What claim do the authors make in sugar changed the world?


Answer 1

The idea that all humans are equal began to spread during the Age of Sugar, when slavery was more brutal than ever before. This idea toppled kings, overthrew governments, and changed the world as a whole.

Sugar served as the link between freedom and slavery.

What is the primary assertion that sugar changed the world?

The text's central idea is that sugar had both good and bad effects on the world. The text's central idea is that the sugar industry has many "hidden costs" in its impact.

What is the author's motivation for changing the world with sugar?

The writers, Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos reason for composing, Sugar Impacted the World is to illuminate peruses how sugar was integrated with families and numerous essential occasions ever. " The book "Sugar Changed the World" was instructive because it demonstrated how sugar spread and may even be connected to your life.

To learn more about hidden costs here:



Answer 2

The idea that all humans are equal began to spread during the Age of Sugar, when slavery was more brutal than ever before. This idea toppled kings, overthrew governments, and changed the world as a whole.

What is primary assertion that sugar changed the world?

The text's central idea is that sugar had both good and bad effects on the world. The text's central idea is that the sugar industry has many "hidden costs" in its impact.

What is the author's motivation for changing the world with sugar?

The writers, Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos reason for composing, Sugar Impacted the World is to illuminate peruses how sugar was integrated with families and numerous essential occasions ever. " The book "Sugar Changed the World" was instructive because it demonstrated how sugar spread and may even be connected to your life.

To learn more about hidden costs :



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On what issue did Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin disagree most strongly with Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and Francisco Franco?

The so-called "Jewish question"
Economic policy
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On The so-called "Jewish question" Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin disagree most strongly with Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and Francisco Franco.

What is Jewish Question ?

The Jewish question, also referred to as Jewish problem, was a wide-ranging debate in 19th- and 20th-century European society that pertained to the appropriate status and treatment of Jews. The debate, which was similar to other "national questions", dealt with the civil, legal, national, and political status of Jews as a minority within society, particularly in Europe during the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.

Debate began with Jewish emancipation in western and central European societies during the Age of Enlightenment and after the French Revolution. The debate's issues included the legal and economic Jewish disabilities, Jewish assimilation, and Jewish Enlightenment.

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Can a sentence be 1 word?


A sentence word (also known as a one-word sentence) is a single word that makes up a complete sentence. Henry Sweet defined sentence words as "an area under one's control," citing words like "Come!", "John!", "Alas!", "Yes." and "No." as examples.

A sentence word (also known as a one-word sentence) is a single word that makes up a complete sentence.

Henry Sweet defined sentence words as "an area under one's control," citing words like "Come!", "John!", "Alas!", "Yes." and "No." as examples.

The Dutch linguist J. M. Hoogvliet described sentence words as "volzinwoorden".

They were also noted in 1891 by Georg von der Gabelentz, whose observations were expanded on by Hoogvliet in 1903; however, he does not include "Yes." and "No." as sentence words. Wegener referred to sentence words as "Wortsätze."

Learn more about sentence word to visit this



What does Napoleon the pig represent?


While initially just a regular farm pig, he soon rises to become the oppressive "President" of Animal Farm, which he converts into a dictatorship. He does this by banishing Snowball, another pig who is his rival for power, and by taking advantage of the animals' revolt against their owners.

Napoleon transforms into a repressive autocrat and starts to imitate many traits of human behavior. Near the end of the novel, the pigs begin to stand on their hind legs, consume alcohol, dress themselves, and wield whips. The notoriously modified version of the Ten Commandments now reads, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." It is altered to "Four legs good, two legs better" from the adage "Four legs good, two legs poor."

Napoleon meets Pilkington of Foxwood Farm and other farmers at the novel's conclusion. They report that on this farm, the animals are forced to work harder for less food than they do on other farms they have visited. Napoleon informs the other farmers of his decision to do away with the term "comrade" and says that the farm will once again be known as Manor Farm. He and Pilkington get into an argument after both drawing an ace of spades in a card game shortly after stating their similarities. The pigs have resembled people so closely in behavior and appearance that animals outside that are observing through a glass cannot distinguish between a pig and a human.

To know more about Pig:



Describe the relationship president nixon had with Congress during the president's years in office.


