Why does Napoleon blame this animal for destroying the windmill?


Answer 1

In animal farm,  napoleon uses Snowball's destruction of the windmill which was undoubtedly caused by the intense storm that occurred to incite the animals' hate towards one another.

Napoleon, though, sees a chance to further denigrate Snowball rather than blaming the storm for the damage. He claims that Snowball destroyed their windmill in an effort to thwart their plans to establish a stand-alone farm. Despite their initial success, the humans fail when they blow up the windmill because the animals become utterly agitated and drive the men off the land. After the animals have finished with the windmill, roughly twenty of Frederick's soldiers charge in and use dynamite to destroy it. The animals win the conflict and retain control of the farm, although many of them are injured or killed.

Know more about the Animal farm at: https://brainly.com/question/2497089


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What happens in chapter 4 of Enrique's Journey?


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i) 12/06/2022 ii) Baghbar, Barpeta iii) Embankment of the Brahmaputra breached. iv) Floodwater from Bhutan hills added to the fury of the flood caused by the breach. C v) Large areas inundated by the floodwater and several villages are severely affected. vi) Many organizations came forward to help the affected people with relief materials. please help me and tell me what is the title of the report​


The title of the report should be iii. The embankment of the Brahmaputra was breached.

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A report title should be appealing and accurate. You must ensure that the title is not confusing or misleading.

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Goals are the milestones of life that we strive to achieve, and the process of achieving goals is one of the most important journeys we undertake. Whether it's a small personal goal, such as making it to the gym every day, or a bigger life goal, like getting a degree, the process of achieving goals is the same.

The first step of achieving goals is to develop an action plan. This plan should include specific steps and deadlines for hitting the goal. It’s important to make sure that the plan is realistic and achievable, otherwise it will be difficult to stick with it. Additionally, it’s important to remember that goals are often not achieved in one day, so it’s important to break the plan into smaller steps and give yourself enough time to complete each step.

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Using your notes and knowledge of Act 2, write a paragraph summary of what we have read so far in this
Be sure to proofread!
Poem:Our Town



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How does Napoleon react to the drawing of the windmill plans?


Napoleon’s reaction to the drawing of the windmill plans is one of enthusiasm and excitement. Napoleon is a natural leader and has an eye for detail.

When he first views the plans for the windmill, he is immediately impressed by the complexity and precision of the design. He can see the potential in the plans, and quickly grasps the fact that the windmill could revolutionize the way the animals on the farm live.

He immediately begins to make plans on how to implement the windmill, and how to make it work effectively. He is eager to get started on the project, and rallies the other animals to help build the windmill. Although the animals initially seem hesitant, Napoleon’s enthusiasm and passion for the project soon win them over.

Napoleon also makes sure to take credit for the windmill plans, claiming that he had thought of the plan himself. Although this is not true, he is able to use the windmill to further solidify his power and position on the farm.

Overall, Napoleon’s reaction to the drawing of the windmill plans is one of excitement and enthusiasm. He quickly grasps the potential of the windmill and begins to make plans on how to implement it. He also takes credit for the plans, further solidifying his power and position on the farm.

Learn more about Napoleon at : https://brainly.com/question/22142458


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Answer: terror, horror, and the macabre and the bizarre.

Explanation: Because this genre is dark, eerie, and mysterious,

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Whether you're cleaning your clothing, dishes, automobile, or carpets, there are 4 components to cleaning. These components are essential for lifting the soil from the surface you are trying to clean, suspending it, and enabling removal or rinsing. They are time, cleaning agents, temperature, and agitation. One of the essentials must rise if another is diminished.

Know more about 4 elements of cleaning at: https://brainly.com/question/28486103


Why do we read One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich? What is the point of this book, and why is it so highly acclaimed? Write 5–7 sentences, use at least two quotes.

Please answer quickly!


The point of "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” is still admired for its succinct and stark depiction of the cruelty and degradation of prison life during that time.

