Which phrase represents an attempt to prevent objections by Roosevelt’s audience?


Answer 1


excerpt from Franklin D. Roosevelt's Four Freedoms Speech

On January 6, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke to Congress about the potential effect that World War II might have on the United

States and its policies. His address has since become popularly known as the Four Freedoms Speech.

Just as our national policy in internal affairs has been based upon a decent respect for the rights and the dignity of all our fellow men within our

gates, so our national policy in foreign affairs has been based on a decent respect for the rights and dignity of all nations, large and small. And

the justice of morality must and will win in the end. Our national policy is this:

First, by an impressive expression of the public will and without regard to partisanship, we are committed to all-inclusive national defense.

Second, by an impressive expression of the public will and without regard to partisanship, we are committed to full support of all those resolute

peoples, everywhere, who are resisting aggression and are thereby keeping war away from our Hemisphere. By this support, we express our

determination that the democratic cause shall prevail; and we strengthen the defense and the security of our own nation.

Third, by an impressive expression of the public will and without regard to partisanship, we are committed to the proposition that principles of

morality and considerations for our own security will never permit us to acquiesce in a peace dictated by aggressors and sponsored by

appeasers. We know that enduring peace cannot be bought at the cost of other people's freedom....




Related Questions

What are the 4 pillars of joy?


The four elements of joy are comfort, accept, experience, and participate.

What is the name for the joyous feeling?

joy and euphory are kinds. a strong, often ironic juxtaposition of joy. type: joy, joyousness, or joy. the feeling of extreme joy. the absence of sadness; a thrilling mental issue of pride and hope.

What two sorts of delight are there?

Eudaimonia well-being, or happiness connected to a feeling of mission or a meaning to life, is the first category. Happiness that results from "consumer buyer self-gratification" or happiness that isn't connected to a goal but rather a reaction to a stimulus or action is known as hedonic well-being.

To know more about joy visit:



What is the practice theory of play?


The growth of certain brain areas is reflected in play. Practicing play is what Piaget referred to as. Babies discover their surroundings through sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. The finest toys for babies are typically noisemakers in vibrant colors because of this.

What is practice play?It takes play to develop the skills that will be important for later survival. Animals engaging in fun combat or toddlers engaging in rough and tumble play are essentially honing survival abilities. There are numerous theories of play in the field of early childhood education. Three of these theories—the ecological theory by Bronfenbrenner, the cognitive development theory by Jean Piaget, and the social behavior theory by Mildred Paten—will be discussed in this article. Toys and materials are explored during practise play to "see what they do." Simple, monotonous actions are sometimes also done without toys. Some theorists also make reference to unoccupied play, which is nevertheless considered play despite frequently consisting of haphazard movements without a discernible goal.

To learn more about practice play refer:



What made Johnson's dictionary innovative?


It was the first dictionary to trace word usage by using quotations from authoritative writers.

What is Johnson's dictionary?

On April 15, 1755, Samuel Johnson released A Dictionary of the English Language, also known as Johnson's Dictionary. It is among the most important dictionaries in the development of English. In June 1746, a group of London booksellers hired Johnson to write a lexicon for 1,500 guineas (£1,575), or about £260,000 in 2023, because they were dissatisfied with the dictionaries of the time. Johnson stated he could finish the project in three years, but it took him seven. He accomplished this on his own, using just administrative support to replicate the examples he had underlined in books. Throughout his life, Johnson created multiple revised editions.

To know more about Johnson's dictionary visit:



What is a Level 5 autonomous car?


Full driving automation is level 5 driving. That is, all aspects of the dynamic driving duty may be completed by the vehicle's systems (DDT).

They can also keep an eye on the entire area around the vehicle and forecast what the nearby objects will do next.The automobile can do this anyplace, as well. There is no longer a strict operational design domain for the systems (ODD). And lastly, even in the event of a system failure, the automobile functions without ever expecting or requiring a person to take over driving.A genuine driverless automobile is level 5 automation, to put it briefly. Only the target destination input will be handled by humans. The rest is up to the automobile. When we first heard about "self-driving" automobiles, this is the picture that everyone of us immediately saw in our heads.

learn more about destination Refer:brainly.com/question/28781184


Where should the food worker thaw the?


There are secure methods for defrosting food: within the fridge. Although it may take some time, this approach is the best. Think ahead.

in a sink used for meal prep. Food should be submerged in cold, flowing water. Never ever use hot water.

the microwave. Following thawing, prepare the dish right away.