Based on a historical perspective, and political concepts, the relationship president Nixon had with Congress during the president's years in office is considered to be Sour.

The Presidency of Richard Nixon.

The presidency of Richard Nixon was famous for so many animosities between him and the United States Congress.

Richard Nixon's Presidency lasted between January 20, 1969 – August 9, 1974, following his resignation, thereby becoming the first and only United States president to resign from Office.

During Richard Nixon's presidency, he was accused of many corruption scandals, particularly the Watergate scandal which was fueled by the members of Congress.

Eventually, before his resignation, the United States Congress voted against him to force him to resign.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the relationship between President Nixon and Congress was not a palatable one.

Learn more about Richard Nixon here: https://brainly.com/question/16135947


What was the primary rationale used to justify the iraq war?


The primary rationalization for the Iraq War was explained by a goal of the US Congress working closely together known as the Iraq Goal. The US asserted the goal was to "incapacitate Iraq of weapons of mass annihilation, to end Saddam Hussein's help for illegal intimidation and to free the Iraqi public".

U.S. President George W. Shrubbery contended that the weakness of the US following the September 11 assaults of 2001, joined with Iraq's supposed proceeded ownership and assembling of weapons of mass obliteration and its help for psychological oppressor gatherings, including al-Qaeda, legitimized the U.S. battle with Iraq.

Iraq was seen to be a danger, and the US expected to make a preplanned military move to dispense with this danger.

Learn more about Iraq war:



What idea did the scientific revolution popularized?


The emphasis on abstract reasoning, quantitative thought, an understanding of how nature works, the view of nature as a machine, and the development of an experimental scientific method characterized the Scientific Revolution.

The Scientific Revolution was a series of events that occurred during the early modern period that marked the emergence of modern science, when advances in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology (including human anatomy), and chemistry transformed society's views on nature.

The Scientific Revolution occurred in Europe beginning in the second half of the Renaissance period, with the 1543 publication De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) by Nicolaus Copernicus often cited as its beginning.

Learn more about  scientific revolution to visit this link



How did Songhai develop and decline?



the songhai empire began to decline at the end of Askia Muhammad's reign

What did the Glorious Revolution of 1688 lead to Britain?


The Glorious Revolution of 1688 lead to Britain's transformation from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy.

In 1688, King James II of England was overthrown in what is now known as the Glorious Revolution. This event was significant as it marked the end of absolute monarchy in England and the beginning of a more democratic form of government.

The new king, William III, and queen, Mary II, were more agreeable to the wishes of Parliament and the people. This resulted in a more stable and functional government for England. The monarchy in England would never again have absolute control following this incident.

To know more about revolution, click here.



What are the advantage of a bicameral tructure of congre propoed by the contitution a oppoed to the unicameral tructure propoed by the article of confederation


The advantage of a bicameral structure of congress proposed by the Constitution as opposed to the unicameral structure proposed by the Article of Confederation is that it creates the checks and balances in the government.

A two-chamber or bicameral structure provided an important benefit: the ability to create checks and balances and control potential abuses of legislative power. It is believed that by dividing power, they created two distinct bodies of men who could monitor and check each other. Bicameralism helps prevent the legislative branch from having too much power by dividing power within the legislative branch—a kind of intrabranch check. Bicameralism has historically served to balance the power of different social classes or groups within a society within the legislative body instead of the unicameral structure.

Learn more about bicameral structure https://brainly.com/question/14016606


Is Natal Day time and a half?


Natal is a day time and a half. false. In the date of birth time , "natal time is another word for "birthtime ".

Time is the seeming unbreakable order of events that occur in the past, now, and on into the future. It is the continual movement of existence. It is a quantity that is a part of several metrics used to rate events, compare how long they last, compare the length of occurrences or the intervals between them, and measure how quickly things change in the real world or in our conscious experience. In addition to the three spatial dimensions, time is frequently referred to as a fourth dimension. But no definition of time that is applicable to all of philosophy, theology, and science has ever been discovered. The study of time has historically been crucial.

