority of different courts.

What is the authority to hear a case?

Jurisdiction: A court's electricity to hear matters and trouble binding decisions. Trial Court: Trial courts are at the backside of the judicial hierarchy in a jurisdiction. They are usually persuasive major authority.

Under which jurisdiction the Supreme Court can without delay hear instances for the first time?

Its exceptional unique jurisdiction extends to any dispute between the Government of India and one or extra States or between the Government of India and any State or States on one aspect and one or more States on the other or between two or greater States, if and insofar as the dispute includes any question

Learn more about Jurisdiction here:


What are enumerated powers give an example ?


The United States Constitution grants the federal government of the United States the authority listed in the United States Congress's charter.

Enumerated power is what?

These included the authority to impose and collect taxes, pay off debts and borrow money, regulate commerce, print money, erect post offices, protect patents and other intellectual property rights, establish lower courts, declare war, and create and maintain an army and navy.

Give an example of enumerated powers?

Enumerated powers are those that the federal government has that are specified in the Constitution; for example, Congress has the authority to create money, control its value, and levy taxes, which are listed in Article I, Section 8.

To know more about enumerated powers visit:-



What powers does the president pro tempore have?


The Senate is presided over by the president pro tempore, who is also vested with the power to ratify laws and administer oaths of office to newly elected senators.

Simply put, what does a president pro tempore do?

A senator with the constitutional authority to act as chair when the vice president is absent. The president pro tempore, sometimes known as the "president for a while," is chosen by the Senate and is customarily the senator from the majority party with the longest history of uninterrupted service.

Who exactly is the pro tempore of the Senate?

The War Powers Act, which the Speaker and President may utilize to request that Congress be summoned back into session, requires reports to be given to the Senate for which the president pro tempore is legally obligated. The officeholder participates in a variety of boards and commissions as an ex officio member.

To know more about president pro tempore visit:



What is the right to vote and to be elected?


The right to vote in public elections, political elections, and referendums is known as suffrage, political franchise, or simply franchise (although the term is sometimes used for any right to vote).

What is the right to vote and to be elected?

To cast a ballot and be elected during legitimate periodic elections that must be conducted using a secret ballot to ensure the free expression of the electorate's will; must be able to obtain public service in his nation on an equal basis in general.

In accordance with Article 326 of the Indian Constitution, everyone has the right to vote. For each citizen to use this particular right, they must be at least 18 years old.

Learn more about Votes here



What means corporation tax?


The corporate tax, commonly referred to as the company tax, is a charge placed on the profits or assets of corporations and enterprises. The earnings that a firm makes are subject to corporate tax in the majority of nations.

The particular rate of tax may change depending on the nation or territory in which the business operates. The tax is often computed as a percentage of the corporation's profits. Corporate taxes are frequently used to pay for a range of government initiatives and services, including the construction of new roads and bridges, education, and healthcare.

Corporations are normally obliged to submit tax returns annually in order to record their income and pay the correct amount of tax, and many nations have special laws and procedures governing the computation and payment of corporate tax.

To learn more about corporation tax



How do I cite an executive order?


Particular References When referring to a specific executive order by number, use the words "Executive Order" in full, using capital letters.

Why would an executive order be issued?

An executive order is what? A: The U.s. president, operating in her position as head of question executive branch, may issue an executive order instructing a federal official of administrative agency to take a certain type of action or abstain from taking a particular course of action.

Can a president's executive order be overturned?

In an effort to undo an executive order, Congress may draft a statute that prohibits it. However, the president might veto the bill. Congress would then need to overrule the veto in order to pass the law. In addition, the Supreme Court has the authority to invalidate a presidential order.

To know more about Executive order visit:


What does the Commander in Chief appoint?


Along with the Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee, the commander in chief, on the suggestion of the Minister of Defense, appoints the heads of each branch of the armed forces.

What is a chief?

Chiefs are typically the head of a tribe or clan. The president is occasionally referred to as our "commander in chief." A chief is the top dog, the big cheese, or the head honcho. Chiefs rule tribes, but they also oversee firefighters, police officers, and businesses (Chief Executive Officer or CEO). The person with the most power; the head or leader of a group of people. the police commissioner. a tribe's or clan's leader or chief. a tribal chief.

