What was the original purpose of the alamo?


Answer 1

US Symbols
The Alamo is an 18th-century mission church in San Antonio, Texas. It was originally built to be the church for the Mission San Antonio de Valero, which was founded in 1718. The church was built by Spanish Franciscan friars in order to convert the local Indians to Christianity.

Related Questions

Why does Old Major represent Lenin?


The old major represent Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik Party. Old Major is like Lenin because he was the leader of the animals in Animal Farm.

Vladimir Lenin was a Russian revolutionary and politician who briefly served as the head of government of Soviet Russia. Under Lenin, Russia became a communist state ruled by the Russian Communist Party. While Lenin was and is celebrated for his advocacy of the working class, his critics see his administration as the beginning of the corruption and violence of Joseph Stalin's regime. The old major standing in for Lenin serves as a source of ideals that the animals continue to uphold even after their pig leaders betray them.

To learn more about Animal farm : old major , refer:



What was the main reason why the United States entered WWL?



bombing of ships


Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson's decision to lead the United States into World War I.

Who started Christianity?


Answer: It is to be believed that Jesus Christ started Christianity. He was a Jewish teacher

hope this helped (:

Does Congress have budget making powers?


With the "power of the purse," or the authority to tax and spend taxpayer money for the federal government, Congress—and the House of Representatives in particular—has this authority.

Passing a budget resolution that establishes a framework and overall spending caps is Congress's first duty throughout the yearly process. Like they do with the majority of the things it accomplishes, the Senate and the House of Representatives each prepare their own budget resolution.

Typically, Congress holds hearings to examine administration representatives about their demands, after which it may create its own budget proposal, known as a "budget resolution." Drafting and enforcing the congressional budget resolution are the Budget Committees of the House and Senate.

The concurrent resolution for the budget was approved by both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Learn more about the federal budget here:



What happens when tooth decay reaches the pulp?


Root canal, A root canal is frequently required when tooth decay has spread to the tooth's pulp. A root canal removes the injured pulp. After that, the tooth cavity is cleansed and filled.

Your teeth can become damaged by tooth decay, which has the potential to cause cavities, dental abscesses, or even tooth loss. It is brought on by specific bacterial species that can reside in tooth plaque.

The sugars in your diet can be turned into acids by the bacteria in plaque. These acids can start to harm your teeth if plaque is allowed to accumulate over time.

Because of this, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to preventing tooth decay.

Tooth deterioration happens in stages. Each of these stages will be discussed below, along with the treatment options and advice on how to avoid tooth decay.

To learn more about tooth decay please click on below link



Which of the following is one of the ways that climate and environment affected the development of civilization in North America?



The Populations in the Northwest used their bountiful natural resources for food and trade.


hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

Which institution did alexis de tocqueville see as an important exception to america’s egalitarianism?


All Americans had the same wealth. Americans lacked a hereditary social class of nobles. Americans had just abolished slavery just before his visit.

Which state arrested large numbers of kkk members in 1923, although the influence of the group was not eliminated?



In 1923, the state of Arkansas arrested a large number of members of the Ku Klux Klan

How are the pigs live in Chapter 9?


Napoleon, the father of all 31 piglets born to the four sows, orders the construction of a classroom for their instruction. The supplies for the animals are gradually being decreased but the pigs' weight continues to increase. Napoleon is chosen as the new president after Animal Farm is eventually declared a republic.

What new guidelines for the pigs are presented in Animal Farm chapter 9?

Napoleon, the pigs' and the farm's leader, instructs all of the pigs to put green bands on their tails on Sundays once there are 31 piglets born on the farm. The piglets are instructed not to interact with other animals, and Napoleon enacts a law requiring other creatures to make way for the pigs.

What occurs in The Hiding Place's Chapter 9?

The story continues in February 1944. The Gestapo break into the Beje one night. While looking for the hidden room and the Jews, all non-family members flee, but the soldiers beat and question Corrie and Betsie. Pickwick had been detained earlier.

To know more about Animal Farm visit:



What is the important message in the golden speech?


The golden speech was important because it turned the mode of the speech to addressing the love and respect she had for the country.

What was the golden speech about?