Learn more about time from





The early statehood movement is as below:

Land Run of 1889 provided the most push for Oklahoma statehood. On April 22, 1889, over 50,000 non-Indian people made the rush into the Unassigned Lands (Oklahoma District). They immediately began to advocate for statehood in order to acquire representation in Congress.

The Organic Act of 1890 established a territorial administration for Oklahoma Territory and set the boundaries of present-day Oklahoma Territory (O.T.) and Indian Territory (I.T.).

The law also required the election of a non-voting delegate from Oklahoma to the United States House of Representatives.

So, this is the early statehood movement.

To learn more about Early statehood, Here :


Create a list of five specific details that together give a picture of what working
conditions were like at Wilson's cotton mill.



Yet, the outsider’s perspective on mill girls and female factory operatives was the one that received the most publicity and primarily shaped the public’s opinion of these women. Visitors to the mills painted conflicting portraits of haggard women, whose youth and beauty was being ruined in the mills, and virtuous maids, whose labors afforded them luxuries never before known to working-class women.


Apush unit 10 The Cold War and Containment


Apush the ideological underpinnings of the two conflicts, as well as the clash of two superpowers, the US and the URSS, and their political and economic systems, were commonalities.

The United States had been wary of communist takeover attempts ever since the establishment of the communist Soviet Russia in 1917. Apush Communist doctrine does aim for the eradication of global capitalism and democracy, including American democracy, particularly in its Soviet Russian incarnation. However, the United States and the Soviet Union joined forces to fight the Axis Powers due to Adolf Hitler's threat and the Second World War. But after the Second World War ended in 1945, American concerns about the spread of communism globally returned. The Soviets' occupation of Eastern Europe following the war gave the impression that they were already on the move. And Josef Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, declared in February 1946 that world peace was unachievable "under the existing capitalist development of the world.

To learn more about Apush please click on below link



8. The President is the commander-in-chief of the military. In your opinion, why do you think it would be more safe
that the military is in the hands of a citizen, like the President, rather than professionals in the military?



Being the commander in chief of the armed forces can be a very important and secure responsibility for the president and for the country. In the event of a threat to national security, the president has the power to take measures to protect the country and its citizens, including sending troops abroad or implementing defense and national security policies. In addition, the President also has the power to negotiate international treaties and agreements to ensure the security and stability of the United States and its allies.

How much influence did the ideologies of the first parties have on today’s current parties?


The first parties, Anti-Federalists, led by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, favored states' rights over centralized power whereas the Federalists, led by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, favored a powerful central government.

What are the ideologies of current American parties?

The two major political parties in the nation, the Democratic and Republican Parties, closely reflect liberal and conservative ideologies, respectively. Discussions regarding US policy, which typically center on the appropriate level of governmental intervention in the economy or in social behavior, are impacted by these views.

Americans have a variety of perspectives on economic and social issues that don't necessarily fall along a simple "left-right" spectrum, despite the strong correlation between a person's philosophy and the party they support. As a result, some political scientists have created a political "spectrum" to show how various political ideologies differ in a variety of ways.

To know more about Democratic Party, visit:



Answer: The first parties, Anti-Federalists, led by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, favored states' rights over centralized power whereas the Federalists, led by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, favored a powerful central government.


Who is Swift using satire in A Modest Proposal?


Jonathan Swift, a master of satire in the eighteenth century, wrote the essay A Modest Proposal, which discusses the deprivation and oppression experienced by the Irish people at the hands of their English landlords.

Swift utilizes satire to highlight the problem before outlining workable answers. Swift suggests in this controversial, satirical article that the starving Irish people sell their extra children to the wealthy as food. Swift adopts an overly cynical persona that mocks individuals who have disapproving views on the Irish poor, including the Irish wealthy, politicians, and British officials.

As a metaphor for what he perceived as the exploitation of the poor, such as the excessive rents demanded by landlords, Swift employed the image of eating children. Swift's essay parodied other economic theories of the day that he believed treated individuals like commodities.

Learn more about Modest Proposal Visit: brainly.com/question/9066127


why phillip the second of spain stepped down



Alba resigned his command, replaced by Luis de Requesens.


hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

migration to the united states declined in the 1920s as a result of new laws. what did these laws do?