Who is the tartar in this book?

Tartar is a lean, authoritative camp guard who threatens Ivan Denisovich with three days penalty in the guardhouse with work for not getting up in time. Instead of taking Ivan Denisovich to the cells, he makes Ivan Denisovich clean the floor of a guardroom.

According to the context of this question, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich was politically significant because of what it depicted rather than for the opinions it expressed. It is highly acclaimed because the work of the author gives a sense of positivity among the readers.

Therefore, the importance of remembering personal identities in an inhuman political regime is reflected in this book.

To learn more about Ivan Denisovich, refer to the link:



How can you control physical contamination?


To control physical contamination always keep high-risk foods (meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, etc.) out of the temperature danger zone to reduce the risk of biological contamination in grocery shops.

When organisms or compounds created by them infect food, it is said to have undergone biological contamination.This covers biological products made by rodents, insects, humans, and bacteria, viruses, pet hair, cat saliva, house dust, mites.

cockroaches, and pollen are examples of physical pollutants.One of the best methods to stop bacterial and virus contamination and save lives is by properly washing your hands. Before and after preparing food, using the restroom, eating, smoking, or handling trash, hands should be washed.

To know more about Physical contamination visit:



What are the 4 things you include in your introductory paragraph 1st paragraph when writing an argumentative essay?


The opening to an introductory paragraph can be written in one of four different ways that are form, quotes, dramatic, and funnel forms.

What should the first paragraph be in an introductory paragraph?There are four different ways you can structure the start of an academic essay. The turnaround form, the funnel form, quotes, and the dramatic are some examples.Background information comes first in a funnel introduction before moving on to a more focused thesis. Quotes in quotation introductions direct the reader to the thesis statement.To persuade a reader that a viewpoint is reasonable or to persuade the reader to perform a specific action is the aim of argumentative writing. Information is used, but it is organized in accordance with the claim, the justification, the supporting evidence, and the counterclaim—the five essential components of an argument. The three components are a hook, context, and thesis statement.

To learn more about the introductory paragraph refer to



What is the purpose of chapter 9 in Animal Farm?


Answer: in chapter 9, boxer overworks himself and collapses, then napoleon "sends" him to the "hospital" and he dies by being sold to the "glue factory" aka the horse slaughterer, and napoleon buys alcohol with the money.

Explanation: I think the main idea is showing people the consequences of totalitarian rule when the people submit. Boxer's death marked the beginning of the animal farm's down fall. By the end they can't tell the pigs and people apart.

From To Build a Fire by Jack London

He plunged among the big pine trees. The trail was not well marked here. Several inches of snow had fallen since the last sled had passed. He was glad he was without a sled. Actually, he carried nothing but the lunch wrapped in the handkerchief. He was surprised, however, at the cold. It certainly was cold, he decided, as he rubbed his nose and face with his mittened hand. He had a good growth of hair on his face, but that did not protect his nose or the upper part of his face from the frosty air.

Following at the man's heels was a big native dog. It was a wolf dog, gray-coated and not noticeably different from its brother, the wild wolf. The animal was worried by the great cold. It knew that this was no time for traveling. Its own feeling was closer to the truth than the man's judgment. In reality, it was not merely colder than 50 below zero; it was colder than 60 below, than 70 below. It was 75 below zero. Because the freezing point is 32 above zero, it meant that there were 107 degrees of frost.

The dog did not know anything about temperatures. Possibly in its brain there was no understanding of a condition of very cold, such as was in the man's brain. But the animal sensed the danger. Its fear made it question eagerly every movement of the man as if expecting him to go into camp or to seek shelter somewhere and build a fire. The dog had learned about fire, and it wanted fire. Otherwise, it would dig itself into the snow and find shelter from the cold air.