The Speech was delivered by Queen Elizabeth in the Palace Council Chamber to 141 Members of the Commons on November 1601 which addressed some pricing concerns, based on the recent economic issues facing the country

The golden speech states "You must not beguile your selves, nor wrong us, to thinke that the glosing lustre of a glistring glory of a Kings title may so extoll us, that we thinke all is lawfull what we list, not caring what we doe: Lord, how farre should you be off from our conceits!".

Read more about golden speech



the songhai empire under sunni ali was different from the empire under askia the great because


The Songhai empire under Sunni Ali was superior to Askia the Great's because Askia used religion as justification for his power.

The Empire of Songhai

The Songhai Empire, sometimes known as Songhay, governed the western Sahel/Sudan in the 15th and 16th centuries. At its height, it was one of the largest states in African history. The historical name of the state was inspired by Songhai, who make up the majority ethnic group and the ruling class in the state. Sonni Ali decided to make Gao the imperial capital despite the fact that a Songhai state had existed in and around the city since the 11th century.

Other notable cities in the empire where urban-centred trade grew included the north Akan state of Bonoman, which is to the south, and Timbuktu and Djenné, which were conquered in 1468 and 1475, respectively. The Askia dynasty eventually replaced the Sonni dynasty, which ruled the empire from around 1464 to 1493.

To learn more about the Askia dynasty here:



One part of Ulysses S. Grant's plan to defeat the Confederacy was to
O A. capture Atlanta, Georgia, and destroy railways.
B. maintain a mostly defensive position against Lee.
OC. seize Confederate land in Tennessee and Kentucky.
D. launch several surprise attacks against Lee's army.



A. capture Atlanta, Georgia, and destroy railways.



What did Parliament do in the Glorious Revolution?



One of the key actions taken by Parliament during the Glorious Revolution was the passing of the Declaration of Rights in 1689. This document, also known as the Bill of Rights, established the rights and liberties of the English people and established a number of important constitutional principles, including the right to petition the monarch, the prohibition of excessive fines and cruel and unusual punishments, and the right to a fair trial.

What is the most significant contribution between moses and hebrews to republican-democratic government?


The greatest contribution to democratic-republican rule was provided by Moses and the Hebrews. The concept of a single God as the universe's creator and supreme ruler was initially accepted by the Hebrews.

The terms "Hebrews" and "Hebrew people" are frequently used to refer to the Semitic-speaking Israelites, particularly during the period before to the foundation of the first monarchy, when they were still nomadic. It may, however, also be used more broadly in other situations, alluding to the Phoenicians or other ancient peoples, such as the Shasu of Yhw on the cusp of the Bronze Age collapse, who are mentioned 34 times in 32 verses of the Hebrew Bible. It is regarded as an ethnonym at times and not at other times. Greek Hebraios could, by the time of the Roman Empire, refer to "any of the Jewish Nation" or, as Strong's Hebrew Dictionary puts it, "any of the Jewish People" and, at other times, more specifically, to the Jews who lived in Judea. As contrast to gentile Christians and Judaizers, Jewish Christians are referred to as "o" in early Christian literature. The name "Jew" was never changed to "Hebrew" and remains the most common term for a Jew in Armenian, Italian, Greek, the Kurdish languages, Old French, Serbian, Russian, and a few other languages.

Learn more about Hebrews here



What is the goal of the ISIS terrorist group?
A,) to take over oil fields in iran and saudi arabia
B.) to avenge the death of osama bin laden
C.) to punish the us for the war in afganistan
D.) to create an islamic state referred as a caliphate across sunni areas of Iraq and in syria


Answer: The answer is D


Through its territory and its economy — loose terms that shouldn't suggest ISIS is a legitimate state — ISIS hopes to spread an extremist, wholly outdated version of a religion that isn't even recognizable as Islam. ISIS is made up of Sunni Muslims, and most of the cities it controls are filled with large Sunni populations. In fact, most Muslims — as many as 90 percent — identify as Sunnis. The Sunni faction of Islam, as opposed to the Shia tradition, is often considered the more traditional sect. ISIS takes this traditionalism to an extreme level, supporting the treatment of women and minorities as slaves and brutally murdering people of Western cultures and religions in the name of jihad. ISIS' version of Islam is so far removed from any culturally accepted version of today that some experts say it can't even be considered Islam.

