write about the oppression that happened to esmeralda and the other gypies


Answer 1


Esmeralda's birth-name was Agnès. She is the love child of Paquette Guybertaut, nicknamed 'la Chantefleurie', an orphaned minstrel's daughter who lives in Rheims. Paquette has become a prostitute after being seduced by a young nobleman, and lives a miserable life in poverty and loneliness. Agnes's birth makes Paquette happy once more, and she lavishes attention and care upon her adored child: even the neighbours begin to forgive Paquette for her past behaviour when they watch the pair. Tragedy strikes, however, when Gypsies kidnap the young baby, leaving a hideously deformed child (the infant Quasimodo) in place. The townsfolk come to the conclusion that the Gypsies have cannibalised baby Agnès; the mother flees Rheims in despair, and the deformed child is exorcised and sent to Paris, to be left on the foundling bed at Notre-Dame.

Fifteen years later, Agnès — now named La Esmeralda, in reference to the paste emerald she wears around her neck — is living happily amongst the Gypsies in Paris. She serves as a public dancer. Her pet goat Djali also performs counting tricks with a tambourine, an act later used as courtroom evidence that Esmeralda is a witch.

Claude Frollo sends his adopted son Quasimodo to kidnap Esmeralda from the streets. Esmeralda is rescued by Captain Phoebus, with whom she instantly falls in love to the point of obsession. Later that night, Clopin Trouillefou, the King of the Truands, prepares to execute a poet named Pierre Gringoire for trespassing the Truands' territory known as The Court of Miracles. In a compassionate act to save his life, Esmeralda agrees to marry Gringoire.

When Quasimodo is sentenced to the pillory for his attempted kidnapping, it is Esmeralda, his victim, who pities him and serves him water. Because of this, he falls deeply in love with her, even though she is too disgusted by his ugliness even to let him kiss her hand. There, Paquette la Chantefleurie, now known as Sister Gudule, an anchoress, curses Esmeralda, claiming she and the other Gypsies ate her lost child.

Two months later, Esmeralda is walking in the streets when Fleur-de-Lys de Gondelaurier, the fiancée of Phoebus, and her wealthy, aristocratic friends spot the Gypsy girl from the Gondelaurier house. Fleur-de-Lys becomes jealous of Esmeralda's beauty and pretends to not see her, but Fleur's friends call Esmeralda to them out of curiosity. When Esmeralda enters the room, tension immediately appears—the wealthy young women, who all appear equally pretty when compared to each other, are plain in comparison to Esmeralda. Knowing that Esmeralda's beauty far surpasses their own, the aristocrats make fun of her clothes instead. Phoebus tries to make Esmeralda feel better, but Fleur grabs Esmeralda's bag and opens it. Pieces of wood with letters written on them fall out, and Djali moves the letters to spell out "Phoebus". Fleur, realizing that she now has competition, calls Esmeralda a witch and passes out. Esmeralda runs off, and Phoebus follows her.



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What is the conflict in the story of other mother?


Conflict is a fight between opposing forces in a narrative. Issue occur when characters take action to oppose those powers. There is no story if there isn't anything to overcome.

What is the story's conflict, mother?

Conflict is characterized by opposition and conflict. It could be conflict between characters who have diametrically opposed objectives and aspirations, or it might be conflict a character experiences with their own inner inconsistencies, fears, and doubts. The chances and risks that drive rising and falling activity are provided by conflict. If Frodo's quest to remove the One Ring in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings cycle were straightforward and simple, then narrative would be predictable and uninteresting. Periodic arcs of tension and release are produced by small and greater battles that Frodo encounters.

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Where did Saints come from?


There is no chute in the sky from which saints descend. They are not God's "special soldiers" sent down from heaven, fully equipped and ready to carry out their duty here on earth.

They do not come from another world; rather, they come from families much like the rest of us. Saints are not born saints; rather, they become saints by responding to God's call in the midst of the many difficult challenges that are presented to them throughout their life, partnering with His grace, and actively living out their faith. It is possible for us to believe that all of the saints were brought up in homes of a particular type, in the most religious environments imaginable. When we investigate the lives of the saints, on the other hand, we find that this is not the case. There is not a single family that has given rise to more than one saint that is identical to any other family, with the obvious exception of those families that have produced several saints. In point of fact, one such set of siblings, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, who were the young visionaries of Fatima, was canonized a few years ago. They were recognized as saints. However, throughout the course of history, there have been some holy siblings, such as Benedict and Scholastica, James and John, Cosmas and Damien, and James and John, to name just a few.

Want to know more about saints visit the link which is given below;



What effect do the rhyming verses have on the rhythm of the poem?