How does the setting affect the character(s) and enhance the mood of the passage? Respond in a well-developed paragraph that:

is at least 5 sentences in length
includes textual support
uses correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling


The setting affect the character and enhance the mood of the passage is to Build a Fire, a short story by Jack London, tells the horrifying account of a guy who decides to journey alone through the hostile environment.

Explain the context of the excerpt?The moral of the story is to not be arrogant and to listen to advice from those who are more knowledgeable. In his arrogance, the guy rejected the advice of an elderly person who advised against travelling alone during the colder months.The passage in the excerpt that exhibits a crude representation of everyday life is He was taken aback by how quickly the sting that had come when his fingers had touched his leg ceased.This demonstrates that nature has no interest in human endurance. While the man was confined to eating a feast, nature made an attempt to numb his fingers.In spite of his genuine endeavors to recapture sensation in his fingers by beating them against his thighs, it was pointless since nature stayed steadfast and uninterested about his anguish.

Learn more about From To Build a Fire refer to :



What type of writing is a vindication of the rights of woman?


This is not a novel. This is real life. Wollstonecraft's main goal in writing.

What is Rights of woman?

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, a straightforward philosophical dissertation, was to convince the world that women should have the same civil rights as men.

The book begins by outlining its main ideas before moving on to explore all of its consequences. This is an essay; there is no "narrative" in the way that we typically use that word.

The title of the book, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, is very straightforward. The phrase "show(ing) that something that has been challenged or doubted is correct, true, or reasonable" is used in Wollstonecraft's title.

Therefore, This is not a novel. This is real life. Wollstonecraft's main goal in writing.

To learn more about Rights of Woman, refer to the link:





Parents that have to work multiple jobs to pay rent cannot take weekends off to drive to tournaments.

What are the actual face of people?

The only people on the fields are the people with the means to get there. Parents that have to work multiple jobs to pay rent cannot take weekends off to drive to tournaments.

Parents who are caring for their own elderly parents cannot leave town overnight to sleep in hotels away from those they're responsible for. Parents who cannot afford a car, who live paycheck to paycheck, are not the parents with children on those fields.

Therefore, Parents that have to work multiple jobs to pay rent cannot take weekends off to drive to tournaments.

Learn more about tournaments on:



What are the characteristics of the Elizabethan age particularly in literature?


The characteristics of the Elizabethan age particularly in literature are a strong sense of patriotism, national pride, religious tolerance, social content, academic advancement, and boundless excitement.

What is a major theme in Elizabethan literature?Love, time, the significance of writing, and the eternization of beauty are some of the most important topics in the Elizabethan sonnet sequences. One of the main subjects is romantic love; numerous sonnets from the Elizabethan era talked about the sufferings of unrequited love.The fluidity, sweetness, melody, and exuberant delight in life—all of which are direct, spontaneous, and exquisite—are the characteristics that particularly set Elizabethan poetry, especially songs apart.The English Renaissance reached its pinnacle during this "golden period," which also saw the blossoming of poetry, music, and literature. The plays written during this time period, including those by William Shakespeare and many others, are what have made England's historical theatrical traditions famous.

Learn more about Elizabethan literature refer to :



How do you pass the team lead assessment at Walmart?


The Walmart Retail Associate Assessment (RAA), is known as the Walmart Assessment Test,and this test has been used used to the assess potential employees at Walmart.

What is Walmart Assessment Test?

The Walmart Assessment Test has been the evaluates applicants' as well as the aptitudes for the comprehending and managing the customer-related problems. It has been assesses their ability just to cooperate with others and work under the strict supervision.

Make an effort to be the very consistent just throughout all of your responses as some of the questions has might be ask for the same thing just under the different era or the circumstances.

Therefore, The Walmart Retail Associate Assessment (RAA), is known as the Walmart Assessment Test,and this test has been used used to the assess potential employees at Walmart.

Learn more about Walmart on:



Paragraph for “there”
I need help with it and can’t think what to write with it


The assignment wants to analyze your writing ability. For that reason, I can't write your paragraph, but I'll show you how to do it.