"They would like the entire world to be Muslim, but they want the world to be Muslim in a very, very narrowly defined manner," William Beeman, chair of the anthropology department at the University of Minnesota told a local CBS affiliate. "They are fundamentalist Muslims, and their idea of Islam is quite different from the rest of the Islamic world."

What is the main idea of Queen Elizabeth's speech?


To motivate her troops in the face of the imminent conflict with the spaniards

Why did the United States become involved in trading with China?


the British were making great profits from the trade when the colonies were prevented from direct trade with china. Americans were eager to secure these profits for themselves.

How is Sea Fever written in a fixed poetic structure?


Three quatrains make up "Sea Fever," with the first and second lines forming a couplet with the third and fourth lines forming another couplet.

What literary techniques are employed in the poem Sea Fever?

Analysis of "Sea Fever's" Literary Techniques

Assonance is the recurrence of vowel sounds inside the same line. For example, the sounds of /i / and /a / in the phrase "wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking" are examples of assonance. The recurrence of a word or phrase in the opening of several verses is known as anaphora.

What rhyme scheme is used in the poem Sea Fever?

Thus, it is clear that this poem follows the AABB structure. a gloomy mist on the surface of the ocean,

To know more about quatrains visit:



How did the chaos of chinas warring states affected the philosophy , politics, and cities of China ?


China is a country located in East Asia, often referred to as the Middle Kingdom. It is the world's most populous country with a population of over 1.4 billion people.

How did the chaos of chinas warring states affected the philosophy , politics, and cities of China ?

The chaos of China's Warring States period had a profound impact on the philosophy, politics, and cities of China. Philosophically, this period saw the emergence of Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism as competing schools of thought. Politically, the Warring States period saw the emergence of a unified Chinese state with the Qin dynasty. Cities became important centers of power and culture, with goods and ideas being shared between them. The chaos of this period also saw the development of Chinese bureaucracy, military organization, and the introduction of coinage. It was during this period that the Great Wall of China was also constructed.

What does  Chinese bureaucracy mean ?

Chinese bureaucracy refers to the administrative system of the Chinese government and the set of laws and regulations that govern it. It is a system for organizing government officials and their responsibilities, as well as the procedures for carrying out government functions. The Chinese bureaucracy is distinguished by its complexity and hierarchical structure.

To know more about Chinese bureaucracy,



How do you address a counterclaim in an argumentative essay?


You should address counterclaim in an argumentative essay by Identifying the opposing argument, responding to it with reasons why the argument is weak.

The form of essay known as an argumentative essay makes arguments in favor of a specific viewpoint. This position may be one that you hold, or one that you disagree with. In an argumentative essay, you must take a stand on the issue and support your position with evidence.

You will need to use facts and statistics to support your position, and you may also need to use emotional appeals to convince your reader to agree with you. Give reasons why the opposing argument is flawed, or explain why it is insufficient or irrational, with examples or supporting data.

To know more about essay, click here.



Explain the context in which sectional conflict emerged from 1844 to 1877.


During 1844-1877, Arguments over slavery and other economic, cultural, and political concerns erupted into the civil war as a result of regional divides growing and expansion intensifying them.

The Civil War had the greatest impact between the years 1844 and 1877. According to Lincoln, this conflict was started in order to "Preserve the Union." To free blacks from the bonds of slavery, it turned into a battle waged for slavery. Regional conflicts, particularly those involving slavery, arose as the country's borders and population developed, and the Civil War that resulted had a profound impact on the American civilization.

To know more about Civil War:



What is step 3 of the Social Security process?



Step 3: A medical screen to allow applicants who are the most severely disabled. Medical evidence on an applicant's impairment is assessed under step 3 using codified clinical criteria called the Listing of Impairments, which includes over 100 impairments.


Select the correct answer. Which accurately describes a newspaper article written during a historical event? a. Biased historical evidence b. Poor historical evidence c. Primary source document d. Secondary source document e. Unbiased primary source document.



c. Primary source document


A newspaper article written during a historical event would be a primary source document.

What did Justice Harlan warn against?


Considering segregation to be immoral and unconstitutional, Justice Harlan argued against the Supreme Court's majority decision and changes in the federal-state structure.