A poem's rhythm can be significantly impacted by the employment of rhyming verses, adding a layer of complexity and mystery that can pique the reader's interest.

As a repeated pattern of words is created and the reader is accustomed to hearing specific phrases in a certain order, rhyming rhymes can generate a sense of familiarity and structure.

As the reader may predict the next word of the poem based on the rhyme scheme, this can also engender a feeling of anticipation. A crucial component of poetry is rhythm, which helps the work flow and allows the words to be read and heard in a particular way.

To learn more about rhyming verses here:



Why was their aunt annoyed at The Bachelor?


Because she believed it was the worst narrative to tell to young children, their aunt was upset with the bachelor. He had neutralised the impact of years of diligent instruction.

Did the Bachelor agree with the aunt?

Telling stories that kids can comprehend and enjoy is a really difficult task, according to the aunt. This assertion was rejected by the bachelor.

What made the aunt decided that The Bachelor was a hard and unsympathetic man?

The bachelor's frown was developing into a scowl as he noticed the kids disobeying her, and the aunt concluded that he was a hard, indifferent man.

What causes conflict between the aunt and The Bachelor on the train?

The aunt dislikes the bachelor, is enraged by his assessment of her story, and wants to see him experience the same level of frustration that she did.

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What are the 3 stages of translation?


The ribosome's translation of an mRNA molecule happens in three stages: initiation, elongation, and termination.

Translation is the process of constructing a polypeptide chain from mRNA codons. It occurs in four stages: tRNA charging, initiation, elongation, and termination.

The ribosomes connect to a particular location of the mRNA (the short codon-AUG) and combine. Elongation occurs when peptide bonds connect amino acids in a certain order.

Termination. -The process comes to an end when tRNA reaches a stop codon. mRNA, ribosomes, and transfer RNA are essential components for translation (tRNA). During translation, mRNA nucleotide bases are read as three-base codons. Each codon represents a different amino acid.

Learn more about to translation visit here;



What is the difference between Level 2 and Level 3 autonomous driving?


Things start to get more thrilling with the transition from Level 2 to Level 3: While Level 2 autonomous driving is mainly about support technologies, Level 3 autonomous driving involves the automobile actually driving itself in certain circumstances.

Drivers could take their hands off the wheel or momentarily divert their focus to anything else.In level 3, the systems of the vehicle complete the whole dynamic driving task (DDT) in the space for which it was intended. When something goes wrong or the car is ready to exit the area where it is able to function, the car will effectively "ask" the driver to take over. Only then will the human driver be expected to be in charge of the DDT-fallback.

learn more about charge Refer:brainly.com/question/15598793


Is hunger an example of pathos?


Yes, hunger is an example of pathos. It is an appeal to the sense of hunger.

Pathos is an appeal to someone’s emotions. For example, advertisements for unhealthy fast food are meant to appeal to your sense of hunger and your cravings, not to your logic that warns against such cuisine. When you evaluate pathos you are asking whether a piece of writing, a speech, etc. arouses the audience’s interest and sympathy. You are looking for the elements that might cause the audience to feel an emotional connection to the content. An appropriate appeal to pathos is different than trying to unfairly play upon the audience’s feelings and emotions through fallacious, misleading, or excessively emotional appeals. Such a manipulative use of pathos may alienate the audience or cause them to tune out.

To learn more about Pathos please visit:



How can you tell that the essay is a piece of satire?


Satire is when defects in actual circumstances are exaggerated. The term "modest" serves as a warning to the reader that what they are about to read is anything but modest.

By using the term "modest," Swift makes it clear that he doesn't want us to take his concept seriously. He uses sarcasm to emphasise how ridiculous his ideas could seem if they are taken at face value.Satire's objective is to make its targets appear silly and cause laughing in order to degrade, humiliate, or discredit them.

Typical synonyms for satiric include ironic, caustic, and sardonic. Even though all of these words convey the same thing—"marked by bitterness and a power or intent to cut or sting"—"satiric" suggests that the point of the ridicule is to censure and reprove technique used in literature to denigrate a subject by rendering.

To know more about Satire visit:



How does the poet describe the walls?


The poet depicts the white, dingy walls of the classroom. there is a global map and lovely valleys on the walls, which are a stark contrast to the dark, filthy, and depressing surroundings in which these slum.

What makes the walls sound like sour cream?

A drab, light color characterizes sour cream. In order to convey that the classroom is a lifeless and depressing setting, the poet employed this word to describe its walls.

A slum's classroom is described by the poet. Its walls are embellished with images of Shakespeare, dome-topped structures, globe atlases, and picturesque valleys.