How to insert the word “there” in a paragraph?Talk about the location of something or someone.Describe a place.Tell me something that happened in the past.

The word “there” is associated with locations, for this reason, to write a paragraph that uses this word, you should think about adding details about a place in your paragraph showing what was done there or what that place is like.

An example of a paragraph using the word “there” can be seen below.

I remember my trip to Alabama clearly, as the journey was memorable and full of surprises. That's because our car broke down on the way and we had to find a hotel quickly to spend the night. When going up to our rooms we were stunned because there was an exorbitant amount of chocolates on the bed. There was also a strange noise of glass being constantly broken. We stood there for a while and went down to ask questions at reception. When we got there we realized... there was no one there and the front door was gone.

Learn more about writing text:



How does the speaker's conflicting attitude toward the wall develop over the course of the poem?


The speaker's conflicting attitude towards the wall develops when he  starts the wall repair process with his neighbors but later comes to the realization that perhaps the wall is not even essential.

This analysis of how Frost presents himself in "Mending Wall" should be enough to show that the poem is not primarily an expression of ethical ideals about neighborliness. Contrary to the weight of critical opinion, it is more about ways of mind, language, and possibly even poetry itself than it is about being a good neighbor.

In actuality, Frost's persona is the less friendly and antagonistic of the two. His depiction of a difficult neighbor comprises hysterical supposition, which makes us question the veracity of his argument. The Yankee's brief adage appears to be more amiable than the speaker's conjectures and questionable assumptions, at least on the surface. But in "Mending Wall," Frost provides no solutions and no indications of who is right or wrong. He gives examples rather than moralizing. And what he presents is a struggle that grabs our attention because it displays the power of the imagination at work in both its inception and growth.

To know more about the wall click here,



When the speaker begins repairing the wall with his neighbors but later realizes that possibly the wall is not even necessary, the speaker's conflicted attitude regarding the wall emerges.

This examination of Frost's self-presentation in "Mending Wall" ought to be sufficient to demonstrate that the poem is not primarily a statement of moral ideals concerning neighborliness. Contrary to popular belief, it is less about being a good neighbor and more about mental processes, linguistics, and probably even poetry itself. In truth, Frost's persona is the more hostile and unfriendly of the two. We doubt the validity of his reasoning because of the hyperbolic supposition he uses to describe a troublesome neighbor. On the surface, the speaker's speculations and dubious presumptions seem friendlier than the short adage of the Yankee. However, Frost offers no solutions or suggestions as to who is in the right or wrong in "Mending Wall." Instead of preaching, he provides examples. And what he depicts is a conflict that captures our interest because it shows how the imagination can be powerful in both its creation and development.

To know more about the speaker click here,



What are the 3 main types of sentences?


The three main types of sentences are imperative sentences, interrogative sentences, which ask questions, and declarative phrases, which make assertions.

A full notion in grammar is a phrase. The subject, which can be a noun or a pronoun, and the predicate, which is a verb, are the two parts of every sentence. Declarative or Assertive Sentence: A declarative or assertive sentence is an instructive sentence that ends with a period or a full stop.

Example: I enjoy reading fantasy books.

Around the corner is a white house. Interrogative Sentence: An interrogative sentence asks a question and has a question mark at the conclusion.

What was the title of the movie you were viewing, for instance?

A sentence that expresses a request, an order, or a command is referred to as an imperative sentence.

Examples: Please pick up the notes when you come.

Close the door.

To learn more about Declarative sentences please click on the given link:



What is the controlling idea or central insight?


The overarching concept or core insight that drives a work of fiction is known as the theme. It is the overarching truth about life that the story expresses or implies.

What is Controlling Idea?

To establish a story's topic, we must ascertain its main goal, such as what worldview it promotes.

Only when an author has made a sincere effort to authentically portray life or expose some of its truths, or when they have purposefully incorporated a concept or theory of life as a unifying factor that the story illuminates, can a theme be said to exist.

