Why was it difficult for the provinces of Central America to be one government?

no experience in running a government
Spain had left too many soldiers
the upper class wanted their own country
too different from each other


Answer 1


no experience in running a government


The provinces of Central America found it very difficult to become one government because even though they had economic problems, the main problem was a problem of having proper experience to run a government.

The new leaders knew very little, if anything at all of ruling a country and they were not helped by the weak people they ruled, so wicked rulers sprang up and made it difficult for the provinces of Central America to be one government.

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The king or queen serves a ceremonial role and the people elect a
Parliament to make laws

B) representative democracy
C)constitutional mirarchy
D) absolute monarchy



C. Constitutional monarchy




A way in which Progressives were successful in reforming the federal government was
o eliminating corruption
O trust-busting.
O treating women equally
O reforming taxes.



reforming taxes


One way in which the Progressives were successful in reforming the federal government through reformation of the federal government taxes.

This was successful, because in 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Revenue Act bill into law which also included an income tax that taxed the wealthy citizens at a much higher rate than other citizens.


reforming taxes.


took it on edg

Which best describes the Battle of Trenton?
It was the turning point in the war.
Tactically important
It raised the morale of the army.
Completely unimportant


Answer: The Battle of Trenton, New Jersey was one of the turning points of the American Revolutionary War. ... After a long march through the snow, Washington led his troops across the partially frozen Delaware river on Christmas Day of 1776 to defeat the Hessian mercenaries and restore the fortunes of the American patriots.


What were some economic problems that lead to the French Revolution



tax collectors, king and queen, weather


tax collectors corrupt, king and queen lived in luxury, and poor weather led to poor harvests as well as inflation

weitere I 1. During which period did American leaders face these problems?
A the Era of Good Feelings
B the Presidency of George Washington
Cthe War of 1812
D the Presidency of James Madison​


Answer: (A) The Era of Good Feelings

Explanation: Although the “era” generally is considered coextensive with President James Monroe’s two terms (1817–25), it really began in 1815, when for the first time, thanks to the ending of the Napoleonic Wars, American citizens could afford to pay less attention to European political and military affairs.

Answer: B

Explanation: The years between the election to the presidency of James Monroe in 1816 and of John Quincy Adams in 1824 have long been known in American history as the Era of Good Feelings. The phrase was conceived by a Boston editor during Monroe’s visit to New England early in his first term. That a representative of the heartland of Federalism could speak in such positive terms of the visit by a Southern president whose decisive election had marked not only a sweeping Republican victory but also the demise of the national Federalist Party was dramatic testimony that former foes were inclined to put aside the sectional and political differences of the past.

While you are walking down the street... the police out of no whereee just stops you and search your back pack because the “FEEL LIKE IT” ...which amendment does that violate ? (No links smh!!)



4th Amendment.


The 4th Amendment states;

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by the Oath of affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons things to be seized."

(The police shouldn't just be searching you out of no where, they need permission from the person they are searching, or an actual permit from their superiors)

Regions that are important to communities and provide important services are what region


Answer: eutrophic systems I believe this is what they are called.


The containment policy can be best described as

the Soviet Union’s policy of spreading communism around the world.
the policy of only admitting non-communist countries to the United Nations.
the American policy of trying to stop the spread of global communism.
the American policy of allowing communism in Europe but not in the rest of the world.




The containment policy can be best described as...

The American policy of trying to stop the spread of global communism.



The Americans had made a plan to stop communism from spreading to other countries as they believed communism was almost like a domino effect where if one country were ever to be taken over by a communist revolt, it may cause a domino effect where neighbouring countries could fall to communism.


!     HOPE I HELPED     !

How did they turn Arachene to a spider?


When Athena could find no flaws in the tapestry Arachne had woven for the contest, the goddess became enraged and beat the girl with her shuttle. After Arachne hanged herself out of shame, she was transformed into a spider.

Following the Russian Revolution what was the name of the government/philosophy that was introduced?