Through a national origins quota, the Immigration Act of 1924 set a cap on the number of immigrants who might enter the country. Two percent of each nationality's total population in the United States as of the 1890 census was eligible for immigration permits under the quota.

The first overall numerical cap on immigration to the United States was set by legislation in 1921 at around 350.000, which was then lowered to 165.000 in 1924. Based on the number of foreign-born Americans from each European country who resided in the United States in 1890, the 1924 statute established annual limits for each country.

The legislation prohibited immigrants from Asia, including Japan, and imposed a total immigration quota of 165,000 for nations outside the Western Hemisphere, an 80% decrease from the average before World War I.

To learn more about immigrants



What is Thoreau's first thought upon being imprisoned in Civil Disobedience he is concerned about how long he will be there?


Civil disobedience is the deliberate and open defiance of a government's demands, commands, or directives by a citizen (or any other authority).

Some definitions require that civil disobedience be peaceful in order to be considered such. As a result, civil disobedience and peaceful resistance or demonstrations are sometimes used interchangeably. The term "civil disobedience" was made prominent in the US by Henry David Thoreau's essay Resistance to Civil Government, despite the fact that the concept itself had been practiced for far longer. Leaders like Susan B. Anthony of the late 1800s American women's suffrage campaign and Saad Zaghloul of the 1919 Egyptian Revolution against British Occupation.

Learn more about Civil disobedience:



What were three utopian communities?


The Shakers, the Rappites, this same Oneida Communities, Brook Farm, and the Amana Colonies were some of the most well-known utopian projects that dotted the American landscape.

What kind of communities were utopian?

In his 1516 book Utopia, Sir Thomas More envisioned the ideal polity and social structure on a fictional island. The present concept of Utopia, which is any place or circumstance that is ideal perfect, was made popular by this book. The Protestant Reformation served as the ancestor of the utopian groups of the 19th century.

What were the tenets of utopian societies?

These religiously motivated utopian groups aimed to create "paradise on earth." The Second Great Awakening, a Protestant revival that tapped into emotion and looked forward to Jesus Christ's Second Coming, gave rise to the perfectionism movement.

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What are the main ideas that the Enlightenment was trying to address?


The importance of human happiness, the quest for knowledge attained through reason and sensory evidence are the main ideas that the Enlightenment was trying to address .

During this time, the concepts of individualism, free expression, and tolerance for various cultures also gained importance. During this time, famous intellectuals who subsequently influenced emerging democratic regimes, notably the government of the United States, were also presented. Nationalism was also on the increase during this time.

The Enlightenment, a philosophical movement that predominated in Europe during the 18th century, promoted ideals like liberty, progress, tolerance, and fraternity as well as constitutional government and the separation of church and state.

To know more about Enlightenment visit :



20 points

1. What teaching of the Quaker religion became the guiding prin-
ciple of Joan Baez's life?


The teaching of Quaker religion which became the guiding principle of Joan Baez's life is "to experience God directly".

What do the Quakers believe?

The Quakers always seek to experience God directly and within ourselves and in our relationships with others and the world around us.  The religion is a way of life, rather than a set of beliefs.  

It has its roots in Christianity and many of its believers find the life and teachings of Jesus inspirational, but we have no creed.  The religion is of a world of justice, peace and equality.  And their inner experience leads to be committed to equality, peace, simplicity  and truth.

Read more about Quakers



Which of the following is likely to occur as a result of new legislation regarding automobile safety?
answer choices
The Supreme Court will be asked to review the legislation annually.
States will be empowered to begin automobile manufacturing.
The Department of Transportation will be given discretionary authority to create auto regulations.
Mandatory spending will be required in all future federal budgeting for the program.


Statement C is the correct option. Auto regulations may be drafted at the Department of Transportation's discretion. As it is the following is likely to occur as a result of new legislation regarding automobile safety

The Supreme Court only needs to evaluate laws if a case comes before it; it is not required to do so every year. The federal government, not the states, sets the requirements for automobile safety, so these kinds of laws have nothing to do with the federal budget. the authority of an agency to select which actions to take while putting current legislation into practise. They typically cover a smaller range of duties than Cabinet departments.