The bear is humorously described by the poet. He claims that a bear will give a human a bear hug as soon as it sees them. It tightly encircles its target in both of its hands before squeezing him to death.

To know more about Mending Wall visit:



What are two factors used to determine a credit score?


Answer - The primary factors that affect your credit score include payment history, the amount of debt you owe, how long you've been using credit, new or recent credit, and types of credit used. Each factor is weighted differently in your score.

What can you tell about Rikki Tikki Tavi's character by the fact that he has saved the family three times from the snakes? (USE THE R.A.C.E MERHOD FOR YOUR ANSWER)



Rikki Tikki Tavi is a character in a story by Rudyard Kipling of the same name. By the fact that he has saved the family three times from the snakes, we can infer several things about Rikki Tikki Tavi's character:

Response: Rikki Tikki Tavi is a brave and courageous character who is willing to take risks and put himself in danger in order to protect others.

Analysis: Throughout the story, Rikki Tikki Tavi demonstrates a strong sense of duty and loyalty to the family, as well as a willingness to confront and defeat the snakes, who are depicted as dangerous and formidable enemies. These traits suggest that Rikki Tikki Tavi is a highly committed and selfless character who is willing to do whatever it takes to protect those he cares about.

Conclusion: Based on the fact that he has saved the family three times from the snakes, we can conclude that Rikki Tikki Tavi is a brave, courageous, and selfless character who is willing to put himself in harm's way in order to protect others.

Evidence: This information is supported by the events of the story, in which Rikki Tikki Tavi is consistently depicted as a brave and determined defender of the family, who is able to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges in order to save them from the snakes.

How does Animal Farm describe Boxer?


He is a strong, devoted, loyal, and diligent worker. He also puts up a valiant struggle against others. Unfortunately, the swine take advantage of his excessive loyalty and work them until he passes out.

Orwell describes Boxer's disappearance in straightforward terms. Orwell utilizes straightforward, understated language as opposed to the passionate language used above. This adds to the tragedy of Boxer's treatment. Boxer shows traits of being an industrious, devoted, and modest horse throughout the novella. Napoleonic is always right and "I will work harder" are his mottos, which demonstrate his commitment to the expansion of Animal Farm. His loyalty and work ethic, although assets, are also drawbacks.This book serves as a metaphor for every facet of a Russian Revolution, including a number of particular leaders and adherents like Boxer and Napoleon. Napoleon is a metaphor for Stalin's, and Boxer is a metaphor for the working class, which obediently supports Napoleon.

To learn more about Napoleon here:



When food such as potato salad or tuna salad causes a foodborne illness The most likely reason is?


The most likely reason for foodborne illness from potato salad or tuna salad is the presence of infectious organisms or their toxins from raw foods.

Where do foodborne illnesses mostly occur?

Several times, it is implied that the majority of foodborne illnesses are caused by food consumed in places where dishes are prepared to order, such as restaurants or private homes. Natural foods of animal origin, that is, raw meat and poultry, raw eggs, unpasteurized milk, and raw shellfish are the most likely to be contaminated.

Potatoes and tuna salads can attract organisms like bacteria that can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms. They are also apparent when buying food from untrustworthy sources, failure to properly cook food, holding food at incorrect temperatures, making use of contaminated equipment, having bad personal hygiene.

Learn more on foodborne illness here: https://brainly.com/question/535955


How can you make homework effective?


1.Always have a quiet
2.take breaks
3.don’t study in your bed
4.tackle the harder assignments or questions
5.Ask questions if your unsure
6.ASK for HELP don’t wait until the last minute

What are the potential risks and burdens for research participants and how will you Minimise them?


Bodily dangers include physical discomfort, pain, damage, sickness, or disease caused by the study methodologies and processes.

What are the possible Risks to research participants?

Bodily dangers include physical discomfort, pain, damage, sickness, or disease caused by the study methodologies and processes. Physical stimuli such as loudness, electric shock, heat, cold, electric magnetic or gravitational forces, and so on can provide a physical danger. Any danger linked with an activity that is feasible under certain conditions is referred to as a potential risk. A risk is a hazard or damage that may arise during the course of any job.

There are some tangible actions you may take to reduce dangers and deceit in your study. Changes to your study design, prescreening to identify and exclude high-risk individuals, and giving participants with as much information as feasible during informed consent are examples of these.

To learn more about research participants to refer:



Why is the setting of The Great Gatsby so important?


The setting of The Great Gatsby is crucial since it reveals a lot about the inhabitants. The book is mostly situated in four locations: New York City, the valley of ashes, and the East and West Eggs.