All interpretive fiction has a theme, while only some escape fiction does not. The narrative's goal in interpretive fiction.

Therefore, The overarching concept or core insight that drives a work of fiction is known as the theme. It is the overarching truth about life that the story expresses or implies.

To learn more about Controlling idea, refer to the link:



How do you measure land slope?


Percent of slope is determined by dividing the amount of elevation change by the amount of horizontal distance covered, and then multiplying the result by 100.

In mathematics, the slope of a line, also called the slope, is a numerical description of the steepness and direction of the line. The letter m is often used to represent gradient.

The reason for this usage is unknown, but can be seen in the equations "y = mx + b" and "y = mx + c" in O'Brien's (1844) and Todd Hunter's (1888) line equations. ”Calculate the slope using the ratio of "vertical change" to "horizontal change" between two different (arbitrary) points on a straight line.

To know more about Slope here-



What makes this story satirical?


Audiences' perceptions can be distorted or prejudiced as a result of humour. Satire, which makes use of irony, sarcasm, or both, is a literary device frequently employed to mock the folly or wickedness of individuals, groups, or even countries.

What is satirical?A satire is a kind of art whereby social criticism or criticism of individuals is frequently delivered in a hilarious manner. Through parody, irony, sarcasm, pastiche, and caricature, criticism can be expressed. The targets can be people, politicians, customs, beliefs, creatives, performers, the media, standards, values, and trends. Satire is not always just for laughs. Some satires are so abrasive and cutting that their principal goal is to elicit or promote action. For this reason, the government has repressed several satirists throughout history.The satires typically pose pertinent issues from daily life while also making fun of the subject matter. The drawback of using satires as a source of information is that they are often filled with criticism and the author's own opinions, which might cause the message's reader to get inaccurate information.

To learn more about satire refer:



why was shadrack in the hospital? what seems to be wrong with him? use a quote from the text in your answer. why was shadrack in the hospital? what seems to be wrong with him? use a quote from the text in your answer.


Shadrack, a twenty-two-year-old black World War I veteran who was being treated for shell-shock is released from the facility where he was receiving treatment due to a need for more rooms in the high-risk areas of the veteran's hospital and because of his violent behavior. He laboriously makes his way back to Medallion and then to the Bottom, his former neighborhood, alone and lost.

To know more about shadrack, use the given link:



What are the four important parts of a procedure?


Important parts of a procedure terminology used in English Language Teaching (ELT) can occasionally be perplexing. The four important parts of a procedure are as follows:

1) Approach

2) Method

3) procedure

4) Techniques

An explanation of the distinctions between approach, method, procedure, and technique is attempted in this essay.It is crucial for us teachers to understand exactly what each of these phrases signifies.

Jeremy Harmer (2001) describes ‘procedures’ as “an ordered set of techniques.” They are the step-by-step measures to execute a method. common procedure.The grammar-translation method, for example, is to start by explaining the grammar rules and exemplifying these rules through sentences.

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What is the main idea and author's purpose?


The author's primary message to readers is expressed as the main idea. What does the author want the reader to know about the subject, according to the main idea, is addressed. the question "What is the author teaching me?"

Is author's purpose and main idea the same thing?

A paragraph or passage's primary concept is its most essential or central idea. It identifies the goal and establishes the flow of the passage or paragraph. It's possible for the core idea to be explicit or inferred. paragraph's final sentence.

The aim and the main idea are closely related. There are a few fundamental reasons for texts, and identifying these fundamental purposes paves the way for a more complex text analysis based on those purposes. A text's primary goals should be to enlighten its audience—to describe, clarify, or teach them something. A literary work's fundamental concept, in my opinion, serves as its main structuring principle or topic. Everything else is related to or leads back to this main emphasis.

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What are the benefits of doing good deeds?