Know more about the Cabinet departments at: https://brainly.com/question/30023255


Why are 22 doors closed in Taj Mahal?


One of the three branches of government, Congress, is granted a variety of significant powers under the Constitution. the sole organ of government with the power to pass new legislation or amend existing ones.

What does the Congress of the nation do?

The task of passing laws on representation of the American people falls to Congress, the legislative branch of the government. It shares authority with the executive branch of government and the institution's highest court, called Judicial Branches of the United States.

The actions of the Congress?

Congressmen serve their local constituents by holding hearings, crafting legislation, and voting, much as the American Congress. Before being sent to President for his signing to become law, each legislation must get Senate approval before being presented.

To know more about Taj Mahal visit:



What is the way of living of both tribute filipinos and tribute spaniards


Answer: Under Spanish rule, the indigenous families had to cultivate, not only enough food and crops for their own sustenance, but also great portions which they were forced to hand over to the warlords. Euphemistically, the Spanish called these forced portions "tributes".


Which of the following facts do you not need to know before you write to a public official? Responses where the official can be reached where the official can be reached the official's job the official's job whether the official will take action whether the official will take action what the official's stand is on the issues


Whether the official will take action is the  facts do you not need to know before you write to a public official. Hence, option D is correct.

What is the concept of the passage?

In order to appropriately address the letter, it is crucial to understand the official's position. In order to know where to submit the letter, it is also critical to know how to contact the official. Finally, understanding the official's position on the matter can assist one decide how to approach it.

However, it is ultimately up to the official to determine whether or not to act, and frequently, that decision cannot be made until after receiving the letter. Additionally, in certain circumstances, the purpose of a letter is to bring a problem to the attention of a representative, therefore it is never guaranteed how they will react.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about concept of the passage, click here:



Which technological innovation played the greatest role in spreading both protestant and catholic ideas during the reformation?



The rapid dissemination of information, scientific advancements, and literacy in Renaissance Europe was accelerated by Johann Gutenberg's invention of moveable type printing. The Protestant Reformation, which divided the Catholic Church, was greatly aided by the printing revolution.

Who is the most famous gremlin?


Humphrey Bogart's Gremlin is the most famous gremlin.

What are a Gremlins?

A gremlin is a cunning mythical creature that was created at the start of the 20th century to explain faults in airplanes, then in other equipment and processes as well as their controllers. Diverse representations of these species exist.

At the bottom of a day, the Humphrey Bogart Gremlin is far and away the coolest Gremlin. One of the other Gremlins shows up, disturbing this guy's "me" space as he is simply sitting around, smoking, and listening to jazz. He is rightfully Bogarted.

Learn more about Gremlins, Here:



How has the role of the president evolved over time?


Compared to the Presidency established at the end of the 18th century, the 21st century has a radically different president. The early presidency was constrained by constitutional limitations.

The requirements, advantages, and powers of the presidency are outlined in Article II of the Constitution. The PRESIDENT must be at least 35 years of age and have spent at least 14 years in the country.

The president must be a citizen by "NATURAL BORN." The President should get a "compensation" that cannot be changed throughout a term, according to the Constitution. Congress has also strengthened presidential power by establishing laws and broadening the scope of the Federal Government. The Executive branch has ceded some authority to the President in exchange for additional power.

Learn more about Presidency visit:https://brainly.com/question/497462


Why does Wilson argue the United States should declare war?


Because he believed that the combatants were morally and politically bankrupt, Wilson believed that only the United States could achieve peace. Wilson was of the opinion that American intervention in 1917 would guarantee that the United States would dominate the postwar peace conference and play a decisive role.

On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson went before a joint meeting of Congress to demand a statement of war against Germany. Wilson's reasons for declaring war included Germany's attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States and its breach of its promise to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean. The resolution to declare war on Germany was approved by the Senate of the United States on April 4, 1917. Two days later, the House agreed. On December 7, 1917, the United States of America declared war on the German ally Austria-Hungary. After the unarmed French boat Sussex was sunk in the English Channel in March 1916, Wilson threatened to sever diplomatic ties with Germany unless the German government abstained from attacking all passenger ships and allowed the crews of enemy merchant vessels to abandon their ships prior to any attack. Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson's decision to lead the United States into World War I. In what became known as the "Sussex pledge," these terms and conditions were accepted by the German government on May 4, 1916.

