What was the primary rationale used to justify the iraq war?


Answer 1

The primary rationalization for the Iraq War was explained by a goal of the US Congress working closely together known as the Iraq Goal. The US asserted the goal was to "incapacitate Iraq of weapons of mass annihilation, to end Saddam Hussein's help for illegal intimidation and to free the Iraqi public".

U.S. President George W. Shrubbery contended that the weakness of the US following the September 11 assaults of 2001, joined with Iraq's supposed proceeded ownership and assembling of weapons of mass obliteration and its help for psychological oppressor gatherings, including al-Qaeda, legitimized the U.S. battle with Iraq.

Iraq was seen to be a danger, and the US expected to make a preplanned military move to dispense with this danger.

Learn more about Iraq war:



Related Questions

Which four countries signed the Munich Agreement?
Soviet Union


Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich Agreement, which obliged Czechoslovakia to turn over its border areas and defenses to Nazi Germany (the so-called Sudeten region).

The Munich Accord was what?

The Munich Agreement was an agreement that Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy came to on September 30, 1938, in Munich (German: Münchner Abkommen; Czech: Mnichovská dohoda; Slovak: Mnichovská dohoda). It permitted the "cession to Germany of the Sudeten German territory" of Czechoslovakia, for which it is also known as the Munich Betrayal (Mnichovská zrada; Mnchovská zrada), despite a 1924 alliance agreement and a 1925 military treaty between France and the Czechoslovak Republic.

The majority of Europe embraced the Munich Accord, which was marketed as a way to stop a devastating war on the continent. Germany seized the Sudetenland with the consent of the four main powers, which had a population of more than three million people, the majority of whom were of German descent. It was his final territorial claim in Northern Europe, according to Adolf Hitler.

To know more about Munich Agreement, visit:




Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich Agreement,



Who filled the growing need for labor that had arisen on the sugar plantations of the Americas during the 16th century? Explain the process.


Before the end of chattel slavery, enslaved Africans were the primary source of labor. Indentured workers from India, China, Portugal, and other countries were brought to the Caribbean to work in the sugar industry after slavery was abolished.

In sugar colonies, what was the most common type of work?

In the beginning, sugar planters in the Americas employed enslaved American Indians, African enslaved workers, and European indentured servants. However, by the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, African slavery had replaced American enslaved labor.

What was the primary reason plantations in the Americas used slavery?

To stay afloat, the settlements needed a lot of laborers. The plantations grew in size because these crops needed a lot of land, which meant that more people needed to work on them. By the late 1600s, plantation labor shifted away from indentured servitude and toward slavery.

To learn more about enslaved Africans here



Which statement best describes "direct
A. A system wherein citizens elect representatives to
wield legislative power.
B. A system wherein citizens have the power to
contribute directly to the legislative process.
C. A system wherein only members from the wealthiest
families create and enforce the laws.


I believe the answer is B.

Please give brainliest I need two more!!!!!!{

What are three reasons for reagan’s government shutdowns?


Three significant factors led to Reagan's fifth and sixth government shutdowns: crime, Title IX, and water projects.

Government shutdowns take place in the United States when financing bills for the government's upcoming fiscal year or a temporary funding measure are not passed.

Conflicts between Democratic President Bill Clinton and the Republican Congress over financing for public health, the environment, and education in the 1996 federal budget led to the United States federal government shutdowns in 1995 and 1995–96.

Similar to this, the unprecedented eight government shutdowns that occurred throughout Ronald Reagan's administration brought to light some of the 1980s' most important political conflicts, such as the funding of welfare recipients and the Iran-Contra scandal.

To learn more about Ronald Reagan



Why is dialect important in realist literature?


Dialect is used to give the characters a genuine, convincing quality. It gives the narrative and its characters life. Dialects are often utilized in conversation or when a very distinct and significant narrative voice is needed.