According to Justice Harlan, the Bill of Rights and other constitutional provisions safeguarding individual liberty were supposed to be additions to the fundamental design and warn that should never be permitted to supersede it. The Bill of Rights and related amendments to the Constitution shouldn't be expanded so that they "become the masters, not the servants, of the principles of government that have served the cause of free society in this country so well," he advised. The most well-known dissent by John Marshall Harlan came in the historic Plessy v. Ferguson "separate but equal" segregation decision.

To learn more about Justice Harlan, click at:



Why did Justice Harlan feel the separate but equal doctrine was unconstitutional?


In a dissenting opinion, Justice Harlan said that because segregation used the law to support racial inequity, it violated the 14th Amendment.

The equal protection guarantee of the Fourteenth Amendment was broken because different accommodations were inherently unequal, the Court found in Brown's favour. The Court highlighted the psychological damage that black children suffered as a result of segregation.

The U.S. Constitution "is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among people," according to Justice John Marshall Harlan, who wrote in his lone dissent from the Court's ruling that the law's differentiation of passengers' races should have been ruled unconstitutional.

In his dissent, Harlan argued that segregation violated the constitutional guarantee of equality before the law because it arbitrarily separated citizens based on race while they were travelling on a public highway. He said that this practise was "completely inconsistent with the civil freedom and the equality before the law."

To learn more about U.S. Constitution: https://brainly.com/question/453546


How did the great compromise satisfy both the large states and the small states?.


The Great Compromise was a solution where both large and small states would be fairly represented by creating two houses of Congress. In the House of Representatives, each state would be assigned seats in proportion to the size of its population. In the Senate, each state would have two delegates regardless of size.

Both the murderer and Lady Macduff herself call Macduff a traitor. In what scene does each mean it? Do you think Macduff is a traitor, in either sense?


Yes I think macduff is a traitor because
Final answer:

Macduff is called a 'traitor' by the murderers and Lady Macduff in Act 4, Scene 2 of 'Macbeth'. The murderers label Macduff as a political traitor, whereas Lady Macduff views his departure as a form of familial betrayal.


The term 'traitor' is used to describe Macduff in two different scenes of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'. The first time is by the murderers in Act 4, Scene 2, who call him a traitor as they proceed to kill his family. They mean it in a political way as Macduff has left Scotland and the rule of Macbeth to seek help in England.

The second time, the term is used by Lady Macduff herself in Act 4, Scene 2, when she calls Macduff a traitor for leaving his family. She means it in the sense of familial betrayal. Whether Macduff is a traitor or not can be seen from different angles. In a political context, he is a traitor to Macbeth. However, from the perspective of a citizen loyal to his country, he isn't as his intentions are to free Scotland from Macbeth's tyranny.

Learn more about Macbeth here:



What document governed the United States prior to the ratification of the US Constitution?



Before the ratification of the United States Constitution, the document that governed the United States was the Declaration of Independence.


The Declaration of Independence is a historic document that proclaims the independence of the United States from Great Britain and establishes the fundamental principles on which the American nation is founded. It was drafted by the Continental Congress and signed on July 4, 1776.

What challenges did the Latin America face?


For each situation freedom was trailed by political insecurity, rough clash and monetary stagnation going on for about 50 years (lost many years).

In the 1800s, what challenges did Latin American nations face?

Political unrest was both the cause and consequence of this circumstance. New governments frequently found themselves in dire financial straits as a result of their inability to rely on previous taxes for revenue and their increased military and bureaucratic costs.

In the 20th century, what were some of Latin America's most pressing issues?

Latin American nations faced numerous economic, social, and political challenges in the second half of the 20th century. A rising population, a significant debt from abroad, and the ongoing military involvement of other nations all contributed to these issues.

To learn more about Latin American nations here:



What was the main idea of the Enlightenment philosophers essay?


The primary tenet of the Enlightenment was that everyone should live their lives as they see fit in order to pursue their own interests and that all men are created equal notwithstanding their differences.

Enlightenment thinking was centered on the application and celebration of reason, the capacity that allows humans to understand the cosmos and improve themselves. The goals of rational mankind were viewed as being knowledge, freedom, and happiness.

The Enlightenment, sometimes referred to as the Age of Reason, was an intellectual and cultural movement that took place in the eighteenth century and placed a strong emphasis on the superiority of science and reason over superstition.

To know more about Enlightenment visit :



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