To know more about President Woodrow Wilson visit



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pleas help meeeeeeeee !! What theorem shows ACE = BCD divide the polynomial (x^2 + 3x + 5) by 2x + 1 find the volume of the cone. make sure to round using the figure below complete the proof. Which of the following sequence of reasons may be used to fill the blanks in the two-columns proof above? what makes the Aqueducts different from most Roman architecture Wich measurement is the closest to the area of the triangle in square centimeters???? :( Need It ASAP Who generally discusses insurance information with the patient at a pharmacy?A. PharmacistB. Pharmacy TechnicianC. Store managerD. None of the above I just want you to read this and tell me what you think I wanted to share this with you. Is Jesus the only way to get to God? We did not invent the claim of Jesus being the only way. This is not our claim; it is His. Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me (John 14:6, NASB) and, For unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins (John 8:24, NASB). The apostle Peter echoed these words, Neither is their salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12, KJV). Paul said, There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus(I Timothy 2:5, KJV). It is therefore the united testimony of the New Testament that no one can know God the Father except through Jesus Christ. The bond between man and nature was broken, with the ground producing thorns and thistles and the animal world no longer being benevolent (Genesis 3:17, 18). Man also became separated from himself, with a feeling of emptiness and incompleteness, something he had not experienced before the fall. However, God promised to make all these things right and gave His word that He would send a Saviour, or Messiah, who would deliver the entire creation from the bondage of sin (Genesis 3:15). The Old Testament kept repeating the theme that someday this person would come into the world and set mankind free. Gods Word did come true. God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14, 29). Jesus eventually died in our place in order that we could enjoy again a right relationship with God. The Bible says, God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself and he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him (II Corinthians 5:19, 21, KJV). Jesus has paved the way for you! God has done it all, and our responsibility is to accept that fact. We can do nothing to add to the work of Jesus; it has all been done for us. How do you become a Christian? Believe that you are loved and accepted by God. Admit that you are a sinner. Acknowledge your sins. Its not enough to admit that you have sinned. You must regret those sins and then turn away from them. Repenting is asking God to forgive your sins and turning away from them. Commit your life to Christ. When I was six years old my dad died so, I accepted God as my savior because my mom said that it's better to do life with God. You could say I loved praying and talking to God when I was six, but I didn't really know what it meant. When I was nine years old I started to realize who God was and that I needed Him. A couple of days before my brother died in the hospital, I remember that my siblings and I were over at a friend's house because we needed someone to watch us while our parents were at the hospital, and we had school the next day. I was so tired of crying and worrying about my brother, so I asked God to give me rest and help clear my mind. That next day I slept in, and the daughter of my parent's friend woke me up and said, "It's a snow day", (it was dry the day before) (December). I knew that God was giving me rest and all my school worries went away. When my brother died on December 20th a week before Christmas, I did not get mad at God instead, I thanked Him for the time I had with my brother and knowing that I'll see him soon. I knew that God was a morning with me. Even though God gets to have my brother, He knows that I still have to go through the pain. People blame God for the things that happen to them because they can and because it's someone to blame. God lets things happen for a reason. That reason is to grow other people. I learned that at the age of nine. I would not be the person I am today if that didn't happen. Many people say they don't believe in God, then they say "it's God's fault, why did God do this? I hate him". Why are you blaming Him when you don't believe in him? It's not fair. When someone dies in a person's life we get mad instead of realizing it's a part of life, we live in a fallen world. I remember this story where there was a pastor that was going to die because of cancer and he kept saying that he was going to be healed. Soon he died. His kids were confused and frustrated. They became mad at God. They didn't realize that God did heal him, he is now in heaven and has no pain. Today his kids don't want anything to do with God. I met one of his kids and we are good friends today but, I can never talk about the thing that is most important to me, which is God. God wants you to be a part of His movement, whether you accept Him or not just remember He is in your DNA. If you are an atheist you are saying that life has no creator, that is like saying that a book can create its self there is not an author and there is no planning or thought behind the words or how many pages there are. 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