The goal of realism is to understand reality without the influence of personal bias or romanticism. It directly contradicts Romanticism's core values, which center on the unique. focuses on the real rather than the fantasy. Writers can use dialect as a potent weapon to make their characters come to life. To differentiate a protagonist's distinctive speech and to highlight their source,  or class, a storyteller might add dialect. Realistic thinking is crucial, as is clear. Minimalism or indeed any  representation in writing can only truly be regulated if you grasp and are able to recreate it. Realism gives learners with a base from where they can explore an infinite variety of  genres.

Learn more on realism



What were the 3 main goals of the Social Security Act?



Extend the protection of the system to the families of 20,000,000 people who are not now protected. Raise benefits generally--in the light of experience that shows the present benefits usually are too low. Reduce the age for women to qualify for old-age retirement benefits from 65 to 60 years.




1. To provide a financial foundation for low- and middle-income retired workers ...

2. To protect workers in the event of a long-term disability ...

3. To provide financial protection to the survivors and/or dependents of a deceased worker

Which was not a provision of the Northwest Ordinance?



The Northwest Ordinance did not have any provisions involving the establishment of militias, and after the French defeat in the French and Indian War in 1763, the French were no longer a threat in the area.


What is Daisy's reaction to both men at the Plaza Hotel?


She is clearly conflicted. Gatsby offers her the break she needs, but she knows a long-term connection with him is impossible. Tom, who is exactly as shallow and reckless as she is, is what she needs.

The two males get the same response from Daisy. She loves that they both have money and that they are battling for her. She handles Tom as though he is not useful.

In the Plaza Hotel suite where Nick, Gatsby, Daisy, Jordan, and Tom eventually find themselves, everything comes tumbling out into the open.

Gatsby insists that Daisy inform Tom that she has never loved him after she and he both admit to having an affair. Daisy is unable to accomplish this, and Gatsby's hopes are destroyed.

Learn more about to  Plaza Hotel visit here;



How did Civil Disobedience pave the way for significant events later in history?


Civil disobedience is an intentional violation of the law for a social good. Typically, the goal is to change laws or government policies. The American philosopher John Rawls defined civil disobedience.

a "public nonviolent, conscientious yet political act contrary to law usually done with the aim of bringing about a change in the law or policies of the government. Rawls meant by "public" that protestors should identify themselves and accept responsibility for their actions. Accepting the personal consequences demonstrates their dedication to the social cause. This, in turn, increases the likelihood that the general public will support their actions. However, some argue that anonymity is necessary to protect activists from disproportionate retribution. Civil disobedience is a contentious form of protest because it can disrupt our societies' daily lives. Environmental activists on highways are rarely popular with people driving to work. Protesters, critics will argue, have no right to put themselves above the law, regardless of their motivation. However, when debating the legitimacy of civil disobedience, it is important to remember that organizers will almost always have tried all other forms of protest first. Environmental activists have been yelling for years about the need for stronger action to combat climate change, but it has mostly gone unheeded. If politicians choose to ignore more subdued forms of protest, organizers are forced to think of new ways to get the message out. The urgency with which they conveyed their message.

To learn more about civil disobedience history here:



Consider the protests for democratic social reform in Russia. Now consider protests for social reform today. Use the graphic organizer to illustrate how protests have the power to create social change.


A protest can be regarded as a gathering or an activity where individuals come together to voice their concerns about a social issue in front of a large group of people.

How protests have the power to create social change?

The Black Lives Matter protests have had a real impact on police practices, going beyond simply garnering nightly media attention. Minneapolis outlawed the contentious use of chokeholds, and New York State and Aurora, Colorado soon followed. A reorganization of Minneapolis' police force also appears to be in the works, though it is not yet apparent how. Attorney General Gurbir Grewal of New Jersey announced the creation of a national database to track cases of overzealous police behavior. All of these actions provide credence to the idea that protests can lead to long-lasting social change. According to Maxwell Burkey, an adjunct professor of political science at Stockton University, protests bring about change on two different levels by appealing to societal norms like justice and racial equality and upending ingrained social structures.