Why is it called chief?

The word chief is derived from the French word chef, which itself is derived from the Latin word caput, both of which designate the leader of a group. Chief was a title that European settlers used to refer to the leaders of the Indigenous peoples they encountered during the colonization of North America.

To know more about Chief visit:



What tasks do campaign workers perform in a presidential campaign?


Their tasks can include addressing envelopes, entering data into databases, and canvassing voters on behalf of the campaign.

A presidential campaign's goal is to what end?

Candidates who win the election must convince people that they deserve their support on a personal level as well as the crucial Electoral College votes. The aim of a political campaign is to gain over voters.

What occurs throughout an election campaign?

Between the announcement of the final list of candidates and election day in India, there is a two-week election campaign phase. Political leaders speak at election gatherings, candidates make touch with their supporters, and political parties mobilize their supporters.

To know more about election campaign visit:



What is judicial precedent ?


The term "precedent" refers to a court decision that functions as a guide for how future cases or legal matters with the same or similar facts should be handled.

What category of law is a legal precedent?

Judicial precedent or rulings refer to the process by which judges reach their conclusions. Judges base their decisions on past, analogous cases as a rule of thumb. All court decisions are built on the idea of stare decisis, which translates to "remain committed to the decision that has already been made."

What function does precedent serve in law?

Precedents are crucial. In a common law system, judges are obligated to make sure that their decisions are consistent with earlier court decisions on the same matter and as reasonable as feasible. The majority of English common law was accepted by the Constitution as the basis of American law.

Learn more about Judicial precedent: https://brainly.com/question/29791689


Why is it so important to connect and build relations with other countries?



so you can learn about their culture


I don't have a explanation I thought of it lol

What are the powers of the commission?


Power of the Commission to act as a Civil Court Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any individual from any phase of India and inspecting him on oath. Requiring the discovery and manufacturing of any document.

Receiving proof on affidavits. Requisitioning of any public report or replica thereof from any court of office.

What was once the role of commission?

The primary duty of Commissions is to advocate and make tips to the Town Council. It is the Council's function to take in the recommendation and tips presented through numerous sources and to make selections to the great of its ability.

What are the powers of National fee pertaining to to inquiries?

Powers of Commission relating to inquiries:

receiving evidence on affidavits; requisitioning any public document or replica thereof from any court docket or office; issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents; any different be counted which may additionally be prescribed.

Learn more about Power of the Commission here:


What you mean by inheritance?


The process by which one class inherits the attributes and methods of another class is referred to as inheritance.

What is inheritance?The process through which one class inherits the attributes as well as methods of another class is referred to as inheritance. The inherited properties and methods are derived from the Parent class. The parent class's properties are passed down to the child class.A key feature that distinguishes object-oriented languages from traditional languages is the inheritance relationship. From the domain's perspective, an inheritance relationship organizes classes into hierarchical structures. This allows us to create a term hierarchy by combining generalizations and specializations.A key feature that distinguishes object-oriented languages from traditional languages is the inheritance relationship. From the domain's perspective, an inheritance relationship organizes classes into hierarchical structures. This allows us to create a term hierarchy by combining generalizations and specializations.

To learn more about inheritance refer to :



What are two ways a government uses intervention in trade as a foreign policy instrument?


A government can use trade intervention as a foreign policy tool in two ways:

Putting pressure on or punishing "rogue states"To give favourable trading terms to countries with which it wishes to establish relations

What are the most common ways for the government to meddle in trade?

Governments can collect taxes on the general public and direct the proceeds to an industry, or they can levy tariffs on foreign goods to raise prices and make domestic goods more appealing. Increased taxes, fees, and regulations can stymie businesses and industries as a whole.

Governments can use a variety of tools to affect commerce, such as: Tariffs are levies that raise the cost of imported goods in order to protect domestic enterprises from international competition. Low-interest loans, tax breaks, and cash payouts are all examples of subsidies.

There are two major ways via which a government can intervene in international trade. Among them are trade promotion and trade prohibition. Tariffs, or levies charged on imported commodities, are used by the government.

Learn more about foreign policy instrument: https://brainly.com/question/10229365


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