The answer is D. Communism
Thus, the Soviet Union was formed
the answer is D. Communism

How were the lives of black Americans prior to the civil rights movement?



most Black people worked as low-wage farmers, factory workers, domestics or servants. By the early 1940s, war-related work was booming, but most Black Americans weren't given the better paying jobs. They were also discouraged from joining the military.


26. Type of music that shaped the Harlem Renaissance
(0.5 Points)
A. Jazz
B. Pop
C. Rock

27. Wrote the moving novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God."
(0.5 Points)
A. Hughes
B. Hurston
C. Armstrong



1. Jazz

2. Hurston


Hope that helps

1. Who was attempting to stop integration?


Answer:On September 2, Governor Orval Faubus—a staunch segregationist—called out the Arkansas National Guard to surround Central High School and prevent integration, ostensibly to prevent the bloodshed he claimed desegregation would cause.


what was the name of the Navy ship that President Mckinley moved into Havana, Cuba?



in January 1898, President William McKinley ordered one of his battleships, the USS Maine, to put into Havana for an extended visit.


It was the USS Maine

How did Queen Hatshepsut’s policies affect the kingdom of Egypt?

Egypt grew in status relative to other nations.
Egypt lost territory during Hatshepsut’s reign.
Egypt became a center of manufactured goods.
Egypt lost much of its wealth due to bad trade deals.



Egypt grew in status relative to other nations.



Egypt grew in status relative to other nations.


After WWII which of the following statements regarding politics was most
Many new democracies were created, especially in Eastern Europe.
China and the U.S. became strong allies and both promoted peace in Asia.
The world was dramatically divided between the capitalism and communist
O Most of Latin America and Africa embraced Communism.



The answer is: The world was dramatically divided between the capitalism and communist ideologies.


This is correct because the spread of Communism by Stalin controlled Russia is what led to the Cold War and the United States was a capitalist society that prevented that spread which led to wars such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

1. what is nationalism?
2. what is sectionalism?



nationalism is an idea and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation (as in a group of people), especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty (self-governance) over its homeland. sectionalism is the restriction of interest to a narrow sphere; undue concern with local interests or petty distinctions at the expense of general well-being.


Nationalism is an idea and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty over its homeland. Nationalism holds that each nation should govern itself, free from outside interference, that a nation is a natural and ideal basis for a polity and that the nation is the only rightful source of political power. It further aims to build and maintain a single national identity, based on shared social characteristics of culture, ethnicity, geographic location, language, politics, religion, traditions and belief in a shared singular history, and to promote national unity or solidarity. Nationalism seeks to preserve and foster a nation's traditional cultures and cultural revivals have been associated with nationalist movements. It also encourages pride in national achievements and is closely linked to patriotism. Nationalism is often combined with other ideologies such as conservatism or socialism.

Sectionalism is loyalty to one's own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole. Sectionalism occurs in many countries, such as in the United Kingdom, most notably in the constituent country of Scotland, where various sectionalist/separatist political organizations and parties have existed since the early 1920s, beginning with the Scots National League. Today, Scottish sectionalism is most strongly associated and advocated by the Scottish National Party (SNP), which can be described as both sectionalism and separatist. The SNP advocates for both Scottish independence and more autonomy for Scotland while remaining a part of the United Kingdom.

SDS definition and significance?


Answer: A safety data sheet (SDS), material safety data sheet (MSDS), or product safety data sheet (PSDS) is a document that lists information relating to occupational safety and health for the use of various substances and products

what was one effect of the fugitive slave act of 1850?
(a) the Republican Party lost influence in the federal legislature
(b) the Missouri Compromise was deemed unconstitutional by federal courts
(c) tensions among the populations of northern and southern states increased
(d) immigrants were forced to relocate from Eastern cities to western territories​







Which of the following describes American trade policy during the early years of the war? (5 points)
Question 4 options:


The United States refused to trade with any of the belligerent nations.


The United States observed a policy of neutrality and traded equally with both sides.


The United States was officially neutral but its trade policies mostly helped Britain and France.


The United States offered loans to Germany to buy American goods but gave goods to Britain and France.






The United States was officially neutral but its trade policies mostly helped Britain and France.

According to Confucius, ___ is the "building block" of society.