According to Professor Burkey, one group, typically a disenfranchised section of citizens, refuses to conform to historical norms and subverts widely accepted codes of conduct. He cites the Civil Rights Movement sit-ins and protests as one example where African Americans' refusal to comply with Jim Crow laws, which effectively reduced them to second-class status, led to their success. The disruption of African American daily life in the South, according to Professor Burkey, was so great that President Lyndon Johnson and other lawmakers ultimately had to struggle to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This was because they withdrew their cooperation in what they perceived to be an unjust system, such as by striking or by sitting in the wrong seat on the bus.

He claims that protests are inherently anti-institutional. We are unsatisfied with traditional institutions, which is why it happens. Professor Burkey also mentions the anti-war protests of the 1960s and 1970s, when protesters set fire to their conscription cards and damaged draft boards. In that case, he claims, it was "not simply a moral awakening moment," but also a turning point when people in authority saw that they needed to give in to the underclass in order to avert more extreme upheaval. Because there was so much civil disobedience at the time, even among the military, Professor Burkey claims that public opinion ultimately shifted against the war.

To know more about, protests, visit :



What were the beliefs of UNIA?




Dubbed the "back to Africa" movement, the UNIA's doctrines emphasized racial pride, entrepreneurialism, and Pan-Africanism. Founder Marcus Garvey, a Jamaican, opened branches in 30 U.S. cities between 1916-22.

How does the poem sea fever shift from person to person or between different times or places?


The speaker's longing to go back to the sea is expressed in each stanza, along with a variety of special memories. The poem's recurrent theme highlights the potency of the sailor's appeal and alludes to the repeating sound of the waves.

What is the poem Sea Fever's message?

The main themes of this poetry are journeys, memories, and adventures. The speaker claims that there is a constant cry from the water that cannot be ignored. He wants to leave his current situation behind and resume his adventurous lifestyle so that he can relive his carefree days at sea.

Describe what you mean by sea fever. The poet's reaction to that?

In the English poet John Masefield's poem "Sea Fever," a speaker fervently insists that he must go back to a life as a sailor.

To know more about  sea visit:



1. Why was FDR so appealing to voters?



Roosevelt defeated Republican businessman Wendell Willkie to be reelected for an unprecedented third term in office. It was also the fourth presidential election, and the first since 1920, in which both major party candidates were registered in the same home state, with the others being in 1860, 1904, 1944, and 2016.


Answer:  All Americans wished to have a change and later realised that Hoover was not the person to bring around change. When the Americans heard about the New Deal the thought that FDR was the person to bring about change.


Franklin D. Roosevelt won the 1932 presidential election reasons. His margin of victory over Herbert Hoover was the largest in recorded history up to that time.

One of the foremost reasons why Roosevelt won was because people believed that he could take America out of the Great Depression unlike Hoover. They believe he will take real action to deal with the Depression. His policies and ideals were much more popular and suitable for the situation they were in. Hoover believed in ‘rugged individualism’ where people should not expect help from the government and that the government will not interfere. Whereas Roosevelt promised his ‘New Deal’, which would provide jobs and relief for the poor, and the unemployed, action to help industry and agriculture and resolve the banking crisis. Roosevelt promised the government would help and starting funding charities and many construction projects, whereas under Hoover the government rarely funded relief programmes or charities, which relied on generous wealthy individuals and towns and cities. He believed the power of the government should be used to create a fairer society, bringing hope to many Americans. Also all Hoover promised in his election was that the USA had ‘turn the corner back to prosperity’ whereas Hoover had his ‘New Deal’, which seemed much more promising. Also when Hoover won his first term election he said that every American would have two cars in the garage and chicken in the pot. However, many people were now unemployed and homeless. Many people did not trust Hoover or his promises.

What are the two steps in the congressional budgeting process?


Authorization and appropriation are the two processes in the Congressional budgeting process.