The West Egg, home to the newly wealthy and regarded as the egg's stylish side, is where Nick and Gatsby reside. However, East Egg is the location of old aristocratic families who were already wealthy and didn't need to flaunt their money to everybody. They also have a large social network there. Tom and Daisy Buchanan reside in the east egg, a place where family is important. Poor individuals who operate a small auto business like Wilson and Myrtle reside in the valley of the ashes and are victims of the wealthy, as is evident in the conclusion when Tom Buchanan deceives Wilson into killing someone.

On the other side, New York represents what America had become in the 1920s—a place where anything was possible, where business was conducted, and where crime and bootleggers thrived. The location of the east egg and west egg is significant since it houses the primary protagonists, and Gatsby monitors Daisy from the west egg. His drive to relive his past is represented by an east egg.

To learn more about The Great Gatsby here:



What is a common distractor?


The following were listed as the most typical workplace distractions by the organizations surveyed by CareerBuilder: mobile phones, internet searching, make up stories. the internet.

What are examples of internal distractors?

Your innermost opinions and emotions might be a source of internal distraction. These could involve worries about important obligations or enjoyable activities you'd prefer to participate in. This might also contain feelings related to your current situation in life, the project you are concentrating on, concerns, and worry.

What is a good distractor?

To continue making a test as perfectly legitimate (you are detecting what you supposed to be measured) and dependable (test consistency), distractions should be error-free.

What are distractor tasks?

Before the subject tries to vaguely remember the study content to be remembered, a component or task may be employed as a distractor in memory experiments; the distractor reduces the individual's rehearsal.

To know more about distractors visit:



What are the main parts of a conclusion?



Restate your topic and why it is important,

Restate your thesis/claim,

Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position,

Call for action or overview future research possibilities.


What problem did the creation of time zones seek to remedy?


Time Zones were created to synchronize time all across the world.

What is  time zones?

There were no central time standards until around the 19th century, believe it or not. Every town, city, or location kept their own time and usually stayed in sync thanks to a clock tower or large clock placed somewhere everyone could see.

To measure time, many different tools were used, including the pendulum clock, which was invented in the 17th century. People still used the rising and setting sun to determine the time of day.

However, in 1764, an English horologist named John Harrison made a significant discovery. He realized that clocks could be used to determine a ship's location at sea. Even better, he realized it could be done much more precisely than the measurements they were using at the time.

To learn more about time zones refer to:



Will self-driving cars save lives?





self driving cars can reduce car crashes witch will reduce

deaths caused by crashes

What is the meaning of the word perilous '?


The terms "dangerous," "hazardous," "precarious," "perilous," and "risky" denote the presence or possibility of loss or harm. hazardous refers to something that, if not handled correctly, might lead to injury or loss.

Hazardous denotes a high and ongoing potential for injury or failure. assertions that smoking is bad for your health PRECARIOUS connotes both uncertainty and unease. acquired a meager living via gambling

On our website, you can find five possible scenarios for the antonym dangerously. The opposing words for dangerously are all listed here, starting with the letter P. cautiously, anxiously, and with attention.

Hazardous Driving conditions are dangerous due to the recent heavy rain. perilous Their only way out was a dangerous trek across the mountains. treacherous The roads were hazardous due to the ice.

Learn more about to hazardous visit here;



What symbol is introduced for Chillingworth in Hester's final lines in chapter 4?


The chapter's closing sentences introduce the representation of the "black man," also known as the devil's advocate. Nobody any longer forces her to wear the scarlet letter (also known as "the symbol"), yet she still does.

This quotation in the scarlet letter demonstrates Hester's eventual acceptance of how much her past defines her and her peace with her decisions.

Hester is asked by Chillingworth to swear that she will never reveal his identity to anybody. Hester must respect his want for anonymity as well since she has chosen to keep the identity of her lover a secret. Hester is warned by Chillingworth not to betray him by speech or deed.

To learn more about Roger Chillingworth here:



my fav snack is takoyaki​


Tomekichi Endo, an Osaka street vendor, is credited with creating takoyaki in 1935. Endo offered choboyaki, a precursor to takoyaki with a flattened shape and similar components.

What is takoyaki made of?

The uniqueness of takoyaki in Japanese cuisine is largely due to the use of wheat batter in its preparation. Okonomiyaki and yakisoba are two more wheat-based dishes that are well-liked in Japan. Both of these dishes are common street foods that are grilled. These recipes are particularly noteworthy since before it was introduced by outside influences, mainly Western countries, wheat was not frequently used in Japan's culinary traditions.