Bacon may be defrosted in three secure ways: in the fridge, in cold water, and in the microwave. Never thaw bacon at room temperature or on the kitchen counter.

Pork may be defrosted in the refrigerator, in cold water (in an airtight or leak-proof bag), or in the microwave, all of which are secure methods. Foods that have been microwaved or thawed in cold water should be cooked right away.

Learn more about to food worker visit here;



What is a push factor?a reason to leave a placea reason to come to a placea reason to get a joba reason to get an education.


The pull factors can simply be defined as reasons to come to certain place, or rather to migrate to a place that attracts the individual or group of people. The correct option is (a)- a reason to come to a place.

The pull factors are numerous, but the most common ones are the good economics, better opportunities in life, better education, safety, more suitable politics etc.

This is actually what makes the people migrate to certain places, and prefer certain places over other places. The people that live in developing and less developed countries are very attracted by the countries that are well developed, which are mostly the countries of the so called Western world. The reason for that is that they will have much better life in those countries, and all the aforementioned pull factors are in place there, thus they are the first ones on the list for moving in.

Learn more about push factor to visit this link



How did Huck Finn end?


Huck Finn ends by opting out of society.

In the last section of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck makes the decision to keep on moving and spots a riverboat that he believes he has seen before. He makes the decision to stop looking into things because he doesn't want to be drawn into civilised society and lose the freedom he has grown to love. He intends to spend the remainder of his days as a wanderer, continuing his journey down the river.

Due to Huck's decision to leave society and move to Oklahoma, Tom appears to be beyond redemption at the end, leaving the other grownups in precarious situations. Huck concludes the novel by declaring, However, I believe I must depart for the Territory before the others because Aunt Sally plans to adopt and civilise me, and I can't stand it. There I have been before.

Read more about Huck Finn on:



What is the main purpose of the essay What is the purpose of the author in writing the essay?


The main purpose of essays is to provide comprehensive information on specific topic and also provide scholarly views which are relevant and also provides diversified panorama of the topic.

The purpose of any author while writing an essay is to help the reader understand the background and importance of the topic which they are reading and also provides some goals or solutions which are needed to solve any issue. The views of the scholars helps to analyze the essays through critical and positive approach and thus provides convincing views on every topic. The author finally aims that the work encourages the reader to work towards the cause or feel it passionately to help the issue in any way they can.

Learn more about essays at:



Help me
8 to 14.



options no










maybe the answer is correct

if not then sorry

Which theory hold that the first governments formed as a result of people agreeing among themselves to submit to the authority of a state?
a. natural law
b. social contract theory
c. natural rights
d. divine right of kings


Option (b) is Correct. According to the social contract idea, people first established governments by deciding to submit to a central government. People would receive support and protection from the state in exchange.

According to the social contract hypothesis, everyone in a society must abide by a set of moral and political principles before they may coexist. The idea that people's moral and/or political obligations depend on a contract or agreement among them to create the society in which they live is known as social contract theory, which is almost as old as philosophy itself.

The social contract hypothesis is a tool for assisting people in adjusting to a new society. The social contract is a representation of the conditions and terms that govern this change. It holds that people can coexist in a society only if they uphold a contract that lays out moral and political norms. It further asserts that if we follow the terms of a social contract, we can afterwards live morally out of our own free will rather than because a higher power commands us to.

Learn more about Social contract theory visit: brainly.com/question/12137843


Some people think that getting a degree from university is the best way to guarantee a good job, whereas others believe that it would be better to go straight into work and get experience instead.
Write an essay (around 250 words) in which you discuss both sides and give your opinion.


To begin with, I believe that both sides do have negative and positive impacts on the result. However, ultimately the choice is based on the individual.

In my opinion, obtaining a degree in professional areas from a university may probably result in higher wages, such as Law, Medicine, Engineering, etc. As they required a longer time to study compared to the wide subjects and approximately the studied content is probably more sophisticated, therefore fair enough to result in a higher payment in the future. However, it’s based on the economic status of the country ( no offense, educational purpose ), as some countries are knowledge-based economic societies, therefore probably will have a higher payment for professional jobs such as doctors. Besides, doctors are also globally stereotyped as professionals therefore having a high wage is possibly explainable.
In contrast, for those who studied typical subjects and graduate straight out of university, it will, therefore, probably not be the best but at least frontier to wait in line for applying for jobs.