Which option completes the summary of Mansa Musa's rule?
Mansa Musa had tremendous wealth and power. His army was
large, and he controlled different trade routes and farbas
He supported the common people and
began to use democratic systems of
He required all people in the empire to
convert to the religion of Islam.
The farbas were run by people loyal to
Mansa Musa and paid him taxes that kept
him wealthy.
His armies travelled to the farbas and
forced the people to pay taxes to the


Answer: Mansa Musa inherited a kingdom that was already wealthy, but his work in expanding trade made Mali the wealthiest kingdom in Africa. His riches came from mining significant salt and gold deposits in the Mali kingdom. Elephant ivory was another major source of wealth give me brainliest pls

Describe the differences between Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt. What was different about their presidencies and how they were viewed by the public?
Will give brainliest :)



Herbert Hoover was viewed as a bad president because he barely took any action to help people that were unemployed or try to stop the Great Depression. Franklin Roosevelt was viewed as a great president, he helped the Americans that become unemployed from the Great Depression.

A key difference between the Roman Catholic Church and the churches of the Protestant Reformation was that, *

A) unlike Protestants, Catholics usually believed in a non-hierarchical Church.
B) unlike Catholics, Protestants usually believed that the Bible should be read in the local vernacular instead of Latin.
C) unlike Catholics, Protestants usually believed that the Bible was the direct word of God.
D) unlike Catholics, Protestants usually denied that God had three forms (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit).



see the explanation


One of the differences between Protestants and Catholics is the way they view bread and wine during religious services. Catholics believe that the bread and wine actually turns into the body and blood of Christ. Protestants believe it stays bread and wine and only represents Christ.

help me plz due in a couple of minutes!​



the answer would be C. whether Brazil or Cuba has a higher gross domestic product.

letters a, b, and d all cannot be solved using the given information. So C. would be the only logical answer


C- Whether Brazil or Cuba has a higher gross domestic product.

All of the following nations invaded and attacked Israel upon its creation EXCEPT:
A. Ottoman Empire
B. iraq
C. Egypt
D. Saudi Arabia



A. Ottoman Empire


First of all, with basic history. Israel didn't even exist during the time of the Ottoman Empire as the region was called Filistin (Palestine) at the time. After the conquest of the Ottoman Empire by the Entente in WWI was when the creation of a Jewish state was mentioned. In the Sevres Agreement, Britain would retain control of Palestine until it was ready to be independent (which was total lies). Britain started allowing Israelis to return to Palestine and over time, the population of Palestine went up in the thousands. Palestine was no longer Arab or Palestinian but Israeli (Side note: After the fall of the Ottoman empire, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk led a war against the Entente and Armenia and managed to create a Turkish Republic). Upon the creation of Israel, almost all Middle Eastern and Arab nations declared war and attempted to invade Israel including Iraq, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.

Hope this helped.


Why is the election of 1828 considered to be different from prior ones?

A) The candidates campaigned through speeches, slogans, and parades.

B) All candidates were from the same political party.

C) All candidates grew up west of the Mississippi River.

D) The winner was elected based on the popular vote, not the electoral college.


C) All candidates grew up west of the Mississippi River.




Brainliest Please

Both sides organized rallies, parades, and other public events to promote their chosen candidate.

what are prominent examples of realist literature?



The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)House of Mirth (Edith Wharton)The Jungle (Upton Sinclair)The Red Badge of Courage (Stephen Crane)Daisy Miller (Henry James)The Call of the Wild (Jack London)Middlemarch (George Eliot)Vanity Fair (William Makepeace Thackeray).

Hope it helps you!

How did Britain and France try to
assure peace after the First World
War? Why do you think these
efforts failed?



they probalay failed because they did not put a whole lot of action into it


Candice is building a rectangular piece of a fence according to the plans her boss gave her. One of the angles is not labeled. Write an equation, and use it to determine the measure of the unknown angle





Since the sum of angles of a triangle is 180, we add the given angles then subtract from 180. We see its a square cut in half diagonally so they are both congruent(same).

The little square is a right angle which simply is 90 degrees, and 49.



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