There are many benefits of doing good deeds such as...

making the world a happier place for everyone. They can boost feelings of confidence, being in control, happiness and optimism. They may also encourage others to repeat the good deeds they've experienced themselves – contributing to a more positive community.also they are bound to reward you later on in life.

The definition of goodness is the kindness you show to your neighbor, the kind behavior you show and do. As a human being, you yourself know the needs of your neighbor, that's why from your heart you feel how you can help your neighbor. Goodness is the behavior that the Lord wants us to always feel towards our fellow man.

Doing good to others is important because this is exactly what God wants us to do. You also help others. You have a happier life because there is happiness in giving rather than receiving. Virtue, is good behavior accompanied by good deeds.

Good results of doing goodYou will make God's heart happyYou will be given peace of mind because you are happy to help.It also helps others to trust you.It gives good results.You are setting a good example for others.You make a lot of friends.They are also good to you when you are in need.

Although doing good should not be expected to return the good you have done to others, it is still important to continue this good practice. Because it also helps to avoid any problems in getting along with others. Unnecessary problems and worries are also left behind.

Principles of doing good"You are good and your works are good. Teach me your precepts" - Psalm 119:68"For you were once in darkness, but now you are in light and are one with the Lord. Continue to walk as children of light, because the fruit of light consists of every kind of goodness, righteousness, and truth." - Ephesians 5: 8,9"In all things, I have shown you that you must work hard to help the weak. And always remember what the Lord Jesus himself said: 'There is more happiness in giving than in receiving." - Acts 20:35 "So whatever you want men to do to you, do the same to them. In fact, this is the essence of the Law and the Prophets" - Matthew 7:11

Additional Informations:Do our good deeds make us good people? https://brainly.com/question/30098188What are two good deeds that you have seen people do? https://brainly.com/question/21363172


What is the role of an independent auditor?


Independent auditors are frequently retained to prevent conflicts of interest and to ensure the neutrality of an audit.

To safeguard shareholders and potential investors against occasionally false or misleading financial statements provided by public businesses, independent auditors are frequently used—or even required.

By offering an unbiased third-party view on the accuracy of the financial statements that investors rely on for investment decisions, the independent auditor plays a crucial role in our capital markets.

Auditor independence is the term used to describe the independence of the external auditor. It is characterized by integrity and calls for the auditor to do their duties freely and impartially.

To learn more about independent auditors, tap here:



Chicano literature
In a paragraph, write about being a 17 year old indigenous person 500 years ago and explain the cultural identity including limitations placed on being indigenous




As a 17 year old indigenous person 500 years ago, my cultural identity would have been shaped by the traditions and beliefs of my community. These traditions may have included spiritual beliefs, customs, and practices that were passed down through generations and were closely tied to the land and natural world.

However, being indigenous also came with certain limitations. My community may have faced discrimination and oppression from colonizers and other outside groups, who sought to impose their own culture and beliefs on us. This may have limited my ability to fully participate in and express my own culture, and may have also restricted my access to education and other opportunities.

Despite these limitations, I would have still maintained a strong sense of cultural identity and pride in my heritage. My community would have provided me with support and a sense of belonging, and I would have learned valuable skills and knowledge from my elders. I would have also likely been connected to a larger network of indigenous communities, and would have worked to preserve and protect our culture and traditions for future generations.

How far is the CEJ from the alveolar crest?


All primary teeth had an average cementoenemal junction-alveolar bone crest distance of 1.1 mm. Indicating the incidence of alveolar bone loss, 7.7% of the total evaluated surfaces had distances of greater than 2mm.

Remember that the typical distance between the CEJ and the alveolar bone crest is 2mm; thus, to get the bone levels' ideal positions, deduct 2mm from the CEJ to apex measurement.

The Shorter group of teeth has physiological bone levels that vary from 1 to 3 mm apical to the CEJ (20, 21); the Middle and Larger groups are those that have marginally or significantly lost periodontal attachment.

Learn more about to CEJ visit here;



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