In addition, going straight to work and getting experience, I believe does have its advantages such as it could expand your social network but globally you won't result in a high wage. In which not having a high wage nowadays is neglectable arduous to balance daily expenses. As in the globe, the payment for daily life was high enough thus the taxes, etc, which could need a lot of expense.

In conclusion, I believe that having a degree from University is possibly more predominated.

Is Gilgamesh in love with Enkidu?


Is gilgamesh in love with enkidu for instance, it is claimed that gilgamesh and enkidu are lovers and have a sexual relationship. They frequently kiss and hold one another, and on multiple occasions as they journey to the Cedar Forest, they bundle up against the elements.

The language and images used to describe your gilgamesh and enkidu's relationship throughout the epic hint that it is more than platonic, but there is not enough proof to say with certainty that it is sexual. For instance, it is claimed that gilgamesh and enkidu are lovers and have a sexual relationship. They frequently kiss and embrace one other, and on multiple occasions when they journey to the cedar Forest.

They cuddle together for protection from the elements. The relationship is further defined by Gilgamesh's words. In an effort to defend the cedar trees, and Gilgamesh kills Humbaba, who is described in detail the myth as the forest's watchdog, with Enkidu's as assistance. The epic Sumerian tale "The Epic of the Gilgamesh" contains this as a portion. One of the best earliest documents in human history, according to historians, it was penned on clay Sumerian tablets employing the cuneiform system.

To know more about Gilgamesh visit:



What is Zinn's thesis for Chapter 6?


According to Zinn, the white male upper class benefited from the Revolutionary War's fighting. Through this, he furthers his argument that white male landowners' abuse of power oppressed.

What's covered in Zinn Chapter 6?

Zinn has covered feminism and the struggle against sexism in 19th-century America in this chapter. He takes care to point out, though, that feminism wasn't simply about women standing up for one another's rights.

When reading a typical American history textbook, it's simple to "forget half the country." Women were largely marginalized in public life, and this marginalization persists in early American history. Women were considered as naturally inferior to men, much like slaves. In the early colonies, white women were transported to America only for childbearing. Later, some white women were forced to labor as indentured servants and suffered brutal treatment frequently. White women did, however, command some respect on the early American frontier since they were required to perform manual labor and give birth to children. Without a doubt, black women in the colonies had the worst lot in life.

To know more about Zinn's thesis visit:



How does Napoleon gain the support of the animals Chapter 5?


Napoleon gains the support of the animals through fear, as he secretly meets with small factions during his off time.

What is the theme of Animal farm?

The central topic of Animal Farm is the ability of regular people to maintain their faith in a revolution that has been completely betrayed. Orwell tries to show how those in power—Napoleon and his fellow pig, the revolution's democratic ideal.

Napoleon wins control of Animal Farm by employing propaganda to persuade the other animals not to challenge his authority and by manipulating facts to convince the animals of lies rather than the truth, such as when he convinces everyone that the windmill was always Napoleon's idea.

Therefore, Napoleon utilizes greater force and propaganda to keep his authority after gaining it via planning and the use of force.

Learn more about Animal Farm here:



By learning to associate a squirt of water with an electric shock, sea snails demonstrate the process. of.
a. habituation.
b. spontaneous recovery.
c. Classical Conditioning
d. operant conditioning.


Option (c) is Correct. Sea snails exhibit the process of classical conditioning by coming to link a squirt of water with an electric shock.

Unconscious learning occurs during classical conditioning. When you learn through classical conditioning, a predetermined stimulus is matched with an instinctive conditioned response. Thus, a behavior is produced. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, created classical conditioning, sometimes referred to as Pavlovian or responder conditioning, which is learning via association.

Simply said, two stimuli are combined to cause a person or animal to learn a new learnt response. For instance, you take your kid to the park to play whenever you return home wearing a baseball cap. As a result, anytime your child sees you arrive at home wearing a baseball cap, he becomes delighted because he associates it with going to the park. It is a form of classical conditioning to learn via association.

Learn more about electric shock visit: brainly.com/question/5797884


What is a reflexive pronoun used for?


When a pronoun refers to the same noun as the verb's subject and is employed as the verb's object, the pronoun is said to be reflexive.

What is a reflexive pronoun easy definition?

A pronoun that refers to the same person or thing as the subject when it is employed as an object is referred to as a reflexive pronoun. As an illustration, the word herself is a reflexive pronoun in the phrase Nina loves Nina since it refers to the same individual as the subject Nina.