Typically, Congress holds hearings to examine administration representatives about their demands, after which it may create its own budget proposal, known as a "budget resolution." Drafting and enforcing the congressional budget resolution are the Budget Committees of the House and Senate.

The four (4) separate procedures or phases of budgeting for the national government are budget planning, budget authorization, budget implementation, and accountability. Even though they are articulately distinct, these procedures and processes are included and dealt with within a budget year. For the Federal programs it covers, each appropriations bill creates legally binding spending limits.

The four phases that make up the federal budget process are budget planning, legislative budgeting, budget coordination and monitoring, and audit and evaluation.

Learn more about the federal budget here:



Choose the right word or phrase to complete this sentence.
the fed’s interest-rate policy in the late 1970s____economic growth.


The Fed's interest-rate policy in the late 1970s stimulated economic growth.

During this period, the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates, which encouraged borrowing and spending. This led to an increase in economic activity and created jobs. Lower interest rates also made it easier for businesses to expand and grow.

As businesses increased their production and investment, this led to increased consumer demand and further economic growth. By keeping interest rates low, the Fed was able to create an environment conducive to economic growth. This, in turn, helped to reverse the recession of the late 1970s and early 1980s and bring more economic stability to the country.

For more questions like Federal Reserve click the link below:



Answer: Slowed

Explanation: just did the question on the assignment and got it right.

Why is hospitality so important in The Odyssey?


The Odyssey transports the reader to a vastly different world filled with customs and etiquette. In the narrative, the value of hospitality extends beyond being a kind host; if either the host or the guest does not uphold their obligations, there is a threat of violence.

In particular, being inhospitable or abusing someone else's hospitality were viewed as significant virtues that would result in punishment from the gods. The Greeks called this unique moral duty toward hospitality xenia, which translates as "guest-friendship." In the first scene of The Odyssey, hospitality is both extended and misused. Penelope, the queen of Ithaca and the wife of Odysseus, has received courtship approaches from a number of prospective husbands. Everyone believes that Penelope should get remarried because her husband Odysseus has been gone for twenty years and is presumed to be dead. Even though Penelope is certain that Odysseus is still alive, she is compelled to give in to outside demands and let the suitors inside. She shows to be a very kind host, providing food and accommodation while skillfully diverting the suitors' attention. The suitors, on the other hand, take advantage of her generosity by overindulging, acting impolitely toward their host, and engaging in conflicts that damage Penelope's belongings. Penelope might be able to reject the suitors, but doing so early on would be rude and doing so later on would be risky. The virtuous characters voluntarily disadvantage themselves in order to provide hospitality to others in this scene, which highlights how essential hospitality is throughout the book.

To know more about hospitality:




Hospitality plays a vital role in keeping the peace


please help needs be done ASAP!


The dissenting opinions in the case that had to do with the case on the war are:

It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at There is no indication that the work of the schools or any class was disrupted.

What was the  Tinker v. Des Moines 1969

A famous Supreme Court decision from 1969, Tinker v. Des Moines, established students' rights to free expression in public schools.

Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969), a situation in which a school district tried to forbid students from using black arm bands to protest the war. The school's claim that it required the rule to keep things in order was rejected by the court.

No one, including teachers and students, "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate," according to the majority of the Supreme Court in a 7-2 ruling. The Court held that administrators may not just forbid on the grounds that the speech would interfere with students' ability to study.

Read more on supreme court here:https://brainly.com/question/18228641


Read the text about a 1969 Supreme Court case. Then answer the question.

In 1969, the Supreme Court decided whether a school district could discipline students for protesting silently. The students wore black armbands because they opposed the Vietnam War. A seven-justice majority believed that the students had a right to protest, but two justices disagreed.

All of the following lines appeared in Supreme Court opinions related to the case. Which of these lines appeared in the dissenting opinion for this case? Select the two that apply.

There is also evidence that a teacher of mathematics had his lesson period practically "wrecked," chiefly by disputes with [a student named] Mary Beth Tinker.