Although wheat is thought to have arrived in Japan during the Nara period (710–748 AD), rice remained the country's principal food source. Wheat was used to make udon and other types of noodles as well as the batter for dumplings.

The rise in the consumption of wheat flour in recent times is largely attributable to the scarcity of rice during periods of natural disaster or reconstruction, such as the Tokyo Earthquake of 1923 and the period following World War II, when merikan-ko, or "American flour," became widely accessible and affordable.

To learn more about Japanese cuisine visit:



What is the mood created for the first paragraph of The Masque of the Red Death?


In the story “The Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe, the mood is an unpleasant darkness.

The atmosphere is uncomfortable darkness in Edgar Allan Poe's tale "The Masque of the Red Death." The opening line of the narrative reads, "THE Red Death had long destroyed the nation. No other epidemic had ever been so deadly or horrific. The novel opens by detailing the terrible plague that has destroyed the nation. The sickness alone lends a melancholy tone to this tale. The Red Death is portrayed as being deadly and horrifying, which does not convey a feeling of optimism. And having unrestricted rule over all were Darkness, Decay, and the Red Death. In pursuit of the Red Death/unwanted visitor, Prince Prospero enters the black room at the conclusion of the tale. 

To know more about terrible refer :



common disorder of the bladder where bacteria infects the lower urinary tract which causes irritation and inflammation. True or False


common disorder the bladder where bacteria infects the lower urinary tract which causes irritation and inflammation is  true , Dermatitis, poison ivy and poison oak, and medication rashes are all examples of inflammatory skin disorders.

Other types of persistent skin inflammation may run in families and be caused by allergies, severe temperatures, or even stress.

UTIs are frequent illnesses caused by bacteria that enter the urethra and infect the urinary system. The infections can affect many areas of the urinary system, but the most frequent variety is a bladder infection (cystitis). A kidney infection (pyelonephritis) is another kind of UTI.

Bacteria are the most prevalent cause of UTIs, while fungi can occasionally infect the urinary system. The majority of UTIs are caused by E. coli bacteria that dwell in the gut.

Learn more about to inflammation visit here;



How many words did they add to the dictionary?


35 words were added to the dictionary

hoose the Two correct answers of the Five options.
Although she is very old, grandmother cooked us a simple but.....meal.
b) tasty
c) awful
d) terrible e) delicious



e) delecious


Is parallel an undefined term?


No matter how far we extend a straight line, a parallel line will never come together.

Any two or more lines that all lie in the same plane and never cross each other are said to be parallel lines. They have the same gradient and are similarly spaced apart. When a transversal line crosses any two parallel lines, several angles are produced. Other angles are congruent while some are extra (equal). Parallel lines are easily identified by the basic properties given below. Straight lines with constant distances between them are known as parallel lines. Parallel lines never cross, no matter how far off they are from one another. A third line and two more lines are parallel. Two lines that cross a third line perpendicularly are parallel. A third plane is parallel to two other planes. Two parallel planes that are perpendicular to a third plane. Two parallel lines to a plane are parallel.

Learn more about Parallel lines here:



What is Beowulf's reward for killing Grendel's mother?


The chapter in which Hrothgar thanks Beowulf for killing Grendel in the narrative. He rewards Beowulf by giving him new armour, a new sword, eight horses, and a tonne of gems and cash.

What is Beowulf rewarded for killing Grendel?

The mother of the Grendel is cleanly sliced through the neck by the sword, and she splats on the ground lifeless and dripping with blood. The hero is joyous.

How does Beowulf go about killing Grendel's mother?

Beowulf severed his lifeless head as a final act of retribution. Hrothgar and his troops were observing the mere from the shore.

How does Beowulf get final revenge on Grendel?

The conflict between Beowulf and the monsters symbolises the poem's theme of good versus evil as well as the blending of pagan and Christian ideas in the developing Germanic culture.

To know more about Beowulf visit:



which female character is the focus of the truman capote novella ""breakfast at tiffany’s""?


Breakfast at Tiffany's, American romantic comedy film, released in 1961, that was based on the novella by Truman Capote and featured the critically acclaimed performance of Audrey Hepburn as the free-spirited Holly Golightly.

Breakfast at Tiffany's is a 1961 American romantic comedy film directed by Blake Edwards, written by George Axelrod, and starring Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly, a naive, quirky café society girl who falls in love with a struggling writer. Paramount Pictures released it in theaters on October 5, 1961, to critical and economic success.

Nominated for five Academy Awards (winning two), and with music (including "Moon River") nominated for six Grammy Awards (winning five), the film was chosen by the Library of Congress in 2012 for preservation in the United States National Film Registry as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."

Learn more about breakfast at tiffany’s to visit this link



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