When a pronoun is used to refer to the same noun as both the subject and the object of a verb, it is known as a reflexive pronoun. The pronouns that in English finish in "self" or "selves" are things like "himself," "myself," "ourselves," etc.

When a sentence's subject and object are the same, reflexive pronouns are used. It's important to keep in mind that the word "reflect" is the root of the word "reflexive," which refers to a pronoun that refers back to the subject of a sentence.

To learn more about reflexive pronoun refer to:



3. That shirt____ is mine.​



Here are some possible ways to complete the sentence:

> That shirt over there is mine.

> That shirt hanging on the hook is mine.

> That shirt on the floor is mine.

> That shirt in the drawer is mine.

> That shirt in the shopping bag is mine.

change into passive voice Renu was drinking water​



Water was being drank by Rena.


Passive voice is when an object that is not human goes at the beginning of the sentence.

So, the answer is water was being drank by Rena.

What are the different types of musical instruments of Latin American music?


La Marimba (a percussion instrument), Digital Piano (a percussion instrument), El Tres (a string instrument), La Antara (a wind instrument), and El Reco-Reco are the most well-known musical instruments from Latin America (Percussion Instrument).

What musical instrument is most frequently used in Latin America?

The Spanish guitar, which employs nylon or gut strings instead of the metal ones used on contemporary acoustic and electric guitars, is possibly the most well-known of the Latin American instruments.

How would you characterize Latin American music's musical idiom?

The rhythm is what gives Latin music its distinctive sound. The rhythm is frequently the main point of interest in the song; it is not some underlying or subdued beat.

To know more about Musical instruments, visit:

What is the most important quote in Animal Farm?


The most important quote in Animal Farm remember, friends, there shouldn't be any changes to our plans; they'll be finished by the next day.

The creatures toiled as slaves for the entire year.They knew very well that all they did was to serve themselves and those who would be like them who might come after them, and not truly for a bunch of inert, stealing individuals.

Sothey didn't grumble about their job or their penance.Not only did they labour like slaves, but they also serve Napoleon's autocracy as slaves. Additionally, it was far worse than it was under Mr. Jones because Napoleon declares half proportions for any creature who refuses to perform new Sunday "willful" work.

To know more about Animal farm visit:



How does Twain's writing reflect a realist approach to writing?


Authors like Mark Twain began using realistic characters that could be compared to regular people and creating settings that genuinely existed or could exist writing

Average Americans were confronted with societal challenges that they truly battled with.

He continues to play a key role in American realism in defining the moral world that people live in and the significant role that environment and genetics play in shaping individual choices. The literary world of Mark Twain is simultaneously grim and humorous, highlighting the basic defects in human nature that can make people both lovable and despised. Because the events in his books are real and may happen in real life, Mark Twain employs realism in them. Twain depicts his stories in a way that allows all readers to comprehend writing

To learn more about writing  please click on below link



What are the 4 allusions?


The solution is found in history, mythology, literature, and religion are the allusions.

Historical - A reference to a past occasion or era.

referred to as mythological.

An allusion to a literary piece or figure is referred to as literary.

An allusion to a religious text, tale, or figure is referred to be religious.

Hercules (or Herculean) is a word frequently used to denote strength.

Pandora's Box – Indicates significant (and frequently unanticipated) repercussions or a potential source of danger.

God of love Cupid is the term used to describe someone who is romantic or in love.

a literary reference that is implied or oblique. a poem with references to great literature. Additionally, the usage of such references; the act of referring to something in an indirect way; and the act of hinting at something

To learn more about allusions  please click on below link



What is the most important point that the authors make in this paragraph most enslaved people worked under fair to good conditions?


The option C "Plantations often were harsh because of the cruelty of those in charge" is correct answer.

The writers' most crucial argument in this passage is that:

Plantations were frequently harsh because of the brutality of those in control.

The author defends the life of the slaves who worked on the plantation and their overall treatment, as can be seen from the entire text.

As a result, we can see that the authors make clear how unpleasant it was for workers to work on a plantation and how cruel the owners were.

As a result, choice C is the appropriate response.

To learn more about life of the slaves link is here



The right question is :

What is the most important point that the authors make in this paragraph?

(A) Most enslaved people worked under fair to good conditions.

(B) Enslaved workers had decent lives if they had fair overseers.

(C) Plantations often were harsh because of the cruelty of those in charge.

(D) Men with absolute power can lose the sense of what it means to be good.

What happens in chapter 9 of a monster calls?