I have never believed that a person has a right to give speeches or engage in demonstrations where he pleases and when he pleases.

There is no indication that the work of the schools or any class was disrupted.

It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at

What character in Animal Farm represents the Church of Russia?


The character in Animal Farm which represents the Church of Russia is called the Moses.

Moses tends to represent the Russian Orthodox Church during the time of the Russian Revolution of 1917. So, with his tales of the "promised land" to which all animals retire which is after the death, Moses is regarded as the novel's "religious" figure.

However, Moses is a symbol for the Church of Russia. For centuries, the Russian Orthodox Church was considered to be the buddy-buddy with the Russian monarchy. In the Animal Farm, Moses is allegorically represented as the opiate.

Hence, the Moses resembles the Orthodox church.

To learn more about the Russian Revolution here:



What were utopian communities 1800s?


In the 1800s, rural areas were home to numerous religious and utopian societies. Brook Farm's creators aimed to establish an egalitarian community for all of its citizens. As time went on, utopian communities began to emphasize social perfection rather than religious purity.

What kind of community is considered utopian?

Example Utopia a beautiful location with no understanding of good and evil is the Garden of Eden. God, angels, and human souls all coexist peacefully in heaven, which is a spiritual realm. Shangri La is a mythical, peaceful region in James Hilton's novel Lost Horizon.

What 4 qualities define a utopian society?

A Utopian Society's Characteristics There is no outside threat that the populace is afraid about. In a peaceful state, the populace resides. People embrace and value the natural world. People practice social and moral values.

To know more about 1800s communities visit:



Inventions of the Scientific Revolution


Scientific Revolution is the period in history that marked the beginning of modern science.

The scientific revolution is accepted to have started with another comprehension of the universe. Preceding the scientific revolution, individuals accepted the Earth was the focal point of the universe. It was usually accepted that different planets and the sun rotated around the Earth.

The scientific revolution wasn't just about the improvement of new hypotheses. High level information made ready for the overwhelming majority imaginative inventions during the scientific revolution

compound microscope (1590) - thermometer (1593) - Galileo Galilei created the first thermometer, which was actually a thermoscope. It allowed water temperature changes to be measured for the first time.adding machine (1645) telescope (1608) - slide rule (1632) cartesian coordinate system (1637) .barometer (1643) .probability/statistics (1654) calculus (1665) reflecting telescope (1667)

Know more on Scientific Revolution - https://brainly.com/question/9433986


Which geographic challenge contributed to Germany's defeat and limited the speed of the Allies to achieve an end to the Second World War?
a. Mountainous terrain
b. A lack of experience with bad weather
c. Limited access to iron ore
d. Battles on multiple fronts across the globe


Answer: D,  Battles on multiple fronts across the globe

Explanation: This was because since the Germans faced so many opponents on different terrain, the Germans lacked the knowledge of using the terrain to their advantage.

What were the major philosophical ideas of the Enlightenment?


The Enlightenment encompassed a variety of viewpoints centered on the importance of human pleasure, the pursuit of knowledge attained via reason and the evidence of the senses, and values like liberty, progress, tolerance, and fraternity, among others.

Enlightenment thinking was centered on the application and celebration of reason, the capacity that allows humans to understand the cosmos and improve themselves. The three basic aspirations of rational mankind were considered as being knowledge, freedom, and happiness.

Political liberty, religious freedom, economic freedom, and gender equality were among the Enlightenment's key concepts. Political freedom was the Enlightenment's key principle.

To know more about philosophical ideas visit :



Which of the following laws were a tax? Choose all that apply

Affordable Care Act

Townshend Acts

Stamp Act

Quartering Act

Proclamation of 1763

Intolerable Acts

Tea Act


The tea act , stamp act , were a tax

Which region was responsible for colonizing the continent of Africa?

A. China
B. The United States
C. Latin America.
D. Europe


Option D Europe is the answer



Explanation: The main powers of Europe like Britain, France, and Germany were responsible for the colonization of Africa.