The prince detested the queen because she was a witch, as is shown in chapter 9 of A Monster Calls.

In A Monster Calls, who is the antagonist?

In A Monster Calls, there is no doubt who the villain is. Conor's mother will be killed by the hungry killer, the pit monster, who only exists to do so.

The prince goes to his horse after the princess has dozed off, unties it from the tree, and takes a knife out of the saddlebag. The horse is then knocked in the butt, which causes it to flee. The prince actually despised the queen because she was a witch, as it turned out.


To learn more about A Monster Calls from the given link



What are 5 common terms used in research?


The following 5 terms are frequently used in research: Exempt, Delimitations, Descriptive Statistics, Debriefing, and Expedited Review.

Delimitations deal with how the research's scope will be condensed. Data are described, arranged, and summarised using descriptive statistics.

A debriefing occurs after participants have finished taking part in the reseach. Each participant should have the chance to speak with the main researcher or obtain information about the research and the projected completion date.

Research involving human subjects is subject to expedited assessment by the IRB chairperson or by one or more seasoned reviewers chosen by the chairperson from among the IRB members.

The McKendree Institutional Review Board Policies and Procedures Manual, page 13, defines "exempt" as research that is exempt from IRB review.


To learn more about research from the given link



What are three things you should always do during a traffic stop?



stay quiet. Stay positive. Drink water.


What is needed to open bank account?


In order to open a bank account, you will need to provide the bank with proof of identity as well as proof of address. You may also need to provide additional information such as a Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number.

What is bank account?

A bank account is a financial account held at a bank or other financial institution. It allows customers to store their money in the institution and make payments, transfers, withdraw money, or otherwise manage their finances. Some accounts are designed for customers to save money, while others are designed as checking accounts, where customers can deposit and withdraw funds as needed. Bank accounts can also provide additional features such as interest payments, overdraft protection, debit cards, and more. Bank accounts are an essential part of managing one's finances, as they provide a safe, secure place to store money while allowing customers to make payments and manage their finances more effectively.

To learn more about bank account

What motives are predominant in traditional haiku?


Haiku is a Japanese poetic form that has been popular for centuries. The traditional form of haiku consists of three lines of text that contain a total of seventeen syllables.

Haiku is often characterized by an emphasis on nature and the seasons, as well as a focus on everyday life and the moments that make life special. While the form of haiku does not require certain themes,One of the most common motives in traditional haiku is the appreciation of the beauty of nature. This appreciation is often expressed through descriptions of the changing of the seasons, the beauty of the landscape, and the importance of the natural world. Haiku often focus on the interconnectedness of all things, and how the beauty of nature reflects the beauty of the soul.

Learn more about Haiku at :https://brainly.com/question/3088403


What is the poet or the speaker's attitude toward the subject reader or himself?


The reader's interpretation of the poet's attitude toward the poem's speaker, reader, and subject matter. It is frequently referred to as a "mood" that permeates the reading experience and is produced .

What perspective does the speaker have on the matter?

Tone is the speaker's attitude toward the audience; it expresses how he feels about them and how he positions himself in front of them.

The author's or the character's attitude toward the topic he is writing about is known as attitude in poetry. This was conveyed through his use of language, tone, intention, mood, diction, point of view, and sentence structure. This goes hand-in-hand with how the readers view or understand the author.

Tone is the term used to describe the speaker's attitude. the process by which a piece of writing creates and conveys its mood. The characters are given a voice, and the readers are frequently moved.

To know more about poet's attitude toward the subject visit:



How would you describe the attitude of a poem?


Attitude in poetry is defined as the way an author or character thinks or feels about the subject he is writing on.

What describes the attitude of the author in a poem?In the poem the writer talks about the sea, its brutal behavior, its turbulent habits and the depths. In other words the skills can be described as intelligence,talent and religion.Life is rough like the sea but we can manage to gain stability by reaching the shore. All it requires is intelligence, talent along with religion to make life easy for us to battle with and make the best of it.William Cullen Bryant’s poem, ‘Thanatopsis’ is a poem which describes life and death. Although this poem is quite a long monologue, it puts forward the concept of death in a very different manner.Bryant have made use of words such as ‘stern agony’, ‘breathless darkness’, ‘narrow house’ to depict death. This words in itself are quite disturbing and scary.But at the same time, Bryant have also made use of words such as ‘open sky’, nature’s teaching’ to make us comfortable and to make us realize that at one point everyone is going to die and to embrace the journey called death.

To learn more about attitude of a poem refer to:



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