What was the outcome of John browns raid


The raid had significant consequences, as it heightened tensions between Northern and Southern states and contributed to the outbreak of the American Civil War.

Who is John Brown?

Generally, John Brown's raid was a failed attempt by abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in the United States. On October 16, 1859, Brown and a group of followers seized the federal armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia), with the intention of arming slaves and leading them in an uprising against slaveholders.

The raid ended on October 18 when local militia, aided by U.S. Marines, stormed the armory and arrested Brown and his followers.

Brown was tried for treason, murder, and inciting a slave insurrection, and was found guilty on all counts. He was sentenced to death and was hanged on December 2, 1859.

Read more about John browns



When dr. Faustus is about to sign the contract with mephistophilis, he hesitates because _____. He is afraid of cutting himself with the blade the good angel holds his hand back so that he cannot write his blood clots so that he cannot write with it mephistophilis forgets to give him the proper tools.



his blood clots so that he cannot write with it


What are the rights of the accused Philippines?



. A suspect or an accused has the right to defend himself or herself in person or through counsel. 2. A suspect or an accused has the right to ha e counsel present at all stages of the criminal proceedings, including during interrogation and during pretrial proceedings.


What effect did the conquest of Constantinople have?


As a result of the city's fall, Ottoman expansion into eastern Europe continued unabated and Christian Europe was no longer protected from Muslim invasion.

The conquest of Constantinople resulted in what?

The Ottoman Turks Catch Constantinople, Bringing about the Exchange of Significant Compositions to Venice and the West. . The Byzantine Empire, which had existed for one thousand years, ended with Constantine XI's death. The destruction of the Roman Empire was finally completed with the conquest of Constantinople.

How did it affect Constantinople?

Effects of Constantinople's Fall The Ottomans were caliphs' followers. As a result, the shift in the religious state was the main effect of Constantinople's fall. The conversion of a church known as Hagia Sophia into a mosque had a significant impact on Christianity and contributed to the rise of Islam.

To learn more about Constantinople's here:



How did society change in the 1800s?


Some historians have even dubbed the period from 1830 to 1850 society the "Age of Reform." Women have considerably aided in these advancements. During this century, significant battles were fought for abolition, temperance, jail reform, limiting child labour, women's suffrage, and other causes.

What new scientific discoveries revolutionised modern life in the 1800s?

Among the inventions that facilitated quicker and easier communication were the telegraph, the writer, and the telephone. The following list, which in no way attempts to be comprehensive, chronicles some of the most important developments that occurred in the 19th century.

What were people doing in the 1800s?

There were festivities, carnivals, art exhibits, cooking classes, dancing classes, and singing lessons available. Notable individuals, professors, preachers, and adventurers were among the visitors who provided talks in many nations.

To know more about Innovation in society visit:



Identify the circumstances that enabled the U.S. Navy to triumph over the Japanese navy during the Battle of Midway.


The ability of the U.S. Navy to decipher Japanese radio code enabled U.S. naval strategists to more effectively prepare for the engagement.U.S. forces' preparations for the Battle of Midway surprised Japanese attackers.

The battle of midway demonstrated that the US naval force totally obliterated Japan's capacity to take up arms in the pacific and for that reason being a significant battles is thought of.

The battle of midway occurred in June 1942 in the principal week and the US naval force had the option to overcome the Japanese by marching inside their domains during The Second Great War.

The world II's greatest peculiarity was the The battle of midway between the USA and Japan. It turned into the greatest competitions of The Second Great War in the last part of the 1930s to mid 1940s.

Skirmish of halfway occurred around the same time after the Japanese went after on the Pearl Harbor prior around the same time and this opportunity US naval force came totally ready as to hold rage war.

The fight ended up being deadly for Japan as soon the urban areas of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were additionally gone after by atomic bombings by US Of America.

Know more about battle of midway - https://brainly.com/